Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 58: wake

After doing all these things and seeing that there were no flaws in the scene, Xie Chen left here directly with Yan Que. When he reached the edge of the woods, he felt a resistance. Xie Chen lowered the altitude of the flight because he was close to the restricted altitude and wanted to fly inside.

In the past, because they didn't know where it was safe and where there would be enemies, they kept walking on the ground. After completing the task just now, Xie Chen was rewarded with a map. The original simple map had a lot of information, such as the enemy's location and approximate type. So Xie Chen was flying directly in the air, avoiding the places marked as dangerous along the way, and quickly moved away from here.

It was not until she had escaped far enough that Xie Chen slowly landed and found a relatively clean place to put Yan's fault down. After inspecting and confirming the safety of the surrounding environment, Xie Chen turned his attention to Yan Que's body.

Because Yan Que stayed in the belly of Tianyin Snake for a long time, after the final magical power was almost consumed, he would inevitably be eroded by the acid, and the acid was still poisonous.

Just like the appearance of a Tianyin snake, the digestive juice in its abdomen is pure and transparent and has no peculiar smell. Instead, it has a faint indescribable cold fragrance, but after asking for a long time, it makes people feel dizzy. dizzy.

The toxicity contained in it makes it inevitably black that the corroded wound will turn black.

Xie Chen looked at the wounds on Yan Que's body, and it seemed to be serious, and the wounds on the back of his hands could even see the bones faintly.

In fact, if it is just a wound, it can be recovered by relying on the powerful flesh of the Mozu itself, and it will not take long. But now Yanque's wound has not only no signs of healing, but signs of getting worse.

The face that had returned to normal just now began to turn pale again. If these degrees are not removed, the wound will heal very slowly, and scars will remain. Xie Chen glanced at the wound on Yanque's face, raised his hand, magic power appeared from Xie Chen's hand, and then covered Yanque's wound. Because detoxification requires concentration, Xie Chen can only deal with a certain area at a time. Fortunately, these wounds are either small or not too deep, so they are considered easy to deal with.

Xie Chen wandered through Yanque’s wound with red magic power, dispersed into extremely fine filaments, a little bit to dissipate the toxins from his wound, Xie Chen collected these toxins , Maybe it will be useful in the future.

It took nearly an hour before Xie Chen removed all the toxins from Yan Que's wound. At the same time, the toxin liquid has also been collected, although all of them are only a small amount, less than three drops. After the toxin was expelled, Xie Chen casually washed Yan Que out of his body, then evaporated the water to dryness, put him aside, and started to clean up. thing.

First of all, the body of the Tianyin Snake was too huge, so Xie Chen didn't plan to take the Tianyin Snake out of it. It was too risky. But there is one thing that can be checked now.

A white jade bottle appeared in Xie Chen’s hand. This jade bottle was only as long as Xie Chen’s palm, but it contained a lot of liquid. It contained the essence and blood of Tianyin Snake’s forehead. The blood is scarce, but that's relative to its huge body, and it's actually not a lot after taking it out.

Xie Chen took out a drop of golden-red blood, took out two more drops after thinking about it, and received it in another small jade bottle. Then he put away the two jade bottles, and he looked at the drop of golden red blood for a long time. He could feel the tremendous power in it later, but how to use this blood is best not to understand. , It seems that this matter still depends on him. Xie Chen glanced at Yan Que lying on the side.

Hearing the sound, Xie Chen turned his head and found that Yan Que really woke up. Xie Chen got up and walked over, lowered his head and asked, "Wake up? How do you feel?"

Yan Que opened his eyes slowly, and he felt terrible pain all over his body, and he was dizzy, and his muscles became tense when he heard the movement of someone coming, until he clearly saw Xie Chen’s face. Then he relaxed. He glanced at the surroundings, then frowned, reluctantly started doing it slowly, and asked, "Where is this? Before me..." He thought back, but found that there was confusion in his mind.

Xie Chen reminded him: "I fought with the Tianyin Snake before, but fell into a illusion. Then when I woke up, I just saw you swallowed by it. After snatching you out, I hurried away and fled here. "

"Illusory Realm?" Yan Que murmured, then frowned, his face turned a little ugly, he obviously remembered it, and seeing his expression was obviously experiencing something bad in the environment. After a while, he stretched his brows and said: "I remember..." Then he looked at Xie Chen and smiled gratefully, "Thank you so much." To be honest, Que really didn't expect Xie Chen to take him out of the snake's belly. He was rescued. Although he was wondering how he did it, he still didn't ask. His relationship with Xie Chen is actually just a roommate, saying that his friends are still a little bit worse, but since today, he decided to put Xie Chen in a very important position.

Xie Chen saw that Yan Que's Diaoqing had changed, and then looked at him too hard, and said firmly in his eyes: "I will be able to use it for anything in the future.

Xie Chen was slightly surprised, then he knew it, smiled and said: "Okay, I will remember. I will find you if I have anything to do in the future."

Yan Que's expressionless face eased a little, but Xie Chen's remarks made him feel much more comfortable. Then he saw Xie Chen took out a small bottle and took out a drop of golden-red liquid from the inside, exuding a faint fragrance. After he asked, he felt that the pain of the healing wound on his body was a little lighter. ..


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