Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 249: Uchiha spot

However, although the battlefield on Naruto's side was thrilling, it was not the key to determining the entire battle. In fact, from the time the Akatsuki organization and the Ninja United Army confronted each other head-on, almost the entire victory, except for the betrayal of Onoki and Raikage, was on the battlefield where Xie Chen was.

If Xie Chen is defeated, then one of the spiritual pillars of the Ninja Army will be defeated. Similarly, if he can win, whether it is to defeat or kill enemies such as Payne, Tou, or Toot, then the encouragement for their fighting spirit is unimaginable.

There will be no power to stop them from winning.

And now, such an opportunity is here.

After solving a few black shadow ninjas, Xie Chen calmly walked towards the outgoing golem with soil and heavy damage.

If you bring soil and cooperate with the Golem of Outer Dao, then no matter whether it has recovered or not, you can reproduce the previous slashing situation again, making it impossible to hide, and if you bring soil to avoid being caught by Xie Chen When the outer golem is put away, the victory or defeat is even simpler. Even if you can dodge the delay with the power of the earth, the failure is only a matter of time!

"Take soil, do you have any further tricks? If you don't use it now, I'm afraid you will never have the opportunity to use it again."

"You don't need to remind you of this. The first time I fought with you, I realized that your strength was above mine. But I didn't expect that after this period of time, you have become more terrifying!"

"If this is your last words, then there is no need to say it again, but as a joy to praise you, I will leave you a whole body."

After speaking, Xie Chen drew out the magic sword again and cut it at him.

"I'm not your opponent, but it doesn't mean that others are not your opponent! Do you think that what we show now is the final strength?" Facing Xie Chen's slash, he didn't evade with the soil, but was fanatical. The ground roared.

With his roar, a figure suddenly appeared above the battlefield.

His body is not big, at least it can’t be compared with giant snakes and outside golems, but for some reason, everyone present, including Xie Chen himself, suddenly realized that a black shadow was pressing over his head, and it seemed to be able to Block out all the sunlight.

"how can that be!"

"That is, that is Uchiha Ban!"

Uchiha Madara!

This name makes the entire ninja world shake.

Although no one of the frontline ninjas here has really seen the terrible Uchiha Madara after the death of Ohnoki, this name still became a cloud in their hearts, making the entire ninja united army impossible. See the light of hope for victory.


A sickle appeared in front of Xie Chen and actually blocked his slash!

You know, he was attacking with a magic sword in his hand, while Uchihaban shot the sickle out, so he should be stronger. But at this time it was not able to knock it out!

"So strong!"

Xie Chen Surong backed away, and there was no place for Uchiha to take soil in his eyes.

Uchiha Ban is truly worthy of his reputation in the Naruto World, and he is definitely the strongest ninja he has ever encountered!

"Huh?" In the same way, Uchiha Madara originally thought that with his own power and the power of the sickle, the ninja who was slashing towards the earth would definitely be counter-shocked, but he did not expect that he was just blocking his attack. Just come down! The opponent can still stand calmly, ready to attack and defend at any time.

"I haven't been in the ninja world for so many years. I didn't expect such a terrible character to appear. No wonder even the soil was defeated by you. Haha, that's fine, lest my comeback battle is too boring!"

"Fire escape! Long Yan's art of singing!"

As soon as Uchiha Madara's voice fell, he suddenly formed a mudra and spit out a fire dragon attack from his mouth.

This is not the trick of Sasuke and Itachi that only spit out a fire dragon. Uchiha Madara actually spit out more than ten fire dragons in one breath, and each of them was so powerful that they attacked several different battlefields.

Of course, Xie Chen is the best one to get "care". The six fire dragons rushed directly to him. The terrifying heat and destructive power made Xie Chen deal with it carefully.


With his right hand stretched out, Xie Chen blasted his magic power to the strongest, only then turned the six fire dragons away!

But other people didn't have such a method as Xie Chen.

The remaining six fire dragons attacked the battlefield where Dou and Payne were located. Forcing Naruto, Hinata and others to no longer maintain the offensive, they first tried their best to resist this wave of attacks.

Of course, Dudou was able to deal with it more calmly, and Penn immediately seized this opportunity to fly back. Although the road of **** was also destroyed, as long as they kept their bodies, they had a chance to recover.

"It's a magical technique, I have never seen it before." Uchiha Madara looked at Xie Chen's response method and showed a surprised expression again. "Xie Chen, you are indeed worthy of being my opponent. Let everyone see now. , The undefeated God of War of the Ninja Alliance Army today, can he still maintain his myth!"

"With this in mind, I also want to see if the biggest villain in the Ninja World can be worthy of his reputation!"

"Fire escape! Dust hiding technique!"

Uchihaban showed a sarcasm, and his figure suddenly disappeared among the hot dust.

When all the ninjas feel attentively, they can only sense a piece of high temperature that makes them almost intolerable, and cannot sense the existence of Uchiha Madara!

"Huh! It's impossible to win by hiding the head and showing the tail." Xie Chen is not surprised and worry-free, just commenting lightly.

"Block my next attack and talk about it! Fire escape! Extinguish the fire!"

Suddenly, a wall of flame appeared in front of them, and quickly pushed towards them.

A Kami Shinobu from Wuyin Village sneered: "I thought Uchiha Madara could use some terrible ninjutsu, but it was just a wall of fire! Water escape! The art of the river flow!"

A water stream that seemed to be stronger than the flame wall spurted from his mouth, but when the two ninjutsu just touched, his water stream was instantly dried! The hundreds of ninjas behind are all in danger! ..


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