Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 15: return

The woman’s pupils shrank fiercely and became the size of a needle tip. In the next second, the whole head split from the middle into three parts, with an eye in the middle, and the three parts that split apart. It was continuously extended within an instant, and the end turned into a sharp blade, facing the blade Xie Chen waved at her.

The sound of metal shaking came from the place where the soldiers met. After a short pause, I kept thinking of Jin Ming's voice.

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth curled up, and he chuckled lightly: "The ability to react is pretty good, but it's not as good as this."

As his voice fell, the movements of his hands suddenly accelerated. The parasitic beast that fought with him was obviously unable to deal with it. After encouraging the fight two or three times, Xie Chen severely cut off one of its antennae. In the next few seconds, all the tentacles on its head were cut off.

Xie Chen shook his wrist, walked a few steps forward, and said, "How is it? It feels good to die."

The parasitic beast's head was squirming, and it was obviously splitting into new tentacles. The eyes and mouth in the middle were twisted and said, "You wait!" Because of the pain and deformation, the current voice was completely the same as that of the previous woman. Not the same, it becomes hoarse and rough.

"Wait? What are you waiting for?" Xie Chen raised his eyebrows. "Do you think I'll give you a chance to escape?" Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and keenly noticed the little movement of the parasitic beast, obviously wanting to borrow At this point of time to escape, he still has a chance without this body.

But all these plans were wiped out by Xie Chen's small actions. Looking at the parasitic beast's corpse that withered and shrank from being hit, Xie Chen retracted Jiahe and turned away.

Xie Chen traveled through the dark city, and finally came to a bridge and stopped, looked at the brightly lit city, and sighed softly: "This world..."

Then he lowered his head to check the current score, plus the parasitic beast hunted just now, the total is 39 points, so the range where he can sense the parasitic beast on the map now becomes 590 meters away.

"Today's results are not bad, but the more the better." Looking at the time, it is 12 o'clock in the evening, "It's still early, don't rush back." But Xie Chen did not leave in a hurry, but was on the bridge. Standing and looking at the endless stream below, it didn't take long before Xie Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes. There seemed to be a target in the car below.

After remembering the license plate number in a very short time, Xie Chen turned and left. Now that the new goal has emerged, it is time to start work.

Because the parasitic beasts in his area have almost been cleaned up by him, he doesn't know why, he has never encountered parasitic beasts that would appear in this area in the original plot.

Therefore, in order to get points, Xie Chen's hunting range is getting wider and wider, farther and farther away from where he is. So Xie Chen is also a little confused now, what about the parasitic beasts that originally appeared in the plot? Is it because of his actions that the butterfly was gone?

Xie Chen thought about this question, and after deriving that it was probably because of his actions, he didn't care.

In this case, it is better, just to be able to complete the two tasks together.

What Xie Chen didn’t know was that while he was hunting, a group of parasitic beasts were sitting together in a city in the other direction to discuss what they were looking at. Seeing their appearance and language expression, it would be nothing to ordinary people if they were not paying attention. Difference.

Sitting in the middle is a woman, her purple-gray hair is a bit whitish, her face is cold, and she said faintly: "Our investigation has results."

"Who is it?" another man asked impatiently.

"Let me know who he is, you must tear him apart and eat it fiercely!" said a male parasite beast with a vicious face. The emotions in his words were not rich yet, a little dry.

The woman sitting in the middle, Tamiya Ryoko, said: "The person who has been hunting parasitic beasts is a juvenile male. The specific species is certainly not human, but it is not our kind."

"What? Then who is he? Are there other species in this world?"

"This is not clear." Tamiya Ryoko's eyes drooped slightly, and then raised his eyes, "But just as we don't know how we appeared in this world, we cannot deny the existence of other species."

"So who is he?" The man who spoke just now became a little impatient and asked.

"A." Tamiya Ryoko glanced at him faintly, and after seeing that he closed his mouth unwillingly, he continued, "This man, to be precise, is a teenager named Xie Chen, a high school student. "Speaking, Xie Chen's photo appeared on the projection behind her, which appeared to be collected from somewhere in the school.

"The timing of his appearance is a bit subtle. It was not long before we appeared, he seemed to have suffered some injuries before entering high school, and was seriously injured in the hospital." Tamiya Ryoko operated this projection. Some information about Xie Chen above was displayed. She stood in front of everyone, and then she said: "The other thing worth mentioning is that his attack method is different from ours. What he uses to attack is a weapon similar to the blade at the end of our body, but it is direct. What grows from the shoulder is a whole. In addition..." There is not much information about Xie Chen’s battle, that is, she finished a few sentences, and then looked at the people who were doing it, and asked: "You guys treat him What do you think?"

"He's a very strong person," a man with a cold complexion in a suit said.

"Huh, it's this kind of stuff? I can twist him off with just one finger. So why are we here? Are we afraid of him?" The fierce looking man, A, with a bad tone, stared at the photo of Xie Chen. , Seems to be very irritable around the corner.

Tamiya Ryoko's voice is still calm and flat: "No, we are here only temporarily. But before we know the person's situation, I think it's better for us to avoid it."..


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