Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 232: gambling

Xie Chen walked outside the headquarters and met Tiabelu, who was walking towards him. Tiabeilu walked over when he saw him and said hello with a smile: "The head is early, where are we going today?"

Xie Chen nodded and said, "Go to the labyrinth area."

Tiabello nodded, and then said, "Why is it so early today, shouldn't you be serving breakfast with your daughter Yui-chan?"

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Tiabeilu. Tiabeilu was staring at him, and the smile on his face gradually became unbearable. In the end, he said to Xie Chen with a bitter face, "Okay, well, I shouldn't mention this. It’s all right. Don’t look at me with such an unkind look.” In fact, he mentioned this matter deliberately, because Xie Chen was clear about the fact that Xie Chen had repeatedly failed in Yuyi’s favorability. . So as soon as I saw Xie Chen, I talked about it, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't bear Xie Chen's gaze attack.

When Xie Chen saw him like this, he said, "You just came back, how is your progress now?"

Speaking of business affairs, Tiabeilu straightened his expression and said: "Half of the maze area has been explored, and the harvested materials have been collected. Some materials have been sent to Lisbet. They are there. The map of the area that has been explored has not been sorted out, but I think it will come out soon."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "You worked hard yesterday. Go back and rest soon."

Tiabeilu nodded to him and said, "Okay, then we'll go back first. I am really tired last night until now."

After parting with Tiabello, Xie Chen went straight to the labyrinth area. Now, in order to ensure the progress of the strategy, they adopt a round-the-clock non-stop system of taking turns. There are always people in the maze area until they find the room where the boss is guarding. After that, they will rest for one to two days to prepare for the strategy war.

Now they are only halfway through the maze area on the 96th floor, but they still haven’t found a trace of the guarding boss. However, according to previous experience, most bosses exist in the depths of the maze, so They are not too impatient now.

If you unfold the map of this maze area, mark all the roads inside, and then mark the roads that have been explored in red, you can see that the distribution of these red parts has taken up half of the entire area. One of the red lines is particularly deep, and the roads explored are much deeper than the other routes. Xie Chen is responsible for this road. Because of his presence, some difficult strange things were quickly resolved. That's why the efficiency is so high.

For this situation, other people have long been used to it. They have now recovered from the state of being a little nervous and confused and impatient, and even have some leisure activities in their leisure, although they are just some small games for leisure.

And what they often do now is to open a gambling game. The number of bets is not small but not large. After all, the money in it is no longer as useful as before, so they don’t value it that much. , If you take it out to play a game, you can have fun.

The most popular gambling game at present is to bet whether the guarding BOSS at this level will be discovered by Xie Chen or by other people. Many of them suppressed Xie Chen because he was the strongest, and the number of guarding bosses discovered by Xie Chen was not small.

But there are also many people who press the other option. They think that although Xie Chen's exploration progress is the fastest, but it can't stand the maze here, what if his route is wrong? There are so many paths in the entire maze, compared to others, the probability is higher.

The lively discussions they were discussing in private at the rear did not know when it reached Xie Chen's ears. For such a game, Xie Chen's expression was calm, and he couldn't tell what he thought.

However, Asuna knew that she also invested some money in the future. It was overwhelmed by other people. In her words, "My luck seems to be good, so what if I found out?"

Yui hugged Asuna's neck and said, "Mom is the best, Yui will also vote."

Asuna smiled and asked Yui: "Which one are you going to press? Mom will give you money."

Yui put her finger to her mouth and thought for a while and said, "I, I want to cast the Great Demon King." He glanced at Xie Chen, and then got into Asuna's arms and buried his head.

Asuna blinked and asked, "Isn't Yui saying that mom is the best? Why do you vote for dad?"

Yui raised her head and looked at Asuna in confusion, without speaking. Asuna poked her in the face and said, "You."

Xie Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yui to put the injection on him. Is it instinct? Xie Chen couldn't help but tick the corners of his mouth after listening, his expression relaxed a lot.

The front-line strategy team, who had been paying attention to Xie Chen’s reaction, was a little nervous in their hearts. They let go of their hearts when they found that Xie Chen had no opinion and his face was not bad, and then they continued, not even avoiding Xie Chen. Instead, he will run directly to Xie Chen and say: "Head, I have crushed you this time, so the head must cheer, we are all behind you to support you!"

"Yes, we are all supporting you!" a group of people suddenly came out and shouted.

Xie Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and his face sank. This group of people, even if they were playing, ran in front of him, so he pulled his face and said directly: "Are you free to do it?"

Seeing that Xie Chen's expression was wrong, the group immediately dispersed.

Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at them, and the team members who followed Xie Chen watched their noses and heart, and stood there quietly as the background board. After a while, Xie Chen smiled, then greeted: "Go, let's go to find the boss."

The atmosphere on the front line is surprisingly good now, Xie Chen thought inside.

But some people are happy, and some people are not so happy.

Akihiko Kaaba looked at the many screens in front of him with a serious face, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the smiles on everyone's faces, and a slightly cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said: "This situation is really beyond my expectations... "..


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