Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 4: Discharged

Xie Chen was very satisfied with the reward for this mission. Bored in the hospital bed, he now has something to do. In addition to watching TV and paying attention to the dynamics of the world, he stays in the virtual space most often doing various experiments.

He was like a kid who got a new toy, and he had a lot of fun playing.

When he was in the virtual space, it seemed to outsiders that he was sleeping, because his "sleeping" time was too long, so Junko Kono, who was in charge of him, was a little worried about whether there is any disease that has not been detected, so sleepiness is abnormal. what.

Twenty days after Xie Chen was admitted to the hospital, he was discharged under the worried and disapproving eyes of Junko Kono. Originally, the hospital did not agree with him being discharged from the hospital, but due to Xie Chen's strong request, it was almost the same as what he had indeed recovered now, so he had no choice but to agree to his request.

Not long after he left the hospital, Xie Chen took a hidden place to remove the plaster and some bandages on his body, as well as the crutches brought out from the hospital, all of which were put into the trash can.

After the bandage was removed, the traces of the wounds that were still obvious on Xie Chen's body became visible with the naked eye.

"It's still so comfortable." Xie Chen moved his hands and feet and said with a slight smile. Then he patted his stomach, feeling a little hungry, looked up to see if there was anything to eat around, and then saw a fast food restaurant not far away, so he raised his foot and walked over.

"A set meal." Xie Chen said to the waiter, pointing to the menu.

The waiter looked up at Xie Chen, who was handsome and tall. After looking at the three-person meal, he nodded and said, "Okay." It should be waiting for a friend.

Xie Chen took a full tray and found a place to sit down. As soon as I sat down, I saw the door opened again, and a man and a woman came in, who looked like students. Xie Chen looked at the two of them, always feeling a little familiar. Then he heard what the girl said: "Xin Yijun, what shall we eat?"

The boy scratched and said shyly: "Anything is good."

New one? Xie Chen's eyes widened, and then he knew the identities of these two people. The boy is the protagonist of this anime Izumi Shinichi, and the girl next to him, whether it is from her relationship with Izumi Shinichi or from her hairstyle, must be the heroine Murano Romi.

As soon as I came out, I ran into the hostess, luckily, Xie Chen raised his eyebrows. Then I left it alone and started dealing with the food in front of me. What if it’s a male and female lead? It has nothing to do with him now. However, Xie Chen raised his eyes and looked at the two, and found that the heroine was much better than he thought. The hero, it’s hard to imagine how he looks like he will end up like that, and he is also a poor child.

The first meeting with the hostess and the hostess ended so plainly. Izumi Shinichi and Murano Satomi didn't know that a person like Xie Chen knew them both.

After eating and drinking, Xie Chen left the fast food restaurant. The first thing was to find a place to live, and then he bought everything he needed to buy. It is necessary to get yourself a comfortable place anyway.

Xie Chen found an apartment not far from the school. The place is not too big but the environment is good, and the conditions are good. The most important thing is convenience.

Then there are all kinds of shopping, Xie Chen originally had a lot of cash, and with O'olas, he didn't have to worry about money. Two or three days later. Xie Chen has bought all the necessities one after another, and the rest is waiting for the need to be added in the future. As for the issue of cleaning up, he directly went to the housekeeping company.

Then after a long-lost hot bath, Xie Chen wanted to change clothes and found that he had no pajamas or suitable clothes. There are a lot of clothes in his inventory, but he can't go out wearing a shirt. The clothes he wore when he came back belonged to Doctor He Ye, who thought she bought it herself, so if you meet in the future, you will inevitably say thank you.

Although this is very common in Japan, cosplay and so on, but the glittering decorations or luminous patterns on it can make people see that this is definitely not something ordinary materials can get, especially at this time the temperature is still Not low, he would definitely be watched if he went out like that.

But now it was too late, and Xie Chen went to sleep directly. Clothes or something, wait until tomorrow.

Xie Chen now has only two things, one is healing. Although his trauma has healed, even a trace of it is no longer visible, but his internal injury is not completely healed, so he can only recover slowly. Fortunately, his physique is special, otherwise it will not be cured by simple recuperation.

Another thing is to kill time in virtual space. In such a long period of time, he has discovered that the upgraded virtual space not only has two more functions, but has improved in all aspects.

A week later, Xie Chen heard O'olas' voice again.

"Xie Chen boy, have you forgotten something?"

What did you forget? Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What's the matter? Nothing." Then he began to think about what he had forgotten, "Could it be that you gave me the task?"

O'Olas said silently: "School will start tomorrow, did you forget it."

"School start?" Xie Chen was really stunned when he heard these two words, and then he remembered his current identity, as if he was a high school student who was about to start school.

He touched his nose and said, "I really forgot, but it's not my fault. I haven't been back to school for a long time. It's normal to forget."

"I also reminded you. It took a lot of effort to fish you out last time. Don't call me if you are fine in the future, I will continue to cultivate." O'Olas said.

"Okay, you have a good rest." Xie Chen said goodbye to O'olas.

"It's going to school." Xie Chen walked to bed and said, "But where is the school?"..


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