Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 41: reward

Xie Chen wandered around the Demon Realm alone, two years have passed in a blink of an eye. His strength has also grown tremendously, and he has also encountered some good far-reaching exercises and some good things.

But he still hasn't stopped for two years. This is almost all the time he has spent in a world before, but now he has only just started. Except for some opportunities, Xie Chenhao did some tasks. Most of the rewards were items. Among them, he was most satisfied with a lottery chance. Through energy accumulation, the system was able to scan from a certain range around. Useful things, and then choose some of them as rewards to Xie Chen. The more energy, the better the quality of what can be obtained.

And what Xie Chen drew was a spell that concealed the fluctuation of magical power. In addition to concealing and changing his own breath, he could also change his body shape and appearance. Although there is a certain limitation, he can only conceal people who are at most one level beyond his strength, and then he can't go up. But one of the most important is to cover up the magical aura of disguising oneself, there are almost no flaws, I don't know the principle. Among them, O'Olas woke up once, and even if he didn't investigate closely, he couldn't find the fluctuation of his magic power.

Therefore, Xie Chen attaches great importance to this exercise. When he got the record of this exercise, he thought that he had put away the useless things, but obviously, this thing is a treasure covered in dust, and people might read it wrong. , But the system will not ignore it, so it fell into his hands.

In addition to this, the other thing that made Xie Chen most satisfied was that after he completed ten missions to strike opponents, the system unblocked one thing, which made him somewhat overjoyed.

This thing is nothing else, it just happens to be a transfer crystal. As long as it is the place he marked on the map, it can be directly transferred. It's just that the cooling time is a full month, and there are only transfer crystals and no corridor crystals. But this is enough. This kind of thing functions like a teleportation circle that you carry with you. But unlike the magic circle, it is the transfer of crystals. Because it is not something of this world, it is impossible for him to transfer away. Someone tracked his whereabouts through what.

The only thing that made Xie Chen a little regretful was that he didn't bring more with him at the time. When he was about to end the strategy, he used the transfer crystals everywhere. Although the original number was a lot, it was left after such use. A small half. Xie Chen counted, there were twenty-three in total.

Thinking of his casualness at that time, Xie Chen felt a little distressed. If it were all kept till now, it would be great. It's a pity, but he didn't struggle for too long. It was good enough to be able to get these. Because the last opponent he met was a monster entrenched in the border area. He accidentally discovered that he was fighting with the demons who wanted to plot against him, but at that time the demons saw that he was about to fall, and his heart was directly in touch with the beast.

In the end, although Xie Chen won the battle, he had to face a stronger opponent. Not to mention that he was already injured. After arduous fighting, Xie Chen was able to win the victory after almost exhausting his life. It was also because of this battle that Xie Chen set out to hide the conditions and obtained the transfer crystal.

But also because of this battle, Xie Chen's sound transmission jade was also destroyed, and the contact with A Yan has since been broken. Xie Chen shook his head, ending the memory, and smiled a little disappointed: "Life is impermanent..."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xie Chen looked up at the city wall in front of him, then raised his foot forward. This city is Xie Chen's final decision after comparison. Although it has been two years, only a quarter of the area on Xie Chen's map has been lit up, and the rest is gray. The name of this city is Qingyu City, and the city owner is a demon general known as Qingyu General.

The geographical location of Qingyu City is not particularly good, but it is not bad. General Qing Yu was indifferent by nature, and had a personality similar to that of Black Flame Demon Lord, but it was not the same. The indifferent reputation of this general Qingyu is quite resounding. He doesn't like words by nature, and has no expression. He is only entrusted to the people under the control of the things in the city, and he is devoted to cultivation. It is also because of this that although General Qingyu has a lot of qualifications among the demons, his age is the youngest.

He has such a character that even the Cloud Wing Demon Lord who governs him can't do anything, but the Demon Realm is still calm under the rule of the heavy building, so the Cloud Wing Demon Lord also let him go. Therefore, under his personality, the atmosphere of the entire Qingyu City seemed to Xie Chen to be pretty good, and there were few disputes. Because of Qing Yu's personality, most of his staff are also enthusiastic practitioners. Because of this, Xie Chen decided to come to Qingyu City.

Xie Chen observed this city. Compared with the capital city, this city is much less prosperous, but it is much quieter, and the buildings are mostly simple and elegant. And the most of them sell all kinds of weapon pills, as well as all kinds of things related to cultivation. Even the food sold in restaurants is mostly useful food for cultivation, but not too concerned about the taste.

Xie Chen didn't walk fast, and it was in stark contrast with most of the people around who were walking in a hurry. Seeing many people rushing in one direction, with a look of excitement, Xie Chen knew where he was looking for.

Following the flow of people, Xie Chen finally came to the place where the crowd gathered. This is the day when the magic soldiers are recruited once in ten years, so it is so lively.

The location was near the city lord’s mansion, and a dozen people stood on the platform, which seemed to be the appearance of a higher-level general. Behind him stood two rows of serious demon soldiers.

Although there are many people in the audience, they are not noisy, at most they are talking quietly. I want to come to the audience and the many magic soldiers around.

Xie Chen stood behind the crowd, his current appearance was disguised as an ordinary demon, spreading from the temple to the purple scales on his cheeks, with two long horns coiled around his head, and a slow tail behind him. Moving slowly, with sharp nails. The pupils of the eyes were dark and looked a little cold. Quietly watching the people on the stage. ..


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