Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 224: Night attack

"I know, everyone is very sad for Neji's sacrifice, but he definitely doesn't want us to be just immersed in grief. Hinata, give full play to your strength and let them regret what they did today!"

"I understand!" Hinata's eyes turned firm, and he went with the others to prepare for this battle.

Although they can confirm that they will not rescue the ninjas in the land of the land and the land of thunder, they cannot guarantee that they will not take the opportunity to conduct a raid on the base.

Therefore, they could not send all their power in this operation.

On the other hand, the goal of their raid was to deal with the two characters headed by Ohnoki and Raikage. Instead of killing the land of the earth and the land of thunder.

Therefore, Tsunade and the others decided to be led by Xie Chen, leading a commando team with sufficient weight to directly attack their temporary base.

Of course, such tactics also put forward higher requirements for the actors. They must defeat Ohnoki and Raikage as well as the protective forces around them as quickly as possible, otherwise, once the other party receives the news of the ninja back, it will be a hard fight even if they retreat immediately.

So this time all the operatives were selected by Xie Chen alone, and no one else had any objections.

Xie Chen is also not welcome, and prioritizes the selection of the people who can cooperate best with him, that is, he will not cut and Hinata and others, and at the same time he has selected other strong players, including Sasuke and Itachi, as well as Kakashi and Akai.

Sasuke and Itachi, the two restless elements, are more at ease under their noses, and letting them deal with the ninjas in the land of the land and the land of thunder will not be any "surprise" for them. And Naruto, Terumi Ming and other special and absolutely reliable figures stayed in the base to guard against possible raids by Akatsuki.

Although this kind of power is still weak against them, Shayin's ninja also prepared a lot of after-movements in the base, coupled with their concentration of power, it will definitely be able to sustain it.

After nightfall, Lu Feng and the others set off immediately.

Although the ninjas of the country of the earth and the country of thunder will certainly be more vigilant, they should not have thought that they would take such drastic actions so soon.

There is no temptation, no intelligence detective, Xie Chen and the others will behead the enemy directly!

At the same time, what’s more important is that ordinary ninjas haven’t adjusted their mentality yet. Although they still obeyed their own Raikage and Tukage’s requirements and stood on their side, from the bottom of their hearts , They know that this is absolutely wrong.

It's not that they can't take action against Konoha and others, but they were still fighting side by side just before, and the other side had tried to save themselves by desperately blocking their enemies!

And this action, they have always thought it was to deal with that common enemy. However, they chose to betray at this time!

Don't say whether the other party will forgive them, even they themselves think they are unforgivable-this also makes many people embarrassed to return to the base in Shayin Village, because they are faceless. So the guards from the outside quickly broke in, but when they got inside, they ran into trouble.

Oh Yemu and Lei Ying knew about Xie Chen's strength, and they absolutely didn't dare to be careless. Although they also think that Akatsuki's restraint, they will not come so soon, but they must not be careless in their defense work.

They could see several teams patrolling back and forth in their sight at the same time, and how many in other directions were unknown. A rough estimate of the number of ninjas that may exist in this neighborhood is really difficult if you want to break through without showing your strength.

"Sasuke and Itachi will conduct a feint first, followed by Temari and Kankuro for the second wave of feints. After that, Hinata and I will not cut again. Bai and Adzuki will make a frontal attack. Kakashi and Akay will prevent them from hiding behind. The ninja in the dark makes a surprise attack!"

"Okay!" Everyone knows how difficult this mission is, so even Sasuke and Itachi have no objection.

They immediately began to act. In order to achieve the greatest deterrent effect and attract the most ninjas, Sasuke and Itachi intensified Susano's power as soon as they appeared!

The powerful Chakra immediately attracted everyone's attention. They were afraid that Onoki and Raikage would be in danger-this is also their most contradictory point, because without these two people, they really couldn't find any fighting spirit and persistence. The meaning of-so immediately concentrated most of the power to them.

When the feint attack on the other side started, even Onoki and Raikage himself thought that it was already the direction of the main attack, and ordered all the defensive forces to attack there.

But at this moment, Xie Chen suddenly broke out!

Because he has the power of instant shave, no one noticed the initial advance. They were suddenly surprised when he was already close to less than fifty steps away from Ohnoki and Raiking.

"There are assassins! Stop him!"

The ninjas gathered around Ohnoki all rushed up.

Fortunately, these people are all elites in the land of the earth and the land of thunder, and their strength is still very strong, and an impinging barrier was formed in front of Xie Chen in an instant.

Xie Chen smiled slightly, did not attack them hard, and a flash of lightning flashed after another instant shave, and he had already turned to their side.

Only then did the ninjas realize that there is still a ninja behind Xie Chen!

"Great Sword Slash!" There won't be so many tricks if you don't cut it anymore. If you want to attack, you can attack directly, it's easy! Cut it down with a big knife, and the barrier was directly cut into two with an extremely smooth section!

"That is, don't cut Tao Di!" Everyone here recognized his identity.

In the past, the name of the seven Ninja swords resounded through the Ninja World, and no one was afraid of its three points. In this Ninja Alliance Army, they have also seen many times in the battle with Akatsuki. This kind of strength is more powerful than the legendary, so after seeing this killer, even those who have experienced a lot of battles are a little bit drummed. ..


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