Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 56: Yinguai

Seeing the time is almost up, Xie Chen raised his hand and waved lightly, and said, "Go!"

Everyone entered the jungle in an orderly manner, and then followed Xie Chen continuously.

Not long after, Xie Chen stopped and looked around. A rare empty field with a depression in the middle was turned into a deeper pit after their processing. This place was chosen when exploring the road before. Up.

All the members also stopped on this clearing. Xie Chen turned around, looked at these dozens of people, smiled slightly, and said in a loud voice: "Raiders, get out."

The six people standing on one side immediately walked out and stood in front of Xie Chen, looking excited and proud.

"Follow me." The words are simple and concise. Xie Chen turned and left, and the members of the Raiders team immediately followed.

After seeing the figure of Xie Chen and his group disappearing quickly in the woods, Tiabeilu smiled slightly and said to all the members in front of him: "Today is the first large-scale operation of our guild. I have firmly kept it in my heart, our Demon Knights will surely win the first battle!"

The members were a little excited, and they couldn't help but even shouted out loudly.

Morale is good, but it’s not good to be too excited. It took a while for Asuna and Tiaberu, Captain Amnesia to calm their emotions.

"This time is the first time that many of you have started fighting after joining the guild. You are all powerful fighters. There is no doubt about it. But the most important thing is unity! Teamwork is the most important thing. Yes, as long as you cooperate with each other, your combat effectiveness will increase significantly, and this time the purpose is also here." Asuna stood at the forefront with a serious expression, and began to speak to dozens of people, with awe-inspiring aura. She was a powerful swordsman, and the deputy commander of the Demon Knights. She was not alone when she was alone with Xie Chen.

The people below couldn't help becoming serious because of her aura. The hand holding the weapon tightened unconsciously.

Finally, Asuna looked around and slowed down her tone: "The most important point, pay attention to protecting your own safety," paused, "I don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices here."

After speaking, Asuna looked inexplicable in her eyes. Heroic fighting is indispensable, but she doesn't want to see that person disappear in front of her, the contradiction in her heart quietly surfaced, and then she was instantly suppressed.

Whether she is dead or alive, she doesn't want to be a coward. In this, if you want to survive with dignity, you must become stronger. If you want to become stronger, you can only fight. Only this is the ultimate hope.

Tiabello lowered his eyes, then smiled, this world is different from the outside world, with swords and shadows, death and sacrifice. However, there will always be an end to the day.

He raised his eyes to look at the sky, then waved his big hand: "Now, according to the plan, the teams are dispersed and stand where they are. The captains of the teams pay attention to the command. Now, the third team will follow me."

"The second team keep up." Asuna led her team toward the designated place.

The other captains are doing the same thing. Soon dozens of team members have taken up their positions, waiting for the arrival of the BOSS.

On the other side, Xie Chen walked through the jungle with the Raiders team. The sun had already set, but his sight was still unaffected. Coupled with the bright moonlight, the light on the ground was even more visible.

After a short while, Xie Chen stopped and listened carefully on the spot, then his gaze turned and locked in a direction tightly. "Go." A soft word, thinking of that direction, rushed away. The members of the Raiders team were not slow, and they kept up with the speed after Xie Chen's suppression without any pressure.

"That's it." Xie Chen squinted and looked at the huge humanoid Wild Figure BOSS hovering not far away, with two big knives on his back, ragged clothes, and the four HP slots on one side looked uncomfortable. of.

But unexpectedly, there was someone on the other side, and it seemed that it was also directed at the wild map boss. After all, no matter how ordinary it is, the explosions are far better than ordinary monsters.

The members of the Raiders team asked quietly: "Captain, do you want to start first?" Compared to the team leader, they were more willing to call Captain Xie Chen and get closer.

Xie Chen shook his head slightly, motioning them to stand still. The group of people on the opposite side seemed to have come prepared, and many people came.

Seeing that the BOSS was approaching in their direction, the person on the opposite side was about to move, Xie Chen's lips twitched, the time was right, it was time to do it.

"Are you ready?" Xie Chen asked in a low voice.

"Preparation is complete." The six members of the Raiders team clenched their weapons and replied in a low voice.

"Okay, countdown to three and two and start to act.!" After finishing the countdown, Xie Chen rushed out and jumped straight behind the boss. The long sword made a deep wound on it.

The other team members also followed in turn, quickly reached their positions, attacked and defensively contained, and coordinated with Xie Chen's actions.

The person on the opposite side seemed to be shocked by Xie Chen, and after a pause, he rushed out at a faster speed.

There were only seven people on Xie Chen's side. This number surprised those people again, and immediately laughed.

"Haha, so few people dare to come, are they sending them to death?"

"How courageous!"

"Who are those people? They look good."

"It was even preempted."

It is obvious that the leader among the group of people has a bad face, but whoever grabs the wild map BOSS counts. This time they collected the news and the teams did not act, so they organized enough people to plan to earn this BOSS. In the bag.

In fact, it was also because the demon knights had a relatively fixed range of activities recently, and then they only greeted the larger teams, so they met their opponents at this time.

Xie Chen left wounds on the BOSS, and then ran away quickly, and when it was almost time to go back with a sword, the other members followed Xie Chen's rhythm and steadily controlled the direction of the BOSS.

The leader on the opposite side saw Xie Chen and they were about to lead the boss away, their eyes sank. ..


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