Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 11: Learn

In A Yan's eyes, there are only a few circumstances that can explain this situation, the most reliable of which is that he has a strong but inextricable master. But such a situation almost does not exist in the Demon Realm, but it is not without it. That’s why A Yan asked Xie Chen’s master to test it out. After listening to Xie Chen’s answer, he confirmed the thoughts in his heart a little bit. He also slightly changed his views on Xie Chen, from not knowing anything. Those who came out and broke in became those who were rushed out because of the master, so they didn't know anything.

"Let's do this, I'll give you a demonstration, and then you can follow along, how about it?" In the end, there was no way, A Yan said helplessly.

"That's good." Xie Chen said with a smile and nodded.

"It's not working right now. The terrain here is not suitable. Let's go ahead. I remember that there is a mountain ahead." As he said, A Yan looked in one direction and said after thinking about it.

"Then let's go." Xie Chen said.

As he rushed, Xie Chen followed A Yan closely, his ease of use made A Yan a little surprised.

"I don't see that your speed is not slow. Although the method is a bit rough, it is still useful." A Yan looked at Xie Chen's actions, and after a while, he probably saw Xie Chen's instant shave. The principle.

"The explosive power is good, it will be useful in actual combat, but it is not very suitable for driving." A Yan said in front of Xie Chen. At this time, she was facing Xie Chen and didn't look at the road. It seemed that the speed was not lagging behind at all, and she seemed to have eyes behind her, and she never failed to judge the situation ahead.

From a closer look, you can see that Fajue A Yan's fingers have been maintained in the same posture, making slight changes from time to time. Xie Chen's heart moved, this is a spell! Compared with the skills he currently knows, it is indeed a lot more amazing. Xie Chen's mouth pursed, and there is a hunch in his heart that he will definitely gain a lot in this world!

"Okay, it's the front." A Yan pointed to a short distance in front and said, then speeded up and flew forward. Xie Chen's feet quickly lit the ground, and then the speed suddenly exploded and rushed forward.

In the end, A Yan took Xie Chen to the half waist of a mountain. From here, the downward view is wide, with an extremely gentle **** extending to the foot of the mountain. If there are a little green grass and flowers on it, it can be called a beautiful scenery, but it is a pity that Xie Chen's eyes are bare rocks, with distinct edges and corners of different sizes.

"That's it." A Yan said to Xie Chen with his arms folded.

Xie Chen took a step forward and said, "The terrain here seems to be different from what I saw before."

"I can see it?" A Yan pursed his lips and smiled, turning around and pointing to the mountain behind, "Did you see it? It used to be said that this is a whole mountain. The place where we are standing is the same as the mountain behind. Later, when two demon kings were fighting, a sword split the mountain, half was shattered and scattered downward, and the other was nothing, so it became what you see now.""Is that so..." Xie Chen said in a low voice, looking at the towering mountain behind him, and then looking at the place where he is standing now, such a huge The contrast surprised him. The scene of such a big battle was something he had never experienced before. The battle between him and his opponent was a direct collision between two people. Even if it affected the surrounding environment, there would not be such a big scene.

Xie Chen couldn't help thinking of the battle scene described in the myth of turning his hands over for clouds and hands for rain, and the aftermath of the battle shaking the mountains and shaking the sky. Now that I have arrived in this world, I don't know if it will be possible one day. See.

"Is it spectacular?" A Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's spectacular. I don't know when I can make such a scene?" Xie Chen said, looking at the still gloomy sky in front of him.

"You? You might dream." A Yan attacked mercilessly.

Xie Chen touched his nose and did not answer. A Yan glanced at him, and then said: "Okay, I will give you a brief first. The spell I will teach you below has no name, you can call her flying skills or something. It was taught by my grandfather when I was a child It’s given to me, although it has no name, it’s not comparable to any other shoppers. Now you’re optimistic.”

After speaking, Xie Chen saw A Yan closing his eyes, interlacing his hands, and making a mysterious gesture, which seemed to be fast and slow, and it was completed in a blink of an eye. After his eyes suddenly opened, Xie Chen saw her. The body gradually floated up, and then Ah Yan changed his hand gestures, and the whole person rushed forward, not running, but flying out.

Xie Chen couldn't help moving forward a few steps: "Sure enough, it's different from what I saw before. The magic of the spell can only be felt after seeing it."

After a while, Ah Yan appeared in Xie Chen's field of vision again, and then said to him: "How is it, have you learned anything?"

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, recalling A Yan's previous gestures, and his hands moved slowly, gradually changing from slow to faster, and he had a somewhat wonderful mood in it.

A Yan's eyes lit up and she looked at Xie Chen and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect you to learn very fast. This will be easy. I will teach you to start, mainly from the movements of your hands. The movement of the magic power in the body can be omitted if the starting strength is enough, but it is still early to say that, come and do it with me, first mobilize the magic power in the body, flow through the hands to the whole body, and finally concentrate on the feet unit……"

Xie Chen frowned and followed Ah Yan's narration step by step. The first time he made some mistakes but was unsuccessful, then on the second attempt, Xie Chen found that he was slowly floating like A Yan. In midair. At this time, he felt the state of his body, comparing A Yan's words and the words in the book he had just read, he had a clear understanding in his heart.

Seeing Xie Chen's expression, A Yan smiled slightly. It seemed that she was right. Maybe she really met a genius?

Seeing that Xie Chen's state has stabilized, she continued: "Well, getting started is the most difficult. After learning it, there is nothing difficult. After that, just pay more attention to control. Now come with me, Slowly..."..


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