Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Heads-up success

But when they saw Xie Chen stretched out his hand to push the door open, and walked in alone, the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

The few people who saw this scene looked at each other, and someone went to challenge the BOSS alone!

At this time one of them spoke: "Where did you see this person?"

Another person paused, and then continued: "He should be that person, the one called the Demon King..."

"Yes, that's him! It's just that the equipment is changed now, which is a little different from before. He is going to challenge the boss alone, do you think he will succeed?"

The others shook their heads, "I don't know..." Their eyes were complicated, curious, suspicious, and shocked.

Kirito was hidden behind the pillar not far away, with a hint of surprise and shock in his eyes, but it was more calm as usual. He looked at the back of Xie Chen disappearing behind the door, and there was even a hint of expectation. This person If it is, it will be successful.

The heavy door slowly closed behind, and inside was a huge stone space. The torches erected on the stone walls on both sides gradually lit up, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

The BOSS inside was awakened and saw Xie Chen standing there alone, roaring and rushing over with his paws with flames.

The corner of Xie Chen's mouth slightly raised, and the dangerous breath slowly overflowed, staining his face with a trace of evil.

"You can't wait to die? Then, come on..." The tail tone was hidden in the whistling wind, Xie Chen flew up, and the sword skill launched a violent attack on the BOSS from mid-air.

At this time, the news that he singled out the BOSS had spread quietly. Some people didn't care and laughed at his overpowering ability. Others were so curious about him that they came here and wanted to see him in person. Witness the authenticity of this matter.

Many people gathered nearby quietly, some people left when they arrived, and others stayed here from beginning to end.

Kirito also stayed where he was, holding the sword in his arms and leaning on the pillar, waiting silently.

And in a corner full of shadows, a figure in a cloak stood there, with the upper half of his face hidden in the shadows, and it was not clear from the exposed part that there were patterns resembling rat whiskers.

At this moment, she looked at the closed door, her eyes full of interest, her fingers lightly nodded on the wall, and she said something softly, listening carefully, it was indeed about Xie Chen.

"Devil King? It's really an arrogant name, but the strength is indeed worthy. I don't know what strength you are now after you have been absent for a whole month? I hope it won't let me down. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of Argo's coming and waiting in person To gather your information."

At this time, a person also arrived, it was Tiabelu. He saw the players gathered nearby and was a little surprised, and he knew their intentions randomly. Like her, it was all because of the news that Xie Chen singled out the boss. Before he was taking people on the fourteenth floor for daily hunting activities, and then he received this message from a team member. He was slightly surprised for a while, and then quickly battled. The hunt ended quickly and rushed over.

The arrival of Tiabelu caused a lot of discussion, but then it fell silent.

People outside have different thoughts, and from time to time someone looks at the door expectantly, but the door is closed tightly, and there is no movement at all.

Is it possible that the failure is just alive again? This possibility can not help but emerge in someone's mind. After all, it has been almost half an hour since Xie Chen entered, and the physical exertion is almost almost finished, so, is it possible to die back?

Some people began to talk about this possibility. Some people believe that it is impossible for Xie Chen to defeat the BOSS and return to the resurrection point. Among them are Tongren and Tiabeilu, as well as some people who have seen Xie Chen's combat power.

The woman calling herself Argo also frowned slightly, thinking about the possibility of Xie Chen's failure, then shook her head, and said, "How can a person with that kind of strength be defeated now?"

The discussion gradually became louder, and more and more people began to doubt, while others simply turned and left.

At this time, there was a "creak" and the door was slowly opened.

At this time, all the voices stopped, only the step by step footsteps of the people coming out of the door were especially obvious, as if they were stepping on the hearts of these people.

"Out, out?" There was incredible excitement in the voice.

With this sentence, everyone recovered from the shock, and fans of all kinds of surprises, surprises, and eager words emerged.

It took nearly forty minutes for Xie Chen to get rid of the BOSS. He didn't use the original attack skills, but simply used sword skills and various auxiliary methods to deal with the BOSS. It took a lot of effort.

Especially in the last red blood, the flame vortex that originally appeared on the ground only occasionally and with aura appeared almost continuously, the flame would suddenly rise and the aura became extremely short, as long as it touched a little It will be hit, and the debuff of blood loss will continue to stack, even with his reaction power and speed.

However, the BOSS was already at the end of the battle, and the HP slot was emptied under Xie Chen's big move, completely dead.

Sure enough, the rewards for single-handedly against the BOSS are unmatched by the team. The huge amount of gold coins and various materials and equipment almost packed his back, plus the special items for the final blow. This time Xie Chen can be said to have returned full. .

He packed up the items he got in the hall, and after changing the equipment, he pushed the door out, and then stopped under the eager gaze of many people outside.

"This is, waiting for me?" Xie Chen looked at the scene outside and asked a little uncertainly.

As soon as the voice fell, a red-haired boy rushed up, stopped at the place where he was sleeping on the piano, and said admiringly: "Master Devil, you are really, madam and madam! Single-handed boss, please allow me. Follow you, I am very capable..."..


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