Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 76: Want to escape?

Xie Chen didn't know what he was thinking about. He was so focused on fighting now that he ignored the surrounding situation. At this time, he couldn't take care of the team that was supposed to fight under his command. Fortunately, his adjutant was also pulled up by him with one hand, and he could handle it under this situation.

During the battle, his adjutant and guards looked at the two people fighting in mid-air over there, and they all looked forward to Xie Chen's victory.

On the battlefield of more than one million people, Xie Chen's situation here is actually not conspicuous, the light formed by the flying spells hiding Xie Chen's sword light in it.

But Qingliu still saw the situation on Xie Chen's side, and when he saw him throw off a group of soldiers and fight with one person, his brow frowned, and then he saw Xie Chen's opponent in the next second.

He could tell at a glance that the man's strength was one level higher than Xie Chen. However, he didn't expect that Xie Chen had the upper hand. This made him a little relieved, it seems that even if he didn't pay much attention to Xie Chen, he had grown a lot during this period. After a quick glance, Aoyagi shifted his attention to the entire battlefield.

The more Xie Chen played, the easier it became. After completely suppressing his opponent, he finally came out with a trace of mind and paid attention to the surrounding situation. After seeing that the battle was not so good, he frowned, and he was about to end soon.

Thinking like this in his heart, the movements in his hands are getting faster and faster, and his moves have been replaced with powerful moves. This makes the other party retreat steadily, and even has the heart to escape.

The general was still worried that this was on the battlefield, so he didn't escape. In addition, his appearance after leaving will definitely arouse Shangguan's suspicion, so he can only find a place to hide temporarily after escaping, so that he will not be able to return to the army, which is not very good.

Therefore, he felt the passage of time, and his thoughts were mixed, and his heart to fight became less and less determined. From the outside, he was getting more and more disadvantaged in the fight against Xie Chen.

Finally he bit his teeth and decided to take the opportunity to escape. Don't worry about what it looks like when you come back, it's true to live first!

Xie Chen looked surprised when the opponent created an opportunity to turn around and flee when fighting him. He didn't think much about catching up at the first time. Then the spell prepared in his hand was sent directly.

Feeling the raging attack from behind, he shook his figure and avoided most of the attacks, but one arm was wiped and injured. He gritted his teeth, unable to heal himself, and continued to flee away at a very fast speed with the wound. Xie Chen only reflected this at this time. He is... trying to escape? Xie Chen ticked the corner of his mouth. At this time, he wanted to escape? His speed suddenly increased, and he got closer and closer to the person who was fleeing in front of him. He pointed his hand forward, and the arrow of darkness shot out, directly hitting the back of his heart, and his movement suddenly stopped. Feeling the severe pain in his back, his expression became hideous.

He didn't know what hit him, but the pain continued, causing him to slow down unconsciously. This won't work, he thought. Then gritted his teeth and raised the speed again.

But just a little bit of time was enough for Xie Chen to catch up with him and launch an attack. There was a raging flame on his right hand, following Xie Chen's figure across the sky, it hit the person in front of him like a meteor.

Xie Chen stayed in the air, watching the other party fall from the air like a bird with folded wings, hitting the ground heavily and forming a pit. Feeling that the other party's breath of life had disappeared, Xie Chen closed his eyes, glanced at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, and then turned and returned.

Seeing Xie Chen coming back alone, both parties who were fighting understood what was going on. The people on Xie Chen's side were uplifted, and the other side's people saw that the leader on their side had been resolved by the other side, and the momentum in their hearts couldn't help but weaken a bit.

With the addition of Xie Chen, this small piece of battle soon ended. But this is only a small-scale battle. They have stayed here for a long time. After the battle before them was over, almost in a blink of an eye, they encountered the enemy's manpower again.

Xie Chen has always been enchanted, taking all the conditions of this battlefield into his eyes. Although I can feel the surrounding situation with mental power, after all, I don't have the intuitiveness of seeing.

Under his command, the people under him have always been a whole without being separated. Cooperating and fighting with each other is quite efficient. But no matter how superb his command ability is, he cannot avoid casualties.

Xie Chen felt the emotional ups and downs in his heart as he felt the screaming battlefield. His hands kept moving, fighting with people around him. Seeing the menacing magic, Xie Chen didn't evade, and directly raised the sword to cut the person in front of him. What made the people around him shocked was that the move that exhausted all his strength clearly hit Xie Chen, but nothing happened!

When Xie Chen’s adjutant saw Xie Chen being hit, he was horrified, but in a blink of an eye he saw that the spell that hit Xie Chen disappeared without causing any effect, as if it had never appeared. After he froze for a moment, he was ecstatic. As expected of his general!

However, Xie Chen's opponents felt completely opposite to the adjutant's. The moves they had used their best to make had no effect at all! This situation made them stunned for a while, and then they couldn't help but retreat. When they were in a daze, someone from behind said: "This is what you guys do? Something must be blocking the attack. It must only be used once or twice, so what are you afraid of?"

As soon as these words came out, the people who were still unstable at first settled down again and attacked the opponent again. Xie Chen's adjutant originally wanted to protect him by his side, but Xie Chen refused: "You are commanding from the side, I will get rid of this group of people first."..


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