Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 214: Reorganization

Taking advantage of this moment, he shouted loudly: "Keep it all up for me. Arrange according to plan C and reorganize the front line. Come on!"

With his Chinese descendants. The voice of the person in charge rang everywhere, greeting the scattered people to quickly gather in the formation. But even with the fastest speed, it will take a long time to reorganize the front.

So the question now is how to organize the front under the attack of the BOSS, so the most important thing now is that someone can withstand the attack of the BOSS until the front is reorganized.

But before they were distressed, this problem had been resolved, because Xie Chen directly picked up the sword and fought with the boss tremblingly.

Heathcliff looked at Xie Chen's changing figure, his eyes deep and he didn't know what he was thinking. Then he turned around and began to command the people to reorganize the front.

As time passed, Xie Chen and the BOSS's battle range had expanded to the entire hall. Although the BOSS is tall and tall, the speed is not slow at all. The pace of the battle with Xie Chen was also particularly fast, almost to the point that they had already passed several tricks when some people around did not react.

All kinds of dazzling double-strike, triple-strike and even eight-strike were used in Xie Chen's hands, as well as various sword techniques they knew and did not know. These alone are enough to amaze them. It is worthy of being the first invisible SAO, and these sword skills alone are enough to be called.

Heathcliff also paid attention to Xie Chen's situation during the command gap, so he naturally questioned the number of sword skills used by Xie Chen, especially the advanced sword skills, the number was staggering. Forget it, what made them even more admired was Xie Chen's proficiency in sword skills, the connection between sword skills and sword skills, and the combination and use of various skills, all of which gave them a sudden sense of openness. It turns out that sword skills can still be used like this!

Because of Xie Chen’s special experience, he knows much more about the use of power and various combat moves than those who originally lived in a peaceful society, so he should be faster than them in the use and learning of sword skills. Many, coupled with his strength and luck, as well as his position and financial resources in SAO, it is expected that he can obtain so many sword skills.

In fact, Xie Chen’s state is not as difficult or struggling as others thought, but he has a sense of fun, because he hasn’t been alive with other people for a long time. It’s a monster. One is because he doesn't have the time to reconcile a good opponent because of the task, and the other is that he can't do anything else. During the BOSS strategy battle, he left everyone else on his own, especially after starting the cooperative strategy.

The current situation is actually what he has always wanted to do, so even if he discovered what Heathcliff planned and how he planned it, it did not affect his good mood.

It's just that he narrowed his eyes and looked sharply with a slightly excited expression in the eyes of other people, and it became an expression of trying to support the fight with all his strength. Because of this, even Heathcliff, who accidentally discovered that he had so many sword skills, didn't feel much fear of him.

Finally, ten minutes later, the battle line was stopped again, and with the cooperation of Xie Chen, he gradually took over the main position of the battle.

Xie Chen stepped aside, took out a bottle of recovery potion and drank it guts, then smiled at Asuna, who turned her worried gaze, and signaled that she was okay.

He glanced at his blood bar, more than half had disappeared, and only about 30% remained. In the battle with the BOSS, he did not pay much attention to defense and dodge, and did not dodge some attacks that did not cause much damage. However, the strength of "Shining Demon Eye" is also there. Without using magic power, its strength is not much different from Xie Chen, the only difference is in response. So of the 70% of the blood that was destroyed, half of it was the damage he could actually cause Xie Chen.

Xie Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that the pain on his body weakened as the HP value recovered and finally disappeared. Therefore, he still doesn't like the one-on-one battle with the boss in front of everyone. In order to hide his strength, he has to intentionally get injured or something, but don't forget that his pain is 100% completely simulated. Although it is completely within his tolerance, it doesn't mean he won't hurt.

After replying, Xie Chen returned to the battle. Credit to the fact that he used a lot of big moves to cut off a lot of its HP when he was one-on-one with the BOSS just now, which made the fighting pressure behind him a little less. Although the BOSS is still difficult to deal with, and there are still many people who were injured and retreated to the side, but fortunately no one died again.

After a bitter battle, Shining Demon Eye finally fell under the siege of everyone, leaving an unwilling roar before he dissipated. But listening to this voice, the people here only felt a moment of relaxation in their hearts. After hitting this BOSS, they said in their hearts that they were not happy, but at the same time there was a heavy feeling, because this battle took longer than they had experienced before, and some people were still fighting. Zhong died, and the entire front in the middle collapsed once.

This experience made them feel a little tired in their hearts, and at the same time there was a touch of joy and pride. Such a powerful BOSS was finally defeated by us.

After the battle, everyone was rare and quiet, at most they just said a few words and looked at each other. After leaving the labyrinth area, the atmosphere gradually became active. Although death makes people feel sad, they live in such a world, and their acceptance of death knights has become very high, not to mention that they are ready to sacrifice before starting the battle.

So after they silently mourned for the dead, they no longer sorrow blindly. Except for the friends close to that person, everyone else is already smiling. ..


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