Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 63: Next book

Xie Chen nodded: "Yeah."

Because he usually looks like this, several players don't feel coldly treated. Several other Yanque players ran up to Yanque, and after he said something, he waved them to the side to do it. The quiet in the hall should be heard clearly, but under his control, only a small circle of people around can hear it.

The face of the leader on the opposite side became worse, and the face of the person who ran past was as deep as water. It was not until the most Xie Chen where he was originally his but the two team members came over here, but the look in Xie Chen's eyes With some malice.

He thought Aoyagi didn't know, but Aoyagi knew all their movements, expressions and expressions in the hall. Seeing his performance, Aoyagi shook his head slightly in his heart, so narrow-minded, he wouldn't do much after all.

Half an hour later, the two teams were still in the hall, and General Aoyagi finally opened his eyes and walked out of the formation. Looking at them, he said, "You are fine. I got here in less than twenty days."

Listening to his words, these recruits all showed joyful expressions, and the one who was dissatisfied with Xie Chen also smiled contentedly, and then saw Xie Chen who was still calm as water, his face turned dark again.

This person has been pressing on him in the previous training, and he is still pressing on him now. Really, one day he will step this person under his feet to see if he can maintain this look.

Xie Chen didn't notice him because his gaze coincided with Aoyagi, and then he clearly saw the smile in his eyes, obviously he was very satisfied with him.

In this way, there should be no mistakes. With the bottom in his heart, Xie Chen will not be impatient or impatient in doing things in the future. He is now in the eyes of the person above, and the result will never let him down.

After General Aoyagi said something, he let them go back. Until a week later, all the talents came out one after another. At this time, those who were eliminated and those who were fined and trained have completed their tasks.

The last training like this seemed to have no effect, but after three months, they became the Qing Yu army, and the effect of this training came out.

After they finished the training of recruits, they were officially incorporated into the Qingyu Army. Since they became the second hospital of the Qingyu Army, they were naturally organized in accordance with the official army establishment. They were not directly organized into the first army, but After being broken up, they were inserted into other established organizational systems, so that they could become qualified soldiers at the fastest speed and grow up the fastest.

During this process, the results of the previous investigations were used. Xie Chen directly became the deputy of a lieutenant. Everyone knew that he was cultivating an inheritor for that deputy and waited until he was promoted. Can directly become a deputy. This kind of treatment is almost unique. Some people were not convinced, thought of Xie Chen maliciously, and slandered him with malicious words. Some people were more direct and challenged him. Just when Aoyagi met him, he said: "If you can outnumber him, you can directly take his place."

As soon as these words came out, the people who were originally convinced by Xie Chen couldn't help but moved their minds. As long as Xie Chen was defeated, he could directly become the deputy of the lieutenant and become a lieutenant just around the corner.

So after Qing Liu said the above, more people challenged Xie Chen, which made Xie Chen a little speechless and headache. He helplessly said: "What's all this..."

Yan Que said with some gloat: "Can you not beat them?"

Xie Chen waited for him, "Is it possible?"

Yan Que said: "That's all right."

"But with so many people, how long will it take to finish the fight?" Xie Chen frowned and looked at the list on the paper. There were more than 180 people who challenged him.

Yan Que naturally knew the number of people. He smirked and said, "Who makes your current position too attractive? But don't worry too much. You only have to solve the first part and wait for them to give up."

Xie Chen's expression eased, and then said: "It can only be done like this. If you want to let them retreat, you must use thunder means. If you hurt them too badly, will they be too bloody. General Aoyagi is not happy?" This is what Xie Chen is worried about now. What is the right level of action? If it is too light, it will not serve as a deterrent. If it is too heavy, it will be a colleague after all, and it will be difficult to start.

Yan Que shook his head: "Why do you think that? Just feel free to fight, as long as you don't kill you."

"That's all right?" Xie Chen asked in surprise, is this really good?

Yan Que nodded: "Naturally. The rules in the army have been like this since ancient times. Besides, no matter how much you do it, they will soon die as long as there is no special injury."

Xie Chen only reacted after hearing it, yes, this is the Demon Realm, and his opponents are all orthodox Demon Races, with strong bodies and not too strong in recovery ability. After thinking about it like this, Xie Chen no longer worried, but began to think about what to do to make them retreat in the shortest time.

After thinking for a while, he asked Yan Que: "You are so strong, why don't you challenge it?"

Yan Que heard Xie Chen's question and shook his head and said, "I won't do useless work, but it's good to be able to fight you."

"Then why not challenge it?" Xie Chen didn't understand.

"This opportunity is not suitable. I will wait until the next day, but later you have to think that I will lick and fight with you."

The corners of Xie Chen's lips curled up slightly, and then said: "Naturally not." Fighting against opponents of Yanque's level is also very good for him. Because the path of Yanque’s practice is the most orthodox, the results of this learning will also be reflected in the battle. Some common sense or commonly used skills are not well understood by Xie Chen, so he can learn a lot. .

Thinking about it this way, Xie Chen felt that so many challenges seemed not difficult to cope with. Maybe you can learn a lot from them. But after he talked about this idea to Yan Que, he looked at Xie Chen with an inexplicable look, and looked at Xie Chen a little bit surprised whether he had a mountain or something on his face, and then he couldn't help but touch himself. There's nothing on her face, "What are you doing looking at me like this?" Xie Chen asked. ..


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