Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 13: Follower

But they had only just walked halfway, and from this, one could tell how big the Demon Realm was. Because the sky of Capricorn is overcast all year round. Those black and red clouds don’t just look gloomy. They often have wind and lightning. With their current strength, it’s safer not to fly too high, but flying monsters appear from time to time in the low altitude. It's another entanglement, so they need to pay special attention to the altitude of the flight, so the speed will naturally slow down.

However, the two of them are not in a hurry. They teach one at a time during their free time on the road, and sometimes they come across a beast that can be used as a food ingredient, and they will stop for a fight.

The two people here are leisurely, and there is no tracer who has been behind them.

A tall demon with a very low sense of existence stood a kilometer away from Xie Chen and the others, whispering something. "Lord, Young Lord has a safe journey, and the Demon Race who didn't know where it came from is also considered safe."

"Is that right? That's fine. Look carefully, there is nothing that doesn't happen." A jade-like stone in the hand of such a demon was exuding a faint purple luster, and a calm and thick voice came from it.

"It's just the lord, that kid learned some spells from the young lord, do you need to..." the voice of the tall demon clan hesitated.

The voice on the jade side disappeared for a while, and then faintly sounded again, "Don't worry about too much, just a few small spells. As long as you don't do extra things, let him go, it's just a passer-by."

"Yes, Lord." The tall demons gave a stern expression, then bowed their heads in response.

Putting away the tarnished jade in his hand, the figure of the tall demon clan became non-existent again, and the breath became very weak.

However, Xie Chen and A Yan still didn't know all this, and they were still walking slowly on the road. They just came across a small monster, the meat is very delicious, it was eaten clean under the food of the two people, they did not hurry on the way after eating and drinking, but walked slowly.

"Ah, what's the matter that it seems to be better than what I have eaten before? It seems to be different from the taste." A Yan raised his head and said slowly.

Xie Chen bit a grass stalk in his mouth, so he was a little vague: "This means that when people are hungry, everything is delicious, understand?"

"Is that so?" A Yan asked suspiciously.

Xie Chen nodded: "Of course it is, even if you eat when you are extremely hungry, it will be delicious."

"Wild vegetables? What's that?" A Yan blinked and asked without understanding.

Xie Chen just remembered now, and looked at the bare surroundings. Maybe in the Demon Realm, there is no such thing as wild vegetables. He touched his nose and said, "It's a kind of food, something like grass."

"The same as the inside of your mouth?" A Yan pointed to the grass stem inside Xie Chen's mouth.

"Almost, it's just edible." Xie Chen spit out the grass stalk in his mouth and took a look in his hand. He discovered this accidentally. He saw it when he was chasing the small monster on the cliff. There were still some fruits on it. After asking Ah Yan, the two ate them separately. The remaining stems and leaves Xie Chen unexpectedly found that the taste was good, and bit in his mouth.

"Then is this delicious?" A Yan looked at the grass stalk Xie Chen was holding, his eyes burning.

Xie Chen smiled and threw it away: "It doesn't taste much, why do you want to taste it?"

Ah Yan hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, I've never eaten anything like this before, and besides, I don't even want to taste it anymore." Then he glanced at the ground. Ah Yan sighed.

Xie Chen pursed his mouth, smiled and said, "Well, is it time to hurry? Today's day looks great."

A Yan also looked up at the sky, and then nodded: "Indeed, then let's take advantage of this moment and leave."

It is said that the weather is good, but compared to the weather with strong wind and strong thunder, the sky is still full of black and red clouds. It's just that the sky is much cleaner than usual at this time. After discovering this, Xie Chen and the others would naturally not waste this great opportunity.

Seeing the figures of the two disappeared from sight, the tall demons who followed them also moved and followed them, draped far behind. Unlike Xie Chen and Ayan when they were flying, the demon clan's figure seemed to be there, and it was almost impossible to notice if you were not paying attention.

Among the three, the traces left by Xie Chen were even more obvious. Because what A Yan used when he was on the way was not the kind of spell taught to Xie Chen, but another kind of body that seemed lighter and more flexible at first glance and was more suitable for women.

Naturally, Xie Chen wouldn’t care about this, but in his heart he thought that after a while, he would have to get better spells, but I don’t know if O’Olas will give him related tasks this time and can do it. The task is best if you get it.

Time passed, and the two of them finally approached the capital of the Demon World. From a distance, Xie Chen saw the huge complex of buildings. When I was on the way, I learned after Ah Yan's explanation. In many places, the capital city can be seen from a distance, but in fact it is still very far away from the capital city. This is just a special phenomenon of the Demon World.

At that time, Xie Chen understood that this was the equivalent of a mirage. The situation afterwards was exactly like what A Yan said, the distant view of the capital city could be seen from far away, but when it was close, I couldn't see that view. Knowing that they really came to the vicinity of the capital.

Standing on a hillside, Xie Chen looked at the winding city wall from a distance, and said: "Sure enough, it's huge."

"Yes, although it's not the first time here, but every time we see it, it still feels spectacular. But don't see if we can see it clearly now, it will take a while to get to the capital." A Yan put his hand down from his eyes , Said. ..


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