Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 53: hiring

Random allocation, two by two, Xie Chen watched and found the bad beans, and then observed the combat effectiveness by the way.

However, the result was good, and only two people were singled out by him. Right now, even if there are other guilds, they are just getting started. They should not be as big as their guilds. They are temporarily incapable. Other people are trapped here. They want to go out with one mind and don’t have the effort to entangle. After all, they like to play. Most people who play games are still interested in games, and their conspiracy skills are far from enough.

Some people who were eliminated were dissatisfied and wanted to have a theory. They were dismissed by Xie Chen with a smile, "The strength is not enough, please continue to work hard", but what really works is the one who is attracted to me without knowing when. The scene where the mob was solved by Xie Chen with a stone.

In the end, the number of people who passed the assessment reached 46, which was more than the current total number of their guild. This is a problem.

The original plan was to have a maximum of 30 people, but those who stayed there are good at it, and it is not good to give up that, so Xie Chen simply waved his hand and accepted them all.

As for the later stage, leave it to Tiabelu to entangle.

Among the forty-six people accepted this time, after identification and inquiries and previous impressions, almost half of the players in the closed beta test, and 20 people passed the closed beta.

This ratio is amazing, but after knowing the reason, it seems to be taken for granted. Xie Chen's reputation was very good when it was closed and tested. Although not many people have seen the real person, even if they have seen it, it is useless now. But the name will never change.

Compare the person in your own impression with the person you have heard of, and then try it with the mentality of taking a look at the situation by the way, and you will find that you are the same person as you know!

So the idea of ​​giving it a try has become a serious assessment and staying there. After all, with such a master, presumably the survival rate and combat effectiveness will rise a lot.

On January 8, 2023, the first recruitment of the Demon Knights was successfully completed. The number of newly recruited personnel reached forty-six, of which forty-four were good at fighting.

The other two are good at sewing, and the other is good at cooking.

The total number of the guild reached 59 people. Tiabeilu arranged for the newly recruited personnel. Two girls and a man who are good at life skills stay in the guild base. The treatment is favorable. The guild is responsible for providing raw materials and personal protection, brushing experience, etc., they are responsible The needs of the guild.

The other forty-four people plus the original twelve were a total of 56 people, and 54 of them were divided into six teams.

One of the other two is Sheng Ye, and the other is a civilian who is clearly aimed at the development plan of the guild, and the other is Bingshan Yujie. These two people have temporarily stayed by Tiabelu to take charge of management. Of course, the newly-arrived Royal Sister still needs to inspect for a while.

The six newly formed teams have different numbers of teams. One team is the Raiders team directly under Xie Chen. The players inside are all experienced combatants. Asuna also belongs to this team in name. There are currently six players.

The second team to the sixth team have their own captains, and the captains are all former old members. The strength distribution of these teams is the same, but the number of the second team and the third team is smaller than the latter few teams, but the strength is slightly stronger, because the team is led by Asuna and Tiabello. At the same time, it is almost the meaning of a guard of two people.

The current treatment of these teams is the same, but in the end they will receive different treatments according to the strength and contribution of each team.

Then one of the most distinctive regulations in the Demon Knights is that the members of the Raiders team directly led by Xie Chen are not fixed, but the number is only fixed. The maximum number of people plus Xie Chen, a total of twelve people, will regularly inspect the strength of each member to determine where to stay.

This rule is very tempting for people who know about Xie Chen’s strength. Those who don’t understand his strength have also learned a lot about him after other people’s propaganda. Although some people are dubious, Xie Chenlu’s hand was just now. Somehow they have a bottom in their hearts.

After the specific staff assignments are completed, it is time to officially get on track. Tiabelu decided to start hunting with the newcomer. Fighting is the best way to develop feelings quickly, especially now that their new players account for the majority, so that they can quickly integrate into the guild and be the most important.

The first place to choose is the hunting area that is generally a little more advanced. The main purpose is to run in and cultivate a tacit understanding.

Xie Chen led the Raiders team and did not continue to explore the labyrinth area but ran out of the circle. It is said that a wild map BOSS will appear in the near future. The news was bought by Argo.

He plans to use this wild map BOSS as the first sharpening stone for the guild team.

In the depths of the jungle, it is difficult for the sun to shine in, leaving only a few spots on the ground. Xie Chen took the five members of the Raiders team and ran towards the place mentioned in the intelligence.

On the road, I met all kinds of monsters, big and small, but it was not a hindrance in the hands of those who represented almost the highest combat power in SAO.

This time I came here to find out the situation here. Not long after I stepped into the fourth floor, the jungle has not been penetrated, and I don't know what kind of words are inside.

After turning around for a while, Xie Chen knew in his heart that there was no change compared to the time of the closed beta.

Look at the time, the wild map BOSS will appear tonight.

Xie Chen allowed the team members to stay outside the forest to pay attention to the movements of other people, while he himself ran directly to the maze area.

Gan just received a message from Asuna, it seems that there is news of the fourth-tier guard boss.

"Asuna, what's the situation now?" Xie Chen hurriedly arrived and asked immediately after seeing Asuna and her team members.

"The news came from a few players. I talked about it while chatting with one of my team members." Asuna first said about the source. ..


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