Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 45: Aoyagi

The people who can be here are not stupid people. Seeing that Xie Chen had already set the benchmark, they immediately stood behind or next to the person who had already stood. Almost in a blink of an eye, a phalanx of hundreds of people appeared on the training ground. They all have extraordinary cultivation bases, so their grasp of distance can be described as not bad. From above, the phalanx of hundreds of people looks quite neat.

The one hundred people here were settled. After seeing Xie Chen's method, the demons who were not standing next to him immediately gathered and formed according to his method.

When Xie Chen did these things, there were other people doing the same things. Among so many people, there are always some very knowledgeable and capable people, who are standing up to command, and what finally appears on the training ground is the first five and the last five in a neat square.

"Not bad." The general nodded insignificantly, and said to the person behind him. Of course, he was talking about a few people like Xie Chen.

"Now you are divided into ten teams for training, each of which is listed as a small team, and the captain is chosen." The general stood in front and said loudly. The people below looked at his serious face and did not move. They all understood a little bit of blue after such a long time. Since the rules in the Yujun are known, they won't know it. Therefore, the scene is quite quiet now, only the voice of the generals echoes.

"You should all know the rules of my Qingyujun, but I still want to talk to you. Now I have listened carefully. If you violate it, you will be at your own risk." After he finished speaking, a person came up behind him and began to read Qingyujunjun. regulation.

Xie Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know this before, but didn't know whether it was just the Qingyu Army or all the cities in the Demon World. Listening carefully to the military regulations, Xie Chen discovered that the Qingyu Army's military regulations were not many, and they were not too complicated. There were a few simple and clear ones, but they were very in line with the situation in the devil world. One of them is that the military can't help fighting, but it is necessary to go to a special place for competition, and private fighting is not allowed.

This is in line with the character of the people of the demon world, and you can see it from the Demon Respect Building. If you don't let them fight, you will probably die in discomfort.

After reading the military regulations, the general stepped forward and asked: "Do you understand everything?"


He nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "It's not bad, but at this level, it's far from enough. Although you came here after selection, but just like this, it's not a youth at all. Yujun. Invite to become a qualified demon soldier, and you need to be trained." He squinted his eyes and continued, "No matter what you were called before, how many compliments and compliments the genius has received. Well, here, in my eyes, you are all the same, and where you are here, there is no difference between you and the person next to you."

He looked at many people below and frowned, but the arrogant demons would not be able to bear his words, but they are not stupid. If they refute it under such circumstances, it is not clear. Things that will do it.

He was really satisfied when he saw no one talking, which showed that they were not stupid yet. Xie Chen stood in front of a phalanx and watched the generals above speak with no expression on his face. These words sound a bit familiar. Does every world know how to train recruits? Is it similar? He thought silently in his heart.

His gaze could not help but drifted to one side, and there were four people in the same room with him, three of them were the organizers of the line, even if the remaining spontaneous demons did not direct the others to line up, but if he shouted a few words, it didn’t work. Small role.

It seems that the rooms are not divided randomly, Xie Chen thought.

"But you are lucky this year, because it is not me who is responsible for training you, but General Aoyagi." The general in the lead said, and then looked at the surprised expressions of the recruits below with satisfaction.

General Aoyagi, Xie Chen didn't know who he was, but looking at the expressions of people around him, he shouldn't be a small person.

Although Xie Chen didn't know who General Aoyagi was, most of the people present had heard of his name. General Aoyagi listened to a rather gentle name, but the real man was eight feet tall, burly, and rigorous in ruling the army. The team he trained was very powerful, but the corresponding training was the hardship, even harsh. And his reputation has already spread around, and it can be said that he is quite fame in Qingyu City.

So after I heard his name, many people turned into bitter melon faces. How could it be this person! Didn't it mean that he has been leading soldiers outside! Did he leave the First Army under him!

But no matter what they think, this matter has become a foregone conclusion. After three days of basic training, they finally met General Aoyagi.

During these three days, Xie Chen has been training with everyone. What's worth mentioning is that he was appointed as the captain of ten teams. Like him there are the long-haired demon and the red-haired demon. He already knew the names of the three people who lived with him.

The name of the long-haired demon is Shi Mulin, and the name of the purple-haired demon is Shi Muye. The two are brothers of the same clan. The red-haired demon's name is Yanque. Although he looks bad at character, he is actually straightforward. That day, he kept pulling a face only when he met something that made him very unhappy.

Xie Chen stood under the stone platform, looking at General Aoyagi ahead. Sure enough, as Shi Muye said, the momentum was very shocking. The height of the Demon Race is very high, but his height is a bit taller than most Demon Race. The hair is not long, just as arbitrary as him. There are black lines on both sides of the forehead, which are slightly hideous. Wearing an all-black armor, I don't know where I came back from. It still carries blood on it, and even the blood is not cleaned up.

"You are the recruits of this year?" General Aoyagi glanced at the people below, with disdain in his eyes, "Hmph, a bunch of rubbish."

As soon as he said this, the faces of the people below immediately changed. Many of them have not seen anything. Many of them are experienced in combat. Some of them have been outside for a long time, and they have developed their skills. Some of them have been called geniuses and grew up in praise. . Now that pedestrians are called rubbish, they immediately feel that they are being insulted. ..


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