Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 47: Arrivals

Seeing everyone on the road, his expression did not change much. The performance of these people was almost as expected. Except for Xie Chen's actions, he will have a little surprise. Unexpectedly, there are people here who would sacrifice their time to help people in their team, but this is more in line with his mind.

"This person is quite interesting. I thought the information given to me was a bit exaggerated, but I didn't expect it. I just don't know what your performance will be in the future." Aoyagi said.

The road to the top of the mountain where Aoyagi is located is rugged, with all kinds of bottomless ravines and cliffs. It seems that the road is clearly not passable, even for them, this road is a bit too difficult. Not to mention that there are all kinds of monsters on the road, they have to fight in such a precarious place, and if one is not careful, they will fall into the abyss.

Fortunately, Aoyagi did not prohibit them from using magic power in battle. In addition, Xie Chen's situation was special. He had not used magic power for a long time to deflection, so he was very familiar with this situation, and the long sword in his hand was out of the sheath, and many Moby were killed by the sword in an instant. Although Yu7jianle was more difficult to deal with, it was successfully passed under his command. Although it was extremely dangerous, they still came over in surprise.

There were no accidents to people near Xie Chen, but people in other places did not. Although there are many of them, or have seen many of them, they are obviously inexperienced in commanding battles. The strength of each team member is not as understood as Xie Chen, and their strength can be appropriately allocated and used. So some people still inevitably have accidents.

A demon clan avoids monsters in battle, but his mind is all on the monsters in front of him, but ignores the surrounding environment. When I was at my feet, I fell into the mountain stream.

Hearing his horrified and stern shouts, everyone's hearts were shocked. Xie Chen said lightly: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with him, after all, the strength is there."

As soon as Xie Chen's words were spoken, they came back to their senses. They hadn't used magic for such a long time, and Jin Tairan had forgotten this after a long period of mental stress.

They only breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the person who fell would be fine. Then they looked at each other and continued to move forward.

Of course, some people don't care about those who fall, just keep moving forward.

Gradually, the distance between so many people is getting farther and farther, because Xie Chen has been taking care of the entire team, so the speed is inevitably pulled down. But also because of their cooperation, they did not fall behind, but behind the first echelon.

The number of the first echelon is not small, but not many, about 60 or 70 people. These people are all outstanding and not dragged down, and some naturally use some small means. After they caught up to the first echelon, they put away these little tricks, and no one noticed the concealment they thought they were doing. They didn't know that all of this had already fallen into Aoyagi's eyes.

An hour had come, Aoyagi slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people gathered in front of him. Simply said: "You are fine, I caught up within the stipulated time."

Xie Chen looked down at a small flashing light spot on his chest, which seemed to be a character, but he couldn't see clearly when he wanted to look closely. He arrived at an hour and a while away, and his team arrived almost at the same time.

When they arrived, a hundred years of small light spots floated out from Aoyagi, attached to his chest, which must be a sign.

When they arrived, they saw Aoyagi sitting cross-legged on a big rock not far away, eyes closed. Seeing this situation, they dare not speak loudly. They can only discuss a sentence or two by means of voice transmission.

Because you can't use magic power on the road, many people feel very tired after arriving at this time, so looking at the current situation, they also sat down and started adjusting their breath.

Xie Chen felt okay, so he just stood there, staring at the distant mountain in a daze.

By one hour, the number of people reached was about 700 or nearly 800. Then Aoyagi opened his eyes on time when the hour came, and said the above sentence.

"But there are still some people who can't do it. They haven't come here yet." Aoyagi continued slowly.

When he said this, many people also arrived one after another, but they also knew that the time had passed, so their expressions were bound to be shoved, one by one frowning.

Looking at them, Aoyagi ignored them, but said to those who arrived on time: "You can almost prove that you are not rubbish, but some of them are worse than rubbish."

His words were a bit confusing. Xie Chen grabbed his eyes, and knew in his heart that he should be talking about those who are opportunistic.

"Now, people with red spots on their chests, stand up." Aoyagi stood up, and said lightly.

There was a small commotion in the crowd, and then quickly calmed down. They looked at each other, and the people with the red dots came out one by one. There were about twenty people.

Xie Chen glanced, sure enough. The people he noticed who used the means are here.

The people who stood up were a little apprehensive. After all, they knew what they were doing themselves. Looking at Aoyagi's face, they wanted to see some clues, but found that his expression was extremely calm, and they could see everything.

Aoyagi stepped forward and walked slowly around them, knowing that sweat leaked from the foreheads of some of them and then said, "Do you think that no one will know what you have done?" "

Such a question completely shattered the fluke in their hearts. If they spoke with Aoyagi's strength, they didn't have the courage and reason to doubt the authenticity of the words, and there was no need to consider whether they were being lied by Aoyagi. ..


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