Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 75: Early planning

So are the rewards of this world concentrated at the end? With so many tasks concentrated, the final assessment should not be low.

"Is there any assessment of my previous tasks? How much is it?" Xie Chen suddenly remembered and asked the system quickly.

Unexpectedly, the system gave him a line directly, "Small tasks are not scored."

Xie Chen opened his mouth and shook his head helplessly: "Really, so stingy and difficult, if O'olas was here, it would be fine."

As soon as the voice fell, a line of blood-red bold fonts appeared on the task panel, "The task countdown begins. Please complete the task seriously, work hard, and do it yourself."

Then the panel disappeared by itself. Xie Chen blinked. Is this saying that he didn't try his best before?

Xie Chen stretched his waist and looked at the current time, March 28, 2023. Within three months, on June 28, 2323, between the twenty-ninth and fifty-fifth floors, there will be a total of 21 floors. On average, one floor will be broken every four days. Really... It's nervous enough.

Then I can't relax from now on. For the final high reward, I can only work harder now.

Do it as soon as he thought of it, and Xie Chen went straight back to the trade union base. Looking at the time, Asuna and Tiabelu should be back soon. When they come back, they will discuss their plans for the next three months.

He took advantage of this time to think carefully about the completion plan of this task, three months, twenty-one floors, and each floor a little more than four days at most.

If you want to successfully complete the task and get a high-level score, but you can't let Kaaba Akihiko do something unplanned, you need to think carefully about how to do it.

Among them, cooperation with other trade unions is indispensable. Then he can organize his own guild to solve some problems. In the end, he can only use his own brush to pass the customs to the next level without knowing it.

SSS assessment seems to be impossible, but S-level should still be fine.

But now the first thing he has to do is to increase the number of the Raiders team to twenty, and bring the most elite strength to help him complete the task.

There are twelve members in his current Raiders team, and there are still eight people in the gap. These eight people have to think about who they want.

Tiabello first ruled out, the guild still needs him to take care of it. Shadow Mountain's strength is enough in all aspects, first he was promoted from the captain position of the second team, and the deputy captain of the third team, these are two. others......

Xie Chen bit his pen, frowned and thought, and then wrote and painted on the paper from time to time.

When it was the last officer, he hesitated. Do you want to bring Asuna? He can imagine how intense the combat intensity of the Raiders team will be in these three months.

After hesitating for a long time, he still wrote another name.

These twenty people are his chosen helpers, with high combat effectiveness, strong adaptability, and high loyalty. After these days of thinking, it can be seen that they are all tough people.

After writing these things, he sent a text message to Asuna and Tiaberu each, asking where they were.

Tiaberu immediately replied, saying that he had returned with the team and was about to reach the base. Asuna was talking about the child, the labyrinth area, and it seemed that she would be able to go back later.

After talking to Tiabello, I went to the head room to find him and asked Asuna. Xie Chen leaned directly on the chair and sighed. It's really difficult.

Within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. Xie Chen said directly: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, Tiabeilu appeared at the door. As soon as he came in, he saw Xie Chen leaning on one of the sofas, with his legs folded on the coffee table.

He walked over and sat on the sofa on the other side, and asked, "Xie Chen, what's the matter?"

Xie Chen nodded, retracted his legs and adjusted his sitting posture. Looking at Tiabello, he said, "I decided to break through to the fiftieth floor in the next three months, so I have to call out the Raiders team. The trade union business I leave it to you and Asuna."

Tiabeilu's expression remained unchanged, looking at Xie Chen. Of course he didn't know it long ago, but was completely surprised by Xie Chen's words.

Jian Tia Beilu did not respond, Xie Chen stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes, while shouting: "Tia Beilu?"

Tiabeilu reflected and said to Xie Chen hesitantly, "What did you just say?" He must have heard it wrong.

"I said, I want to break through to the fifty-fifth floor in three months." Xie Chen repeated helplessly.

"Why did you suddenly want this?" Tiabello asked, frowning.

"I, it's because I have to do it." Xie Chen couldn't say that this was the task, so he could only say so.

"You have to do it? Why?" Tiabello still didn't understand, he shook his head and said, "Although you are very strong, but you have to break through the 21st floor in three months, I still think it is very unlikely. What's more, we don't know the situation afterwards, and the difficulty of one level is greater than that of one level, you..."

Xie Chen interrupted Tiabeilu directly. He said, "Although it is difficult to clear the level fifty, I still have confidence. To say why I did this suddenly, I can only say that it is because of the mission."

"Mission?" Tiabeilu's voice raised slightly, "Is it a time-limited mission? What do you need on the fifty-fifth floor?"

Hearing what Tiabeilu said, Xie Chen knew that he had understood it wrong, but this was also his original intention, so he followed Tiabeilu's words and said down.

"Yes, it is necessary to break through the time limit mission of the fifty-fifth floor within three months." Xie Chen nodded as he said, further confirming the importance of this matter. This is also true, but the tasks they said in their mouths are not the same concept.

Jian Xiechen confirmed what he had said, and Tiabeilu pursed his lips, frowned and fell into thinking. After a while, he raised his head again to look at Xie Chen, and said seriously: "If this matter is important to you, do it. I'll leave the affairs of the guild to me. You are only responsible in the front. Just open up new levels, and you don’t have to worry about subsequent development and other tasks."..


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