Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 262: Strange tactics

"Other aspects haven't changed much. The ninja that the opponent can reach the elite level of ninja loses more than us, which can form more local advantages, but how much the result of such a change can expand is still an unknown technique. "

"Well, the other thing that can't be ignored is that they have now gathered the nine-tailed beasts, and maybe they can create a few elite ninja-level ninjas. The estimation in this regard is to estimate that the enemy is more powerful. "

"But Mr. Xie Chen, whether we have these advantages or not, there is still no way to deal with Uchiha Madara and Nine-Tailed Monster. Is there any specific plan for the plan you mentioned? What are we going to do? Can Uchiha Madara make a wrong judgment?"

Xie Chen scratched the back of his head and said, "In your opinion, why wouldn't Uchiha Madara be fooled?"

Tsunade naturally said: "Now everyone knows that the next battle is to completely separate the victory and defeat in the form of a desperate battle, right? Who would divide the troops before the battle as you said, and give the opponent every opportunity to defeat. What?"

"Haha, that's right, and this is an opportunity we can take advantage of!" Xie Chen said confidently.


Everyone looked at each other and found that they couldn't keep up with Xie Chen's rhythm. Just now he also agreed that Uchiha Madara can't divide troops, but where does his confidence come from? Is not this contradictory?

"Of course we have a way, because we are the first to divide the forces!"

Although Xie Chen explained his overall thinking later, it still caused a lot of controversy, because Xie Chen’s tactics were unheard of before, at least in their opinion, it was quite contingent. In case of failure, Then they will fall into a very passive situation.

"Master Xie Chen."

Xie Chen knew that the content of the meeting could not be absolutely confidential, and there would definitely be a few core personnel who knew about it, such as Konoha Twelve Ren and his close friends, No.

Sure enough, when Xie Chen returned to the room and began to make some preparations, Hinata, Naruto and others were looking for it.

"Come on, I calculate you will come soon. Do you want to ask about our new tactics."

Naruto said straightforwardly: "Yes, because this time is related to the victory of our battle and we are also an important part of this plan."

"Well, in fact, if you don't come to me, I will get in touch with you. This mission, the most important thing is you elite ninjas."

Naruto and they all showed attention. Although they came to "question" Xie Chen's plan before, in fact everyone has a very strong confidence in him, and they will solve their own responsibilities as soon as they solve their doubts. Part of the mission.

"Our method this time is to actively divide the troops, the purpose is to make Uchiha Madara unable to guess our intentions, and at the same time suffer huge losses, thus affecting his judgment."

"Of course this kind of plan has a relatively big weakness, but it is the most suitable method for Uchiha Madara's extreme conceit, coupled with this very suspicious person."

Several people were thoughtful, and when Xie Chen said this, they couldn't help but substitute themselves into Uchiha Madara's perspective or what would they think of their character.

Like Naruto, I don’t bother to think again after thinking about it for a while. Anyway, no matter what the style of play is, I will ultimately rely on my own strength to speak, while people like Sasuke and others show thoughtful expressions. Thank you. There are no more opinions on Chen's approach.

"In short, everyone must grasp the essence of our plan before acting, so that we can truly achieve our goals!"

From the second day onwards, Akatsuki suddenly discovered that the style of the Ninja Alliance Army had suddenly changed, and all the methods they had prepared before were all in vain.

And what made Uchiha Madara hesitate even more was that Xie Chen and others had all appeared on the battlefield!

These people are not on the same battlefield yet.

Xie Chen carried out the assault on his own, almost unstoppable. Although they had dispatched quite a few elite ninjas, and they were still led by Heavenly Dao Payne, there were still considerable casualties.

This news especially shocked Uchiha Madara and the entire Akatsuki organization.

Because this shows that Xie Chen has completely recovered his state, so he will throw himself into the battlefield without hesitation.

As for the other Naruto, Sasuke and others also attacked everywhere, hunting down their detective ninja. This kind of action is to blind them, on the other hand, it shows that his condition is intact, and it is the most direct challenge to Akatsuki.

For example, now Uchiha Madara and other senior officials of Akatsuki are faced with a choice.

It’s not so much the high-level of Akatsuki’s organization, it’s better to say that it is now Uchiha Madara’s Yiyantang. Even the extremely strong pocket, and his trusted cronies, his former spokesperson Uchiha Daido was completely suppressed by him, and fundamentally promoted. There is no challenge to Uchiha Madara’s opinion.

This is not to say that it must not work, but Uchiha Madara is too conceited, and because he joined the battle later, he does not have an intuitive understanding of the specific situation of the battle, and can only listen to other people's reports. However, his subordinates and others had their own ghosts, making him unable to accurately grasp the battlefield situation.

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara was still able to calm down, but as their losses got bigger and bigger, they still couldn’t figure out Xie Chen’s goal. He only felt that they were all around him, and he seemed to be being affected by them. In general, he finally felt very uncomfortable.


Uchiha Madara slammed the handrail and stood up viciously: "Are we really inferior to Xie Chen in terms of strength? We want to watch him show off around us. And he has so many top ninjas. They sent it out, where is their rear? Do they count on a layer of paper to block us!"


No one dared to respond to the ninjas below, and they couldn't guess what Xie Chen wanted to do, for fear of making a mistake. ..


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