Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 222: Turnaround

Before the battle, he simply glanced at its information and only knew the basic information such as the name and friend level, such as the background information of the BOSS, and did not care at all. Generally speaking, no one will specifically look at these, so he can only find a way to get its information, hoping to find something.

After Xie Chen’s serious investigation, it was finally discovered that the sword in the hands of this BOSS was obtained by chance. This sword was originally in the hands of a swordsman, and after it failed to stand with it, it became a battle item. And that swordsman is this sword specially customized by a master.

Xie Chen narrowed his eyes. As long as he found that master, he would surely be able to solve a big mystery, and the progress of the mission would also be greatly improved. Therefore, the goal now is to find this master.

According to the news he found. This master didn’t have a name, he didn’t know when he suddenly appeared. He was taken in by the boss in a building shop, and then by an unexpected opportunity, he was found to have superb sword-making skills, and his reputation gradually grew. It was spread, but he was taciturn and didn't speak at all. He just studied silently wherever he went, and he produced very few finished products. The sword Xie Chen got now was the sword that the master owed him a favor by chance and then made it for him.

Xie Chen gently touched his chin with the fingers of his right hand, thinking about the connection. The master of the sword, with the same inscription, finding the maker of this sword is equivalent to finding the maker of the bloodblade, and then the whereabouts of the lost swordsman Brod will most likely be revealed directly.

There was some excitement in Xie Chen's expression, and there was some excitement. Where did this emotion manifest itself? He said directly: "It's great, hahaha, this task can finally see the hope of completion!"

At this time, he suddenly heard a sentence: "Corn? Are you doing the mountain?"

Xie Chen was taken aback, and then realized that Asuna had already placed the plate on the dining table, looking at him strangely. Kendo Xie Chen recovered, and then continued to ask, "What's wrong with you? So happy."

Xie Chen is in a very good mood now. He smiled and said to Asuna: "I just found a sword with clues related to my mission. I saw the dawn of the mission, so I was a little excited."

Asuna looked at him with a face of understanding and said, "It turned out to be like this. Congratulations. Your task is finally about to be completed. I saw you doing this task from the very beginning. You are still doing this task after more than ten levels. I was still wondering if you haven't completed it when we leave."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly, and said: "This task is more complicated and the task chain is also very long. But even I didn't expect it to be completed yet, but it is just an idea to say that it is to be completed, if I If you think it’s wrong, I don’t know how long it will take to complete it."

"Then hope things will be what you think." Asuna said with a smile. Then he opened the stool and went on, "Don't think about other things now, let's start eating."

Xie Chen nodded: "I hope so." Then he picked up his chopsticks.

However, things backfired. A week later, Xie Chen still didn’t have any clues about this “master”. The progress of the mission was interrupted again. Even if he wanted to buy intelligence, the intelligence dealers could only give general information. There was no help, until Xie Chen accidentally discovered that someone in the Raiders team had taken up a task, a small task that was not very noticeable.

This task is very simple, is to collect enough materials on the list, and then you can hold the token to find the boss of the smithy to build a weapon for you. This task was forgotten when he received it. Like Xie Chen's, it lasted extremely long and had few clues.

When Xie Chen heard them chatting, the team member said that he was still hungry and had collected all the items on the list. Many items had not been discovered at all. He suspected that he could only collect them after reaching the upper level. So he is not in a hurry, but he will collect it when he sees the items on the task list, maybe they will be collected at the end. After listening to Xie Chen, he became a little interested, so he asked that person what the specific task of the team member was?

And that player's expression ability is actually not very good, so he directly shared the task with Xie Chen. Then Xie Chen discovered that the badge logo on the token was exactly the same as the sword on the blood blade! This shows that the relationship between the person who posted this task and the "master" is very low, and it is probably the person.

Xie Chen felt joy in his heart, and then patted the player on the shoulder with a smile and said, "I am very interested in your task. How about letting me complete it for you?"

Player: "...?!"

But even with Xie Chen’s help, the items on the team’s task list are still poor. One-fifth of the items are not fully collected. It seems that there is really no way to find them now, and they can only wait until the new level is opened. After reading, see if there is any.

Xie Chen looked at the team member regretfully, took a picture of his generals, and then said: "It seems that you can't complete this task for a while. I can only feel that I will talk about it later. I have copied your list. You will give it to you if you collect something in the future, and if you get something yourself, don’t forget to tell me."

"Ah, okay, captain!" the team member paused, then shouted. He was full of excitement in his heart now. Although he didn't know why the group leader suddenly cared about him so much and helped with the task, it was really a bit excited to be paid attention to by the group leader.

After the team member left, Xie Chen returned to his office, sat on the chair, then leaned back, stroked the hair on his head, and said to himself: "When will this be done? enough."..


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