Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 26: Unexpected ending

"Hahaha, old guy, let me just say, you can't die so easily with your skills." The second generation Shui Ying laughed.

"Don't say that you are younger than me! You two, I admit, your performance has exceeded my expectations as a young man, but you can't imagine that you can beat me just with this kind of strength!"

"Say so much nonsense!" Sasuke gasped for a long time. Just now, I didn't know what ninjutsu this terrible second-generation Tukage used to "disassemble" his own Susao Nohu.

If it weren't for his own writing wheel eyes that are very powerful, and the opponent's Chakra volume is not as perverted as Penn, I'm afraid I would just turn into fly ash.

"This is Tukage's unique ninjutsu: the original world stripping technique! It can decompose all matter and turn it into dust, and it can never be locked by him again."


Although the two are still calm, they know that they are in a more dangerous situation now.

Just now they can be said to be facing each other head-on, but just now because of their carelessness, they were attacked by the second-generation water shadow and the second-generation earth shadow. No matter they attacked either side, they would be counterattacked by the other side. People attacked one person separately, and it was indeed a bit dangerous for the side of the second generation of Tuying.

And the second generation of water shadow is too "slip", it can not be solved in a short time.

What makes them even more depressed is that the current situation is not good for them.

Not only Kakashi, but Naruto was suppressed by the soil. The battle that was originally balanced was immediately changed after the foreign golem was summoned by the soil.

Of course, those tail beast jade would not hurt Naruto and Kakashi, Akay, but even after hiding in the air, they could attack the ninja army behind them.

Those people are absolutely unable to resist such terrible power! Those who can dodge are fine, but those ninjas who did not dodge in time are completely destroyed by the tail beast jade, and there is even no chance of being reincarnated in the dirt in the future.

Outer Golem has gathered the power of many tail beasts. Chakra is so big that it will never end with a wave of tail beast bullets. The aftermath of successive attacks has already made the ninja army miserable.

Originally they were not so bad, but this encounter was too sudden. Their formation was never set up. Even if Ohnogi wanted to command them to use ninjas to resolve these attacks, they could not order them.

The huge casualties made Ohnoki's forehead jump, and the only thing worthy of his comfort was probably because the ninjas of his own country listened to his orders more, so the formation was the most complete, and there was no resistance. The casualties were also smaller.

And those black shadow ninjas and the masters who reincarnated from the dirt behind the soil took advantage of this opportunity to press on, using the most chaotic phalanx as a breakthrough, tearing their formation, making the chaos even more enlarged and even wanting to make this This kind of chaos spreads to the remaining forces that can still maintain the formation.

"Naruto, you have to hold back the Uchiha belt! Don't let them attack us anymore! The square in front, hold on, even if you get killed to the last person, you must not let them easily Break in!" Onoki's orders were already a little frustrated.

Naruto and others have never directly faced the soil before. After they have learned the fairy mode, they should be able to compete with the strongest enemy, but after actually facing it, they realized that their strength has reached the limit. At a level like Earth, every movement of his own seemed to fall into their calculations, and some of his own methods were useless against him.

Now, he couldn't help but start to think. Master Xie Chen! where are you now! Please, show up soon!

"Dot and line magic eye!"

Of course Xie Chen couldn't show up where Naruto wanted to show up by themselves.

Kicked the last enemy in front of him, Xie Chen finally faced the third fortress under the cover of Hinata and others!

Moreover, the ninjas around were not particularly nervous seeing such a scene.

A lone person broke into here before, but in the end he was not able to cause much damage to the wall of the third fortress. This time, he will definitely return without success this time, and it is impossible to hurt them. The third fortress of Jinshi!

And Xie Chen saw through the weaknesses of this wall through the dotted magic line and the previous hint from Ohyeki.

"Magic sword! Elegy of disaster!"

Xie Chen didn't use his magic sword to hack the wall directly, but with a very precise sword technique, "carved flowers" on that wall!

Of course Xie Chen didn't really want to engrave the flowers, but through precise swordsmanship and the power of his own magic sword, "cut" the special connection inside the fortress wall!

after that! Xie Chen blasted out with a punch, without any tricks!

"That, what is that!" Far away on the front battlefield, all the ninjas, no matter which side they were on, all saw the amazing sight in the distance.

An astonishing dust storm rushed into the sky, and it seemed that a giant mountain collapsed instantly. That kind of destructive power, except for the soil with the external golem, everyone is discolored by it.

"It's the third fortress! Someone broke their third fortress!" All the ninjas from the Ninja Alliance cheered and reminded more and more ninjas of the situation.

With their side being crushed miserably, they ushered in an amazing victory!

No matter how terrible the loss of personnel here, at least their tactical purpose has been achieved! Moreover, this success represented the change in the situation of the entire battlefield. They no longer had no choice but to take those three forts. They could destroy the first one, and then they could destroy the other two.

In this way, whether it is psychologically or in fact, it is necessary to force the organization to pay more for defense!

"Bring soil, what should we do now?"

For the first time, his face with dirt showed hesitation.

However, this attitude only lasted for a moment, and brought the soil to immediately made up his mind: "It will be useless to fight again. We must immediately see what happened and retreat as all!"..


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