Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 61: Training purpose

Since Aoyagi was observing their situation, he naturally noticed that there were some big battle scenes by the lake, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Although such scenes were not small, he saw a lot of them. After seeing the fish, he chuckled. He said: "I didn't expect this fish to grow so big." Then he gently waved his hand to move the formation, and the scene by the lake began to return to its original state. Because this is not an illusion, it is true to a certain extent, so recovery is somewhat slow. Although it can be restored to its original state immediately, it takes a lot of energy to consume, and there is no need to waste that energy in the current situation.

From beginning to end, Qingliu didn't know that there was a Tianyin snake living here for so long, and it was still in the bag. Now it has been restored to its original state, and no one will find it in the future.

"It's almost time, how is it?" General Qingyu asked lightly.

Aoyagi replied, "Someone is almost done."

"Not bad." Qing Yu nodded slightly and said, "How many people are left?"

"About 70%, the level of this group of people can be ranked high in the history of recruitment." Looking at General Qingyu, Aoyagi continued: "The best-performing team has nearly a hundred people at the end. The kid who leads the team is really good, and he is very talented in commanding."

"Oh? Is there such a talent?" Qingyu said, "Who is it?"

Qing Liu nodded: "It's Xie Chen, you should have heard of it, General."

Aoyagi opened his eyes and said slowly, "It's him."

"Yes, that's him. I mentioned it to you before, I don't know if you remember it."

Aoyagi nodded slightly: "Naturally remember, I have impressions of the best performers in this batch. In addition to him, there are several other people who performed well, except for his accidental other people's origins. "Slightly raised his eyes, General Qing Yu said if he had something to say, "Or he is the most uncomfortable of all."

Qing Liu listened to Qing Yu's words and said, "The subordinates have already found out that he came to Qingyu City shortly before recruiting. It seems that he came directly to recruit troops. Such people are not too few. There is no history, but the Demon Realm is so big, there are not many such people. Under the observation of this period of time, there is nothing suspicious about this person."

"It's the best, you watch it a lot. If you are really capable, you should cultivate it as soon as possible."

"Yes, General."

After leaving Qingyu, Aoyagi frowned and then gradually loosened it. I really followed General Qingyu, but after a long time, he started to think about things. You must know that he has no war and no joy. When did he start to worry about the turmoil in the demon world, even if the war started, it might not be so bad. What?

After a brief thought, Aoyagi rushed to the training ground. The training of those unqualified people has already achieved some results, and the training of those eliminated in the formation should also be inspected. After training these two groups of people, he rushed to the formation and began to observe the performance of the people in the formation.

When he arrived, Xie Chen and the others were fighting with a big guy. They knew this monster. It was a well-known alien species in the Demon Realm, but it couldn't be compared with the Tianyin Snake, and the number was not small. But the strength is extraordinary. The one they met was only at an ordinary level among such monsters, but it was enough to cause them headaches.

However, Xie Chen did not panic, but calmly ordered the people present to fight in groups. This mode is the most familiar to him. I don’t know how many times he has used it, and even if he is seriously injured, he won’t die at most. Being eliminated, Xie Chen has a bottom in his heart.

After two hours of fighting, the monster was finally solved by them, and four people were eliminated. But the results are already very good. Xie Chen looked at them and nodded slightly: "Everyone performed very well this time." Then he turned his head and said, "Six groups collect things, and the others rest in place."

Everyone started to find a place to rest. Some were meditating and practicing healing, some started to take a nap when they closed their eyes, and some took out the meat they had collected before and started roasting. The real smell came out and attracted. A circle of people.

Moreover, the energetic people began to fight with each other. Xie Chen was accustomed to these performances of them. He just sat there and drank some water and began to meditate. Just closing his eyes, he felt the familiar breath next to him. He opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yan Que cut a piece of wood next to it flat, then sat up and whispered, "I think this training should come to an end."

Xie Chen nodded: "It's time to arrive."

"What do you think is the significance of this training?" Yan Que asked.

Xie Chen thought for a while and said, "It should be training the ability to fight, whether it is single or cooperative."

"Except for these? These are the most basic. I think this should be selecting some people." Yan Que said with the same expression.

"I can see it from the beginning." Xie Chen replied, and there was no expression on his face either. It was not that he was cold, but that he has been with this expression ever since, "Think of this is a magic soldier, an army, You can know it. This time the training should be to choose people with leadership skills."

"Yes, after this time, Brother Xie Chen, you will be in the eyes of General Aoyagi. Maybe the city lord will remember you. It's really enviable." Yan Que said, although he said so, but he was envied. There is no expression, but very relaxed.

"Actually, I think General Aoyagi is anxious. According to the usual situation, our group is indeed somewhat special." Xie Chen thought for a while and said. He wasn't waiting for Yan Que to reply, but he didn't hear the sound. He couldn't help but raised his head and glanced up, then he found Yan Que frowned and had a tangled expression.

Xie Chen asked strangely: "What's wrong with you...?"

Yan Que watched Xie Chen hesitated and stopped, thinking for a while before saying as if made up his mind: "Actually, I know something inside."..


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