Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 264: Separate troops

"Huh, what the commander of the Ninja Army, but that's all! They can only rely on Xie Chen to fight against themselves!" Uchiha Madara sneered disdainfully, and didn't even bother to catch her, still maintaining his goal, straight Kill the main base of the Ninja Alliance Army.

"It seems that there is no blocking anymore. No, there are a lot of ninjas escaping far away!"

"Oh?" Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment. Originally, he thought there would be a big battle here, and he had done everything right to deal with them with the strongest attack method. But now they haven't exerted much effort, they fled.

"Forget it, this is also our most ideal situation. At least we can occupy their main base without paying much. We go in first, and then we are ready to turn around to respond to Xie Chen's counterattack!"

"Okay." Tai Tu and others also thought that it was more important to deal with Xie Chen in comparison, so they directly agreed.

There is nothing unusual for them to enter the main base of the Ninja United Army. Although there are some traps here, they are all guarded against their small-scale infiltration on the key points. Most of them are to show you your body. There is not much destructive power.

Of course, this did not cause much hindrance to Uchiha Madara and others who attacked frontally, and they easily controlled the Ninja Alliance Army, and then used their fortifications to defend.

Of course, those complicated large-scale ninjutsu formations cannot be used by them. However, Xie Chen didn't have much preparation, and it should be enough to deal with them.

However, after they made enough preparations, the ninjas behind the pads did not return anything until they asked Tai Tu to lead people to investigate. Then they found that Xie Chen seemed to have no intention of counterattack, but instead gave them all their strength. The ninjas who were behind and the investigators ate them, and then drove away, temporarily staying at the rebel bases in the original land and thunder country.

"What the **** is Xie Chen doing!" It was like having accumulated enough energy to prepare for a battle, but in the end he hit the cotton with a punch.

I felt like I had punched it, which seemed to take advantage, but I felt uncomfortable.

More importantly, even Uchiha Madara couldn't guess his thoughts anymore. Fighting in this situation is like blindfolding one's eyes, which is unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Master Uchiha, what shall we do next?"

"Armed here! Although they all fled, there must be a lot of their secrets here, I don't believe they really don't care about this place. Take a good defense, Xie Chen may launch a surprise attack anytime!" Uchiha Madara can still hold his breath at this time.

However, starting from the second day, Xie Chen used their tactics again. Heavyweight ninjas were sent out to attack them, causing them great losses, but they didn't attack with all their strength, making you hesitate.

Such tactics continued for another four days, and by the fifth day, Uchiha Madara could no longer remain calm.

"This Xie Chen, I really think we can do nothing about him, right?"

He threw the cup out of his hand severely, and Madara shouted angrily.

"But the team we sent out is really not their opponent. If they meet Xie Chen and others, they won't even be able to escape."

"Didn't they have moved to the temporary base to garrison? Then let's take it away even there and see where they can escape this time!"

"Uh, do you mean to use the last tactics again?" This time everyone was less confident, and even the soil showed a hesitant expression.

"Yes! No matter what tactics they use, they need a lot of materials. As long as we destroy that base, they will no longer be able to sustain themselves and prepare to attack with all their strength!"

The same drama was staged again.

Xie Chen seemed to be caught off guard by Madara Uchiha again. When they recovered, Madara Uchiha had already taken someone to occupy their temporary base.

But the difference is that although Xie Chen did not counterattack again this time, he took advantage of the situation to take back the main base of Shayin Village!

There was originally their base, and I was very familiar with all the plants and trees there. Even if Uchiha Madara left a few traps for them to pay a little price, it was almost negligible. More importantly, they also hid several secret bases there.

And the last time Uchiha Madara and the others occupied it because the time was too short, they didn't find those supplies, so they didn't worry about shortage of supplies at all!

"Hateful!" Hearing that Xie Chen had stabilized his position, he sent someone to harass him. This time Uchiha Madara could no longer face it wisely!

"Xie Chen, this **** really thinks I can do nothing about him, right!"

"But, Uchiha-sama, what should we do. Now our ninja has been losing."

"Huh, do they think that only they can divide the troops?" Uchiha took a rough breath, and suddenly showed a gloomy smile. "Since they want to play a game of cat and mouse, then we also release Many cats go. But each of them has stronger power than them. I would rather let some of their teams get away and concentrate more of their power."

"Master Uchiha Madara, do you mean we divide our forces like them?"

"Yes! It seems that this is the only way to deal with them!"

"Then, okay. It's just that the specific distribution needs to be calculated carefully."

In this regard, there is no need for Uchiha Madara to take action. There are a large number of ninjas under him who have rich combat experience. They formulate detailed plans. After that, including Madara himself, immediately lead the team to rush out!

Although the black shadow ninjas have no emotions, people like Xiao Nan and others still hold their stomachs, and this time they will vent all of them through the frontal battle with the ninja coalition army!

At first, their plan went smoothly. Several troops still seized the weaker teams to engage in battle, but Xie Chen and others seemed to disappear suddenly! ..


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