Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 240: Madman and genius

With this analysis, Sasuke and Itachi really don't have to send them to deal with pockets. In other words, let them join to deal with those few shadow masters, but at the same time they are close to the area of ​​the battlefield.

With their support, it is not easy for those shadow level masters to gain an advantage, even if there is such a terrible existence as the second generation of Tuying. And once Naruto and others deal with a disadvantaged situation, they can also support the first time. Avoid changes in the battlefield over there.

After discussing again for a while, everyone had no opinion on Xie Chen's arrangement, so the first draft of the real decisive battle was decided.

After that, the frontline intelligence ninja battle suddenly became more popular. It seems that those frontline ninjas all regard those sporadic battles as the final decisive battle, desperately trying to expand their own vague advantage.

Later, Xie Chen handed over the command of his newly developed battle formation to Tsunade and Lujiu, who would take over the command if he was too entangled with the soil. Xie Chen and Tsunade are very relieved of Lujiu's talents.

After the ninja battlefield training of the land of the land and the land of thunder made considerable progress, the day of the decisive battle set by the ninja army finally arrived.

This time they did not count the roads and move forward from the beginning, but they were sent out again by Xie Chen.

After Xie Chen's sneak attack last time, the patrolling ninjas of Xiao's organization were much more careful. But this is not very useful, because this time, Xie Chen is not going to attack them without defense, but to make a positive breakthrough!


Xie Chen keenly discovered through his own ability that these patrolling ninjas are all holding a special chakra power. As long as they are activated, they can place the signal far away, reminding the people there that there is an enemy attack and also let them take the best Come to help fast.

After that, the others rushed towards the ninjas at full speed.

It was too late when the ninjas found out that something was wrong. They touched behind and found a black square-like object, but when they wanted to activate it, they found that the traps that had already been set far away did not respond! At the same time, the others have already been killed!

Fortunately, these black shadow ninjas have no emotions, otherwise, the front and back are copied and reinforcements cannot be called in. They must have collapsed.

But these people had long expected that they would not be able to escape Xie Chen's attack, and they were desperately trying to fight the ninja rushing in front of them!

But it's a pity that even if they don't cut the strength of the others, they are far beyond their ability.

"Beheaded with a big sword!"

The huge chopping knife smashed a circle around the center of no more chopping. Just when the ninjas didn't understand why he used this trick when he was so far away, they suddenly realized that if you don't cut it, I don't know when they have already jumped into them!

None of the seven black shadow ninjas escaped from the range of the decapitated broadsword that would not be beheaded anymore, and found that his body was broken in two without even screaming.

"Don't delay, rush to the next point immediately!"

In the past, relying on the intelligence obtained by the intelligence ninjas fighting for their lives, Xie Chen had already formulated a very precise plan. Before they released it, they already knew several nodes on the road, and even encountered one here. The patrol ninja organized by Team Xiao was also completely in their expectation.

"it is good!"

Hina Tian and others agreed in a low voice, and followed Xie Chen's body.

After they pulled three outposts in a row, the main force of the ninja coalition army had already begun to act.

After breaking three points in the middle, they were not afraid of being discovered by the ninja of Akatsuki who flashed in the middle. Because when they want to send news later and also want to find reinforcements, they will find that there is no response waiting for them at all!

Relying on this method, at the very beginning, they rushed all the way, and they advanced more than 20 miles from the warning belt of both sides!

However, Akatsuki certainly couldn't be defeated by them with this trick.

Finally got the news, immediately mobilized all the power and started to fight!


I don't know which hapless team detonated the trap that Akatsuki had prepared for a long time. Seeing the explosion there, I am afraid that half of the team will be lost!

"Xie Chen, do you think that the ability to repel us before is equal to the strength overwhelming us? Without the help of your defensive Ninja formations, you would not be opponents at all!"

"Anyone can say big things, it depends on whether you can really block us! Although I have said it many times before bringing the soil, I still want to emphasize, give up your unrealistic ideal. As long as you give up, then I can Make sure that the people in your organization will not be held accountable!"

"This sentence is what I want to say to you at the same time. Isn't it good to live in my infinite monthly reading? At that time, everyone will be carefree, let alone killing and fighting for their own interests. !"

From their current performance, it can be seen that in this battle, both sides have uncertainties. That's why they used this method of shouting to prove their "justice" before the war, and it was also a means to improve their morale.

Especially for the side of the Ninja Army, this method is even more important.

"Unfortunately, your talent is one of the best in the entire ninja world, but it's too crazy! Self-made genius and lunatic are only a thin line apart, with soil, turning back is the shore!" Xie Chen's tone was full of compassion.

"There is only a thin line between the genius and the lunatic?" He repeated this sentence in a muttered voice.

This sentence was taken for granted to Xie Chen, but the meaning contained in it had a strong impact on the first time I heard it.

That seems to be the actual portrayal of "him".

Although it was only a momentary trance with the strength of the earth's mind, it was also heard in the ears of the ninja, and the impact was equally huge.

Originally, the slogan of the Xiao organization was somewhat seductive, but now they have seen through Xie Chen's words!

That is just a crazy plan! And they are definitely not puppets at the mercy of a madman! ..


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