Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 252: Magic weapon

"I didn't expect you to survive such an attack to the south."

Xie Chen moved his wrist and said, "There are so many things that really surprise you. Now, it's my turn to fight back! Strengthen!"

Without using any ninjutsu, Xie Chen rushed towards Uchiha Madara's front. Simple and direct moves can also exert the greatest power. Xie Chen used his speed to the extreme, and asked Uchiha Madara to make an assault first!

"Wooden Dun! Giant wooden shield!"

Regarding Xie Chen's attack power, Uchiha Madara was also a little hesitant. This time he didn't think about counterattacks anymore, but instead used all his power for defense.

However, he underestimated the strength of Xie Chen before. After receiving the blessing of strengthening power, Xie Chen's strength once again upgraded!


A big hole was opened in the center of the huge wooden shield, and Hinata and others saw that Xie Chen's fist seemed to hit Uchiha Madara's Suzano.


Countless ninjas cheered. But then they saw the grinning smile on Ma's face.

"Hehe, I have to admit that your strength is indeed very strong. But it is a pity that your strength has been greatly weakened after breaking my giant wooden shield, and my Suzuo Noga has a very strong defensive power! This time, It's your turn to die!"

A bigger fist hit Xie Chen's body. At such a close distance, he didn't even have time to perform the instant shave technique, so he was directly blown out and smashed the ground into a big hole.


It is the first time that Xie Chen suffered such a big loss after entering the Naruto World. With Uchiha Madara’s power, he completely swallowed this punch by himself, and his body was almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, he saved more thoughts and used it in advance. The defense is strengthened.

"I can still stand up. Humph, it looks like my show is far more exciting than I thought before, so let's fight again, kid!"

Armed with magic!

On Xie Chen's appearance, countless armor-like intangible objects appeared around Xie Chen and looked like they had performed ninjutsu that seemed to be the same, but it made people unable to feel the power of Chakra. At the same time, besides the magic sword, there was another weapon with a strange shape, which was integrated with this armor.

"Strengthening! The fire of disaster!"

Swinging the magic sword with all his strength, a black flame full of destructive power shot towards Madara. At the same time, Xie Chen's two swords interlaced and slashed forward.

"Boom!" Although Ban could see Xie Chen's changes, he still thought that his strength was far above Xie Chen, and he punched him without hesitation.

However, the flames of disaster had amazing penetrating power. His own Suzuo couldn't even prevent its damage, letting this flame power go through his own fist!


There was a sharp pain in his body, and Madara Uchiha's entire right arm was paralyzed. But Xie Chen would never give him a chance to recover, and the double-edged swords cut it all!

"Tuanfan! Uchiha rebounds!"

Uchiha Madara, who couldn't resist with the current strength, could only use new methods again. Use your own fan to use Uchiha to bounce back!

Xie Chen only felt that his slash was reflected back. Although he could not completely eliminate his attack, he also faced the risk of being injured by his own power if he continued to attack.

"How come there is such a thing!" Even with Xie Chen's disposition, he wanted to curse. How is this kind of ninja and ninjutsu different from cheating?

With a thought, Xie Chen immediately put away his attack, but at the same time, he suddenly grabbed his right hand, drew the ball fan into his hand, and moved it to the distance without stopping.

"Hmm! Give me back my patience!"

Uchiha Madara was startled and rushed towards Xie Chen.

"Chee, do you think I'm stupid? Give you back your weapon, then why don't you commit suicide to show me." Xie Chen competed, although the ball fan is an extremely powerful endurance tool, but thank you Xie Chen His right hand had the power to eliminate Chakra, and it couldn't resist Xie Chen's power, so it was destroyed on the spot.

"Scythe of the Great Kill!" Xie Chen's actions angered Uchiha Madara, and he waved his other endurance with his right hand, driving the "Wind of the Great Kill" towards Xie Chen!

Xie Chen avoided the sickle on his side, but was caught by the wind of killing it brought up, and instantly felt that part of his power was swept away by this wind!

"It's another cheating thing! Madara, do you dare to fight me really hard?"

No matter where Uchiha Madara would care about him, the sickle in his hand danced faster and faster, driving a more terrifying wind of killing.

Of course, at Xie Chen's speed, Madara Uchiha would not really be hit by Uchiha, but he would not be able to dodge the larger and larger area of ​​mass killing unless he flees all the way.

But if you stay in a stalemate like this, your strength will be swept away more. By then Xie Chen might really be unable to compete with Uchiha Madara.

"Strengthen! Double-edged cut!"

Xie Chen could only venture to meet him, crossed his two weapons at the same time, and resisted the huge sickle that matched Suzano!


A loud noise even stunned some ninjas who were closer.

Half of Xie Chen's body even sank below the ground. However, fortunately, with his strength, he blocked the sickle.

When the sickle stopped, the wind of killing would of course also automatically stopped, but before Xie Chen had a chance to breathe, Uchiha Madara also changed his move again.

At this time, most of Xie Chen's body was under the ground, unable to dodge, so he could only hurriedly cross the sword again.

And this time Madara's powerful force even squeezed Xie Chen to break through the ground, and even if the ground was sinking so deep, he was knocked out by the force of the counter shock!

"The Art of Death Scythe!"

Madara hit Fei Xie Chen with one move, taking advantage of his inability to intervene, suddenly swept across the ordinary ninjas with only one blow, and more than a dozen ninjas in the Ninja Alliance turned into flying ashes!

"Strengthen the power! The power of the magic book, magic sword! Elegy of disaster!"

Xie Chen was angry, and as soon as he stopped to stabilize his figure, he immediately smashed Uchiha Madara with his strongest slash! ..


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