Infinite Kings Advent

: 254 Madara's plan

How is this going? Could it be that Uchiha Madara was bluffing just now, in short, no one believed that he would be "softhearted" at the time.

And Xie Chen succeeded again this time, with his "petite" body, almost knocking out Uchiha Madara's Suzuo.

The part he was attacking was very special. That was the most difficult part for Uchiha Madara to defend. Although he used all the serpentine swords and his giant sickle, he couldn't use enough power at all.

On the other hand, Xie Chen focused on one, and used his strength to the limit, so he could achieve such a big result.

"Do you understand now? In terms of strength, you do have a place that can beat me, but whether it is in realm or in the application of tactics, you are still not my opponent!"

"It is true, so it is necessary to use more resources to deal with you, even if I need to pay a certain price for my final plan for this!" Uchiha Madara's words were a bit unbearable, obviously Xie Chen was better than he thought. It is even more difficult, but he is also a decisive person, and there is no hesitation because of this!

"Bring soil! Outer Golem!"


Odaito and Uchiha Madara, who had moved to the distance, shot at the same time, and the outworld golem changed astonishingly. Its size keeps shrinking, but around its body there are several light clusters of different colors but very large.

"That is."

Xie Chen and the nearby ninjas all showed a vigilant look. With Uchiha Madara's strength, he even used this ninjutsu in conjunction with Daito. Its power must be far beyond everyone's imagination.

In the end, the Golem of Outer Dao disappeared from everyone's vision, replaced by eight large light groups.

Seeing these eight light clusters, feeling the familiar information filled with them, an unknown premonition appeared in everyone's minds.

"Could it be that……"

When the light clusters disperse, they finally revealed their true colors. As they thought, the eight light clusters were the eight-tailed beasts that had been absorbed!

"What, isn't that Shouzuru? You bastards, I have already given Gaara!" Seeing these tail beasts, the biggest reaction was not Xie Chen who was fighting Uchiha Madara, but Naruto and Temari. people.

In the previous few wars, Naruto and the others would carefully look for Gaara in each fortress they captured, but they were disappointed every time. Although they had realized the fact that Gaara was murdered in their hearts, but Because in addition to the time when Penn was hit hard by Xie Chen, Penn and the soil were in battle, so they still hope in case that because the fighting is fierce, they have no time to absorb the power of the guarding crane. Outside the Golem.

But now their only hope in their hearts has been broken. "Poor man, just can't stand this blow? He is not your real brother." Uchiha Madara coldly turned to Naruto, his eyes flashed A mocking look, "If you really hate me so much, then use your strongest and most destructive means to come to me, don't just yell there like a weak person."

"I have this intention. I must make you pay the price for what you did!" Naruto was already furious, but now that he is provoked by Uchiha Madara, he can't stand it anymore, and he just left them alone." The "suppression" pocket rushed in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

Moreover, the powerful anger has overshadowed Naruto’s reason, and the power of Kyuubi gradually appeared on his body. Suddenly, a destructive chakra force rushed out of Naruto’s body, forming the shape of Kyuubi towards him. Uchiha Madara killed at the same time.

"Naruto! Calm down!" Sakura and others were farther away from the center battlefield. They realized when they saw Kyuubi taking shape, yelling to stop him.

Xie Chen watched the eight-tailed beasts warily.

Regardless of what Uchiha Madara’s idea is, he doesn’t relax at all. The eight amazing tail beasts all aim at staring at him. As long as Xie Chen reveals the slightest flaw, they will rush in a group. .

"Stupid! Do you think you can really stop me with your strength? You are just giving me new strength!"

Seeing Xie Chen rushing closer, Uchiha Madara showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly shouted, "Mu Dun! The technique of the wooden dragon!"

A giant wooden dragon burrowed out of the ground and suddenly threw down the rushing nine tails and completely entangled it.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this!" Naruto did not guard against Uchiha Madara's tricks, and drew away in shock, but when he saw what was happening in front of him, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

The strength is as powerful as Nine-Tailed, and it is unable to break free from the siege of this wooden dragon, and its power seems to be being absorbed by this wooden dragon, making Nine-Tailed struggle weaker and weaker, but the power that traps it is getting stronger Be strong.

"This kind of wooden escape ninjutsu is specially used by Senjujutsu to deal with the tail beasts. Although their power is very powerful, it is still impossible to fight the wooden dragon technique. Only the fate of obediently being subdued!"

Uchiha Madara’s eyes couldn’t help but flash with excitement: “I’m still having a headache. How can I subdue the nine tails in your body, but I didn’t expect that as long as you provocate a little bit, you will obediently deliver it to the door. Up."

"Asshole! Do you think I will obediently let you absorb the nine tails?" Naruto immediately entered the fairy mode, and a vortex pill blasted towards the wooden dragon.

However, instead of the Mulong being injured, Kyuubi who was trapped inside was screamed horribly by his blow.

"Hey, what's going on."

"Hehe, now the wooden dragon is connected to Kyuubi, no matter what you do, it is too late. Now, let you taste the power of Kyuubi!" Uchiha Madara suddenly showed a playful expression. With a wave of his right hand, the wooden dragon, which had absorbed almost the power of the nine tails, suddenly hid into its body.

Kyuubi seemed to have been injected with strength, and Kyuubi stood up again, but everyone could feel that Kyuubi was no longer the same as before! ..


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