Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 234: Akatsuki's retreat

Of course, the arrangement of the Yixiao organization would not ignore the peripheral vigilance, so as soon as Xie Chen and the others charged, the people inside, who were fighting Tsunade and others, received the news.

"Don't fight them head-on, try to fight against them!"

Tai Tu coldly looked at the big ninjutsu formation blocking their way.

His raid this time still somewhat underestimated the preparations of the Ninja Alliance Army.

Originally, he got some advice from someone, but he thought that there were very few ninjutsu in this world that he didn't understand. With the power of him and Tou and Payne, it should be possible to break most of the ninjutsu formations and directly destroy their main base.

But the ninjutsu formation they laid out this time was specifically designed for their own advantages and their own characteristics.

The strongest ninjas such as Tsunade and Terumi Ming can give full play to their strengths and strengths here. They raided several times and clearly wounded Tsunade and Terumi Mei, but the ninjutsu formation immediately took effect and separated them. After they broke through a few obstacles, they recovered under medical ninja treatment. I lost my strength and rushed out again.

This is similar to a "sticky skin candy" tactic, they have spent a lot of time and energy but failed to break through this line of defense!

On the other hand, they still underestimated Xie Chen's strength too much.

No matter how unpopular Ohnoki and Ai are, at least they are masters of the shadow level and they have now integrated most of the village ninjas, but in the face of Xie Chen's raid, they were completely successful in such a short time!

If they can be entangled for two more hours, they will have a great chance to make a breakthrough!


Tai Tu didn't let his emotions be revealed, but made a calm judgment.

All the ninjas on the periphery are not strong enough, so if they are on guard, it's okay to let them block Xie Chen frontally, just to send them to death.

——This is not to say that he would actually feel sorry for those ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty earth or the black shadow ninjas they created, but he understood that even if they were all on, it would actually not be able to stop Xie Chen for how long. On the contrary, it will further weaken its own strength.

After all, they had wasted too much power before. Now, they also had to cherish the power they had on hand even more, even if they used the power of the ten tails to create a ninja, it would take time.

Xie Chen's assault was extremely shocking. Even if it was only a certain "entanglement", their subordinates did not achieve the goal.

Less than ten minutes later, Xie Chen had already rushed to the door of the main base with Hinata and others, and brought the soil back to the storm.

"Take the soil, I'm so sorry, this time you wasted so much power trying to provoke our internal fighting, but now we have resolved it. And most of the ninjas in the land and thunder have decided to belong to us again. Your subordinates. Your trickery has failed!"

Xie Chen pointed out the result of this action when he saw the first sentence of the soil. On the one hand, it is to dampen their self-confidence, on the other hand, it is to tell Tsunade and the ninja who stayed behind in this way.

"Oh, did you hear that? It really is Master Xie Chen!"

"Yeah, I knew it a long time ago. Onoki and Ai are not rivals of Master Xie Chen at all. The same is true for Xiao Organization."

The morale that had previously been low because of his death was completely inspired by Xie Chen's return and this exciting news. Even if the body is exhausted, even if they are asked to immediately launch a counterattack against Akatsuki, they can act immediately!

"Huh, I have to admit that your aggressive action was beyond my expectation. When I received the report, I thought you were just an ordinary probing attack this time, until you broke into the enclosure at an astonishing speed. I realized your intention."

"Huh? It's rare. Admit your calculations so generously. Do you think the trend is over and you are ready to give up resistance?"

"Haha, Xie Chen, you may not take yourself too high. Do you really think that no one can control you in this world? You are lucky this time. When the next decisive battle, I will definitely let you see What is real horror!"

"The premise is that you can leave smoothly this time. Do you really think this is the place where you want to go?" Xie Chen waved his right hand, and Hinata and others pushed forward at the same time, and Tsunade was defending in the ninjutsu formation. The others and the elite ninjas behind also began to counterattack!

"Huh! Pocket, you clear the way behind, the ninjas outside can't stop you, leave these people to me and Payne!"

"Shin Mighty Shuriken!"

Bringing soil waved his hands repeatedly, unexpectedly issued four superb shurikens at the same time.

Knowing that this kind of shuriken with space ninjutsu can by no means be cracked by others, if it can’t be blocked directly, it will be possible to pay much casualties later, so Xie Chen must personally rush to block the hands of these gods. sword.


Payne on the other side was waiting for such an opportunity, his hands condensed, and a stone core appeared in mid-air, and with amazing suction power, all the ninjas who were rushing over all around could not help being sucked into the sky by it. feel.

"The art of gossip sealing spirits!" Hinata reacted extremely quickly, knowing that this was the terrible ninjutsu of Heavenly Dao Payne. If its power was really allowed to play out, then none of the ninjas sucked over could survive.

Therefore, all the air around the stone core was immediately gathered, making it impossible to exert its absorption power.

"Huh! How dare we destroy our ninjutsu!"

Hungry Ghost Dao and Beast Dao pounced at the same time, fighting with the surrounding Kakashi, Akai, and Naruto.

In the other direction, Tsunade, Terumi Ming and others were blocked by the shadow-level ninjas who had reincarnated from the dirty land.

And by taking advantage of the opportunity that their main thrusting force was blocked, most of Akatsuki's ninjas began to retreat.

It seems that Xie Chen's help back can only be useless, but the front pocket was blocked by two ninjas who suddenly came out!

"Sasuke! Itachi! It's you again!" Seeing the identities of the two, the voice of the pocket became colder! ..


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