Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 210: Five Shadows

"Huh ha ha ha!"

However, for two days, all the ninjas who passed by Xie Chen and their training saw two more figures in their special training team.

Haughty, such as Sasuke and Itachi, even joined their so-called "actual combat training camp."

Sasuke originally thought that there might be some gossip, but they did not see any strange winks in their eyes, and even some ninjas did not hide their envy.

It can be seen that in the entire Ninja Army, most people agree with the promotion of Xie Chen's special training unit and their strength.

Xie Chen was accustomed to these gazes. No matter what they said or said, he didn't seem to have any intention of pulling people in.

Such performance also puzzled Sasuke. In his opinion, this kind of special training is indeed very useful. Why did Xie Chen only concentrate their limited number of people for special training and not promote this method?

Although more ninjas have strengthened their usual training based on the characteristics of their respective villages and actual combat situations, their training effects are absolutely incomparable with their own teams.

Faintly, Sasuke seemed to realize that Xie Chen had consciously failed to promote this fastest method of enhancing their strength. This mentality is probably to guard against certain village forces!

"Hey, Lord Xie Chen, if you really can't believe those Tuying and Raiking people, then you don't need to take us to such a public place for training, right?" Sasuke found Xie Chen directly after the training.

"Oh? How did you know that I was wary of Tukage and Raikage? Our cooperation is still very good now."

Sasuke glanced around, don't say "outsiders" ninja, even Naruto and others are far away from here, he can say anything with confidence.

"Master Xie Chen, do you still need to lie to me now? You can tell from the special training you gave us alone. Now, how much advantage do we have against the Shangxiao organization? It can even be said that we have the winning ticket. I don’t want a way to improve the overall strength, but only to improve the strength of this small group, ha ha, suspicious intentions."

Xie Chen shook his head: "This is what I don't like the most about you. I speak too straightforwardly."

Sasuke was taken aback for a moment: "So you have already admitted? Why?"

"Did you not even figure out your motives when you have this kind of suspicion? The reason is simple. Of course, you are afraid that if you need to turn your face with Tuying and Raiking one day, they will become even more troublesome for us when their strength improves!"

Sasuke looked shocked.

He thought he was already a bold person in the ninja world, and he dared to think very much, but now he was surprised by what Xie Chen said.

"Do you think that Tukage and Raikage will be detrimental to us in the future? Otherwise, making such a precautionary arrangement is a bit too careful, right?"

"Hmph, under the current circumstances, of course, it is unlikely that they will do us harm, but don’t forget, the land of the country has been developed into a standard militarized organization, and Ohnoki has experienced it many times. A veteran of Ninja Wars, no one can say anything in his mind."

Sasuke agrees with this sentence.

"Today, don't mention it to anyone. At least for now, I can still suppress Tuying and Raiking. We can't provoke this question."

"Cut, what an old fox!" Sasuke commented lightly and left directly.

Xie Chen touched his chin.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke, who just came back, had already thought of these problems, and it seemed that his conspiracy could not be hidden for too long. The old guy Tuying had long been suspicious. The question was whether he had exchanged this "experience" with Raiying.

In short, we still have to speed up the pace and figure out a way to solve Akatsuki's organization as soon as possible, so that even if they have any ideas, they won't be able to overcome the storm.

More importantly, as long as you kill the Akatsuki organization, then you have completed the task of guarding the village of Konoha, so you will also have good skills to unblock and raise your strength.

This is also Xie Chen's biggest killer. Everyone thinks that they have already figured out their bottom line of strength, but they always retain the power that can surprise them!

The efficiency of the ninja villages entering the war state is still very high, but in two days, Tsunade, Terumi Ming and Mifune rushed to the base with some of the elites they left behind.

With their arrival, a full counterattack against Akatsuki has begun.

Everyone had reached an agreement in the communication meeting before, so when they arrived, they just discussed briefly, and they began to attack Akatsuki.

This time, in order to maximize morale, the Five Shadows will be combined into an offensive direction. With the strength of the five of them, it is definitely worthy of the soil or the six points of Penn.

Now because of their joining and Penn's injury, the Ninja Alliance has one more main attack point, while Akatsuki's organization has one less. With their strength declining, the possibility of their success in this attack is very high!

"This time our goal is only one, to defeat the opponent's second fortress!" Before leaving, Gokage and Mifune roared and swore in front of all the Ninja Alliance army, domineering momentarily.

The ninjas and samurai below were all enthusiastic, and the casualties during the last war were immediately forgotten.

Although the Five Shadows have now been gathered, Xie Chen’s power is definitely theirs, especially Xie Chen has shown last time that he has the same ability to destroy the fortress of the Akatsuki organization, just like those ninjas of the Tukage Special Mission. This time, no matter which of the two teams can rush to the second fortress first, they can uproot this stronghold.

In order to win a complete victory this time, they also took the factor of pocket into account, so they also prepared the third wave of fist power. That is, headed by Sasuke, Itachi, Naruto and Mifune, the combination of the strength of these four people will not be much weaker than Gokage. ..


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