Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 256: Naruto's crisis

"Helix Maru!" Naruto saw that Kyuubi still didn't hesitate to attack him, and in desperation he could only attack with his powerful ninjutsu.

However, Kyuubi knew the power of Naruto's spiral pill, but didn't have any intention to shrink back, and rushed to meet him head-on!


Naruto's Helix Maru was in the middle of Nine Tails, but instead of causing him damage, Naruto himself was stunned by the powerful shock wave and flew away.

And Kyuubi did not miss such an opportunity, relying on Yusasa Nougat as his armor, and not afraid of all Naruto's counterattacks, directly rushed on him.


Xie Chen's heart was tense. If at this time one member of the general is lost and the potential for progress is still preserved, in the future, it will be able to resist the opponent's main ninja, it will be extremely unfavorable for the Ninja Alliance, and thank you Chen himself has a very good impression of Naruto, let alone watching him accidentally.


When the instant shave was used, Xie Chen rushed to Naruto's side in an instant, with a punch under the strengthening of the power, even with the protection of the Susanou armor, Nine Tails were also knocked out. It just didn't suffer much damage.

But Xie Chen's impulse gave Uchiha Madara a chance!

"Wooden Dun! The technique of multiple wooden clones!"

Suddenly, multiple Uchiha spots appeared in mid-air, and each of them entered the state of Susano!

"how can that be!"

Susano and the technique of multiple clones have always been the most consuming of Chakra’s power, and Uchiha Madara can use these two techniques at the same time, and he can even make multiple clones of himself at the same time. In the state of Susaneng!

You have to know that this is not just an illusion that misleads them, but the real Suzuo Nenghu, what a terrible power it takes!

The reason why Xie Chen dared to come to the rescue was because he calculated Uchiha Madara's possible counterattack methods, but still did not expect that his counterattack would be so terrible!

So many Suzuo Nenghu attacked Xie Chen and Naruto at the same time, without giving him any gap at all.

"Damn it!" Xie Chen slammed suddenly, and flew away Naruto who was lying on the side, so as not to let him be affected, and he didn't look defensive at all.

Such an attack is basically impossible to prevent.

Since Uchiha Madara could use such a powerful force to attack, he wouldn't sit still. If you really want to eat me, you have to be careful to break a few teeth!

"The power of the magic book! Infinite round cut!" The Infinite Round Slash is not a banned book recorded in the Magic Book, but it is Xie Chen’s technique that Xie Chen used before and then matched his own slash. It can be said that Xie Chen's first attempt to challenge the forbidden technique!

Xie Chen's slashing force this time was not greater or faster than before, but as he slashed out with a single sword, it seemed that there were countless ghosts above him that slashed at the same time!

Moreover, where the blade is headed, the attack is in different directions, and each blow has the strength of Xie Chen's full blow!


No matter how strong Uchiha Madara's clone ability is, he can't survive this kind of blast, and he is all defeated. And Xie Chen is also the first time that he has touched the power of the forbidden technique to deal with the enemies in the Naruto World!

"Only one blow?" Based on his knowledge of Xie Chen, Uchiha Madara didn't expect that Xie Chen could be completely killed by this blow, but he still didn't expect Xie Chen to be so difficult and only out. With one move, I wiped out so many avatars with Susao Nohu status!

"No! This kind of technique completely surpassed his previously demonstrated ability, suddenly showing this explosive power, then he didn't believe that Xie Chen didn't need to pay any price!

Now is not the time to hesitate. If Xie Chen used such a terrifying technique to pay a more painful price, then he must be in the weakest time now.

If you don't grasp this opportunity, you don't know how much it will cost to defeat him!

"Nine big-tailed beasts, shock!"

The eight big-tailed beasts that had besieged Xie Chen before, plus the armored Nine Tails, rushed towards Xie Chen at the same time. Before the tail beast arrived, nine surprisingly powerful tail beast jade shot at Xie Chen first.

"Ah!" Xie Chen was about to smash the nine tail beast jade in a rush, but suddenly there was an astonishing pain in his body, forcing Xie Chen to be unable to straighten out his breathing, and he took a shot at this critical moment to ease!

However, the Nine-Tailed Beasts would not let him go because of his mistakes, and each displayed powerful ninjutsu to force Xie Chen.


Xie Chen was knocked into the air, Kaihua's Nine Tails immediately seized the opportunity to hit Xie Chen's arms with all his strength, and the explosive force directly hit Xie Chen's bones.

"It's a miss, every step is controlled!" Xie Chen checked his physical condition and barely used the technique of instant shave to avoid the next impact of the nine tails.

But he was really injured this time, and he was able to support it in a short time, but as time went on, as the injury worsened, no one knew when he would lose the chain.

"Haha, do you still want to fight back? Wouldn't it be okay to die early?" Of course Uchiha Madara is also aware of Xie Chen's current state, and his tone of voice has become a lot more relaxed, "At least, early You can be relieved sooner if you die, and you don’t need to see your companions die in front of you one by one."

When Xie Chen heard this, he smiled: "Maa, when you say this, don't you mean that you have admitted that even if you are not your own brother, as long as you are a companion, you are also an important person. Otherwise, you will be watching. What's the discomfort of each companion dying?"

Uchiha Madara didn't expect Xie Chen to catch what he blurted out.

But now he already considers himself a victor in his heart. He is too lazy to waste his energy to explain anything. He just said indifferently: "If you have to think so, then do it with you. To me, anyway, you are all just about to die. Only people!"..


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