Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 228: Uproar

At this time, many people unconsciously turned their eyes to Xie Chen, because he was facing Kaaba Akihiko just now, and the image he has always established has made him the backbone of these people.

Asuna stood up from Xie Chen's arms, looked at the surrounding situation, and silently asked, "Now, what should we do?"

This sentence was like breaking a stone on a calm lake. The original silent environment was instantly broken, and everyone present began to ask questions.

"Yes, what are we going to do now?"

"Master Devil, you must have a way, right?!"

"My lord, we all listen to you, what do you want to do?"

In addition to these, there are also emotionally disintegrated, "How is such a thing possible! I don't accept it!", "Hahaha, how is it possible? Are we not like clowns? Hahahahaha..."

While watching the chaotic scene silently, he said: "Be quiet."

But it didn't seem to be of any use, and Asuna couldn't help feeling a little anxious. If the current situation were to be ignored, it would probably cause confusion. Xie Chen's complexion sank, his hand flicked directly, and a long nail was thrown out by him. It passed straight through the gap between the people in the crowd and nailed it to the stone pillar on the opposite side. sound.

People who were unable to calm down in various discussions seemed to be a little surprised by this moment. Taking advantage of this moment, Xie Chen said again: "Now everyone is quiet, I have something to say."

Hearing Xie Chen's words and seeing Xie Chen's unpleasant expression, many people calmed down, and some people who were too agitated also calmed down under the persuasion or violence of their companions.

Pressing no one to speak, Xie Chen took a step forward, and everyone knew what he was going to say when they watched his movements, and they couldn't help feeling nervous.

From left to right, Xie Chen scanned the people present completely, and then slowly said: "As for the true identity of Heathcliff, I have actually guessed for a long time, and I have been preparing to deal with this. Although I have always hoped that I just think more about it, the facts are different from what I thought. Heathcliff, he is nothing wrong with Kayaba Akihiko."

The people present wanted to say something after he finished speaking, and then swallowed back under Xie Chen's somewhat bitter gaze. Then he continued: "I know you are somewhat unacceptable to today's things, I am just like you. So the momentary emotional excitement is understandable, but you can't always be immersed in such emotions, don't forget, You are the best fighter among all of you! If you all lose the ability to fight, who else can we count on for the next battle!"

The last words were spoken by Xie Chen sonorously and loudly, calling many people back from their previous emotions, and they couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Yes, their performance just now was really too weak, how could they be defeated so simply?

Seeing that many people's expressions have changed, Xie Chen nodded in satisfaction and said: "So, what we should do now is not to ask why and curse Kayaba Akihiko, but to cheer up and engage in the following battle. Don't forget. Now, Kayaba Akihiko has already said that he is waiting for us at the top. As long as we defeat him, it means we have won."

After Xie Chen finished speaking, he took a look at the people around him, and then smiled slightly: "Very well, it seems that you have all recovered. Today’s event will definitely cause a big wave after it goes out. You need your help in the appeasement work, everyone has no objections?"

The people around shook their heads and said that they had no opinion, and everything depends on Xie Chen.

Xie Chen nodded and continued: "I would like to say thank you to you here first. Then, in addition to such work accidents, there is also a strategy for future strategies. We need to discuss together. I will inform you of the specific time. Yes, please come and participate after the band." Finally, he looked at Ramos, the deputy commander of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, who had been pursing his mouth and lowering his head, and could not see the emotions in his eyes. Long, your guild will leave it to you next, there is no problem, right?"

Ramos didn't expect that Xie Chen would suddenly call to himself, he was taken aback, and then quickly reflected and nodded, saying, "Well, no problem."

"That's good." Xie Chen smiled, "The other thing is that the work of the strategy should be temporarily stopped, and will be restarted after the meeting is over. Then come here today, everyone can leave, and make adjustments after returning. ."

Then the development of the matter can be imagined by everyone here. When the true identity of Heathcliff was revealed, it really caused an uproar. Everyone was shocked by this incident, and everyone's reaction was mixed. , The attitude towards this matter is also different. But no matter what, their initial reaction to this incident was a little unbelievable, and they thought it was who was joking.

But when they saw the news, the leader of the Demon Knights released it. In his article to appease everyone, there were close to a hundred people who signed and made comments. They were all strategy teams who had been fighting on the front line. Members, they all became silent, it seems that the news is true.

However, because Xie Chen and the others foresaw the chain reaction that this incident would cause, they made various preparations beforehand. Under the effective control of their various means, the adverse consequences caused by this incident were controlled. Within the smallest range.

The current front-line strategy team has been reintegrated, and they don’t think about their own guild or their own interests anymore. At the end of the strategy, defeating Kayaba Akihiko and liberating everyone here makes them a common idea. The idea allowed them to temporarily abandon their conflicts and fight together. ..


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