Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 243: Don't cut the wound again

Both sides have the reason that they can only win but not defeat, and the subsequent battles sparked fierce sparks, which is likely to be the first part of the entire battlefield to determine the victory or defeat.

On the other hand, Don't Cut and brought Hinata and others to meet Liudao Payne.

"Payne, I really didn't expect you to support him after knowing the plan to bring the soil! Do you want the whole world to fall into that so-called unlimited monthly reading?"

"Hmph, I only have one goal, and that is to eliminate the fight in the entire world forever. As for the means, that is not within my consideration!"

"A good one is not in your consideration. I used to listen to the adults talking about you. At that time, I was very sympathetic to you and felt that I could fight for your cooperation. But now, it seems that you and that bringing the soil are fundamental It's a raccoon dog!"

"After you can defeat us, it's not too late to talk about these nonsense!"

It is obvious that there is no change in the expression of Six Payne at all. Hinata sighed secretly, knowing that verbal persuasion had no effect, and they had to decide the winner first!


Tiandao Payne knows that although their strength is not as good as Xie Chen, they are the first masters who started to follow Xie Chen. Each has the ability to challenge themselves as a clone. Together, they must also have a very strong tacit understanding. The strength of the company has been brought into play.

So I didn't dare to be careless, and I used my strongest ninjutsu trick when he came up!

A star core came out of the mid-air, but it didn't have the power to attract them like before. Instead, it suddenly burst directly in mid-air, forming a strong repulsive force, pushing them away completely! So that they can not form a joint force.

After that, Hell Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao suddenly rushed towards the leader No.

Although he knew from previous battles that Hinata’s current strength is not necessarily weaker than No-Slash, but he knows better that the non-slash fighting method is the most aggressive and the most lethal. If you can’t get rid of him first, you only need other clones. An oversight will be seriously injured by him.

In the face of so many masters, even if he has enough Chakra, I am afraid there is no extra time to recover their injured bodies.

Once his strength is reduced in a short period of time, it is likely to be defeated by them.

At the first sight of them, Penn had already worked out a complete battle plan. First break them apart and then kill them at the first time, at least the general who injured them!

If you don't cut it, of course you know your own situation. Just now everyone was not prepared, so they were completely washed away. Although only two of Penn’s clones rushed over, the Heavenly Path Penn and others at the back also focused their attention completely on themselves, waiting for themselves to reveal their flaws, while Hinata and others were the first time in the world. Support yourself!

However, even in the face of such a harsh environment, there is still no idea of ​​retreating if you don't cut it again, but instead slashes back to meet them!

This is the fighting style of never cutting. Even if he knows that he may be seriously injured or even killed on the spot, he still does not want to protect himself, but to make the other party pay a more serious price!

Attack and attack again!

This is the way to fight again!

This move of completely unexpectedly went beyond Payne’s expectations. Hell Road is not particularly good at combat. Although the reaction speed of the six clones is the same, his body reaction is slightly slower. One shot.

When he realized that the goal of not being beheaded was himself, that terrible beheading knife had already been cut to his face!


Hell Dao roared directly at such a critical moment, and his body entered another dimension!


This move also exceeded everyone's expectations. According to previous information, **** does not seem to have space ninjutsu.

However, the situation afterwards made them understand somewhat.

His spatial transformation is not like bringing soil to completely transfer his body to another space, and without beheading it with a swipe of a knife, the area where he is located has a feeling of "cracking", and it has already Hell roads that entered another "space" were still injured.

That space should be the space where he summoned the Hades to heal other Payne's bodies with psychic skills, but its "isolation" effect was a little too poor, and it still didn't completely separate the attacks of not cutting.

But this price is not unworthy.

If you don't attack with full force, your defense will be very loose. Hungry Ghost Dao seized the opportunity to punch him on the back.

Of course, the Beast Dao and Heavenly Dao Payne on the side would not give a chance to recover without cutting.

Heavenly Dao Payne had a pair of hands, and he was unable to escape by holding it with a huge suction force without cutting it, while the beast Dao Payne summoned a huge skeleton cow, directly impacting it and wounding him again.

However, if he didn't cut the force to this point, he swung down the beheading knife again when he was under the impact, and cut the summoned skeleton bull into two directly!

"Don't cut the lord again!" Fortunately, at this time, Hinata and others finally rushed to directly use the gossip sealing technique to "protect" the no longer cut.

The dense air made it impossible to move without cutting, but at the same time other people couldn't hurt him.

Bai and Zaibuzhan have the closest relationship. Seeing that he was hit so hard, his eyes were red at that time. With a wave of his right hand, a huge cone of ice appeared in the sky, and suddenly hit the denser area where Liudao Payne stood. Past!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Heavenly Dao Payne immediately generated repulsive power, but the impact of that ice cone was so terrible that he couldn't completely push it away with his power, but it only caused a certain deviation in the position it hit.


The ice cone hit the ground, and countless ice cubes scattered and flew around, still posing a great threat to the six penins, especially the **** road that had been injured before and could not hide in another space for a long time. ..


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