Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 218: Underground Labyrinth

"Is there anything to do afterwards?" Asuna said.

Xie Chen touched his chin and said, "There is still a maze under the seventy-fifth floor. There is a BOSS inside. I wonder if I can try to defeat it."

"Underground labyrinth." Asuna pointed her chin from deep. After thinking about it, he said, "The level of the boss in the underground maze is uncertain, but it is almost a lot higher than the level of the guarding boss in the maze. It may be a bit early to go now."

Tiabello also said on the side: "That's right. It's like the boss who stays in the underground labyrinth on the first floor. In case you encounter another one like him this time, tsk."

The first-level underground maze mentioned by Tiabelu came to Xie Chen when he discovered the existence of the maze when he was doing the task. The name of that boss is The Fatal-scythe, the sickle of fate. According to Xie Chen's inference, there are at least ninety levels of BOSS strength, which means that they will almost meet in the later stages of the strategy.

"That kind of BOSS, the entire Aincrad is estimated to be one." Xie Chen smiled and said.

"So you still have to go?" Tiabello asked.

Xie Chen nodded: "Yes, and this has something to do with my task, otherwise I don't really care if I go or not."

"It turned out to be like this." Asuna said, "Then just find time to check it out. This time you can only observe at the door. After all, the room where the boss just now is in a crystal neutralization area, I don't know the underground. What the maze will look like. If it really is, I still want to say you better not go, after all, so many people have just died, if you..."

Asuna's mood was a little depressed. Before she finished her words, Xie Chen said directly: "I understand what you mean. I won't take risks, don't worry."

"The next Raiders battle, it should be a long time later. After this battle, the blow to everyone is not small. It should take a while to recover before they can rejoin the battle." Tiabeilu said. Xie Chen nodded clearly, and said, "I understand this. After I go back, I will take a two-day holiday to adjust, and then let’s go step by step. Maybe we need to do something else. Things. The exploration of the next level of the maze will start next week."

Next week, that is, three days later, Tiabelu thought about it in his heart, then nodded and said, "Okay, I will tell them, this time I will have a good rest for a few days when I go back."

Heathcliff returned to the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Alliance. After sitting on the chair, he stopped talking. Everyone else was kicked out, leaving him alone in Noda's space.

He put his hands on his chin, the waves in his eyes changed, and finally he was calm again. Today's accident really gave him a surprise. "Devil? It should be the last selected warrior, but he named a devil. Unfortunately, you are not the real devil. Restocking I am looking forward to the last time we meet, what your expression will look like." Slightly aroused, showing a ribbon with some coldness, and a smile of expectation and watching the show, stood up. Originally, it was only because it was the most boring thing to watch other people play RGP, so he participated in it as a player, but he originally thought he should be the strongest person, but he did not expect to come up with a self-proclaimed person The Demon King’s people have always overshadowed him and stood at the top of the entire SAO.

Therefore, his attention to this person has never diminished, this powerful and somewhat strange boy. Now he seems to have found something? Heathcliff smiled, things seemed to be fun.

Xie Chen looked at the progress on his task panel, and he didn't get much to the final stage, but he didn't know what was going on. The next task was never released, which made Xie Chen start again. I feel a headache. When there are no clues, there is no progress at all. When there are clues and the task chain is opened, people are busy to death. What kind of rhythm is this. Xie Chen not only complained silently in his heart. Then when he reached a place unintentionally, he suddenly responded to the task that had not been moving. The last clue that came down was to the seventy-fifth floor. But he found nothing in the labyrinth area, and the last boss was solved and there was no clue, so he decided to take a look at the underground labyrinth, maybe he would gain something.

"I don't know who set this task. I really have patience..." Xie Chen walked, while talking, and paying attention to the environment on both sides. He is now in the 75th floor of the underground labyrinth of Colinia and is now looking for the trace of the boss. This time he didn't bring anyone here, just by himself. In fact, this is more convenient. You can use his methods that are inconvenient for others to see. This is not the guardian boss in the maze area. There is almost no one, so he is not careful to use some It's a very tricky way, but I don't know what rewards the boss who solves the underground maze will have?

Xie Chen thought silently in his heart, and then drew the sword out with his right hand, and flew directly on him and swung the sword down. The monster in front was wiped out without a few moves. Xie Chen didn't put away the sword, but just took it directly and walked into the depths of the underground maze.

The magic power in the body kept running, and the magic eyes opened and scanned everything around him, so that although he was only himself, the speed of searching was not slow at all.

After more than an hour, Xie Chen finally found the location of the boss. A faint green light flashed in Xie Chen's eyes. This is a determined skill that comes with the game. After he got it, he played a lot of use in collecting.

Looking at the level of the BOSS in front of him, Xie Chen slightly let go of his heart. Fortunately, he was only level 85, he could still deal with it. Now Xie Chen has reached level ninety-three, and he can reach the full level with another seven levels, so he can deal with a boss of eighty-fifth level. ..


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