Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 222: Lu Jiu's Analysis

"Master Xie Chen has just returned. It can be seen that they have gone through a hard fight. Fortunately, Master Xie Chen has brought all his subordinates back."

"As expected of Master Xie Li." Akai sighed.

Although this sounds like a very ordinary thing, after this great battle, Kai knows how difficult this kind of thing is. But this time the important figures of the Akatsuki organization did not show up. When I thought about it, I knew that they must have concentrated on dealing with Xie Chen. Under such circumstances, he could still bring Hinata and others back completely. With such strength, he might be Far from it.

"Go ahead, Xie Chen-sama is now discussing with Tsunade-sama how to deal with the current situation. Kakashi and others are also there."

"Well, I will continue to work hard for you here."

Xiao Li's identity was not enough, so he could only wait outside first, and Akai Temari and Kankuro walked into the conference hall.

The atmosphere inside is very solemn, and everyone's mood will not be too good after experiencing the war.

"Akai, how is your team going, are everyone back?"

"No. Ning Ci's tricky trick is trapped, and now the life and death are unknown, and Tiantian, finally fleeing back in order to cover us, it is likely that..."

Xie Chen also had a rare heavy mood. For him, these characters were already more vivid than before, especially Ning Ci. During this time, he resolved the hatred in his heart and got along well with Hinata. In addition to the few players that he personally selected, he was the first group of ninjas to have special training with him. And his performance is also one of the best.

Unexpectedly, under this betrayal, even such a talented person would die.

"Forget it, such casualties are absolutely inevitable. The most important thing now is how to stabilize the position and then launch a counterattack against them. This is the way to avoid more casualties of the companions."

Akai regained some spirit and nodded heavily and said, "No matter what plan you have, I am willing to take the lead. I must make the Dou He Xiao organization pay the heaviest price!"

"There is always a chance. Tsunade, I think you have sent ninjas out to find the ninjas who fled back in scattered ways. Have you restored some order."

"Yes, Shikamaru and Lujiu have already done this part of the work first. This time our loss is really very heavy!" Tsunaga sighed and told Xie Chen and others what he knew.

This time, the ninjas of the Land of the Earth and the Land of Thunder don’t have to think about it. Regardless of whether they knew about Ohnogi’s plan before, they dare not let them perform any tasks now, in case some of them are lurking. Then they don't know how much loss they will suffer. and the four major forces in the Iron Kingdom, Konoha, Wuyin Village, and Shayin Village also suffered heavy losses.

The biggest loss is the three ships of the Iron Kingdom. As the head of the samurai, he killed himself to cover Tsunade and Terumi Mei's evacuation.

From below him, the losses of elite Shinnin and elite samurai have also reached a very alarming level, including ninjas like Neji and Tiantian who have a deep relationship with them.

Now their remaining strength, I am afraid that only half is left. Of course, as part of the scattered ninjas withdrew, their strength could be restored even more. However, some of the formations they prepared before were unusable, so they could only reorganize the formation with the current ninja lineup.

"With such strength, can we really withstand the opponent's offense?" Kakashi was a little sad.

"If you can't stand it, you must do it. Fortunately, the morale of the ninja I have observed this time has not been overwhelmed. Now that everyone is mourning the soldiers, coupled with the mentality of revenge for their companions, they will definitely be able to perform better. Strong combat power."

Xie Chen frowned and said, "Although it is said that, the gap in strength cannot be ignored. Even if there is morale and fighting spirit, if the difference in strength is too large, it will definitely be dead."

Lu Jiu stood up at this time and said, "I wonder if I can give my opinion?"

"Of course, Lujiu, you are our Konoha's famous wise man, and we also hope to refer to your opinions."

Lu Jiu sorted out his thoughts and slowly said: "In fact, we may have a misunderstanding, that is, this time the Akatsuki organization, the power of Dou, and the power of the earth and thunder have been combined, but In fact, it should not be so exaggerated. Although they jointly made this trap for us, when this matter is over, they will still part ways. Split into two forces and they will never deal with us together. It will form a three-legged situation."

"Oh?" Xie Chen heard it, his eyes lit up, and asked: "How did you make such a judgment?"

Lujiu explained: "Before that, let's not say that they are the ninjas of the two major forces. Even Ohnoki and Raikage have never shown any desire to cooperate with Akatsuki. So we can infer that they Cooperation is only recent, and there was no basis for trust before."

Xie Chen and Tsunade nodded their heads, agreeing with his analysis.

"Under such a situation, can they really cooperate with each other with complete confidence? Especially the land of the land and the land of thunder, their power is relatively weak, and they can't trust these people. Otherwise, we will still If they weren't destroyed, they might have been eaten by Akatsuki. Since they can cooperate with Onoki and others to pit us, why can't they cooperate with us to deal with them?"

"As long as Onoki and others have this worry, then they absolutely dare not really cooperate with Xiao Organization, right?" Xie Chen understood what he meant.

"Not only that, as Tukage and Raikage, they must also consider the ideas of the ninjas in their villages. In the previous wars, the ninjas in their two villages have also suffered very serious losses. Those ordinary ninjas must have ideas in their hearts. If they can’t appease these people, Ohnoki and Raikage, who had already betrayed, will most likely face the end of the betrayal."..


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