Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 20: solve

"Do you know me?" A's eyes rolled, and then said nonchalantly, they didn't care about the name.

"Yeah, I know you." Xie Chen stood there and didn't move. He didn't look like he was facing a parasitic beast when he stood relaxed. "You shouldn't do it to my classmates. What's bad?"

"Bad thing?" A paused. "Do you mean eating? I saw you before I had time to eat, but will your meat taste better?"

Xie Chen looked down and smiled indifferently. It's just that opponents of this level couldn't arouse his interest at all. All he cared about was whether the school was destroyed, because it was related to whether his task could be completed. Of course he Also very concerned about the safety of his classmates.

So he didn't say anything to A, but just started it. Xie Chen didn't even use Linhe or Jiahe, only a sharp blade extended from the end of his finger.

The speed that Quan Xinyi couldn't see clearly in Xie Chen's eyes was not worth mentioning in Xie Chen's eyes. He could easily see where A's tentacles were, and easily avoided.

After a few flashes, Xie Chen forced himself in front of A. With a wave of his left hand, several tentacles were cut from the roots. In the next second, A who was wailing suddenly lost his voice.

Xie Chen stepped back a few steps, and at the same time retracted the blade that pierced A's heart deeply, and a smile was raised. "Only this level, huh."

A's head was already distorted, his heart was destroyed and he immediately lost his life, and the head and the severed tentacles were directly withered and withered.

Standing on the corner of the stairs, Quan Xin was stunned. Seeing Xie Chen, he could easily solve A in twos or twos. His eyes were a little confused, and he muttered: "So strong..."

"Yes, very strong." Xiaoyou also saw Xie Chen's battle clearly, and he saw more than Quan Xinyi. After clearly knowing Xie Chen's strength, he decided not to fight against Xie Chen in the future. "Shinichi, you must become friends with this individual, which is more conducive to protecting the safety of you and me."

"What?" Quan Xinyi bowed his head, not yet understanding its meaning.

After staring for a while, Xiao You withdrew back, and then said, "I'm tired, I'm going to bed first." After the battle he had consumed too much, he really needed to take a good rest.

Quanxin pursed his mouth, then sighed, turned and went downstairs.

Xie Chen naturally knew that they hadn't left just now, but it didn't affect him in any way and didn't care. Looking at the corpse on the ground, when Xie Chen just wanted to dispose of it, he heard a sound coming from the front, which sounded like high heels hitting the ground.

"Ryoko Tamiya, isn't it?" Xie Chen laughed when he saw the visitor, with gray-purple hair and a cold expression. He knew who it was at a glance. He stood still and watched her slowly walk over.

"Ah, yes." Tamiya Ryoko responded, because Parasitic Beasts don't really care about names, so she cares more about how Xie Chen knows her.

"Long admiring the name." Xie Chen said unclearly. "Your Excellency is Xie Chen." Tamiya Ryoko used honorific words, then glanced at A's corpse lying on the ground, and continued, "It seems that Your Excellency is stronger than I thought. Even stronger."

"You have investigated me, right?" Xie Chen did not directly answer Tamiya Ryoko's words, but said something else.

"Yes, we are investigating you, because your identity is very special, I am very interested." Tamiya Ryoko stopped when he was three meters away from Xie Chen.

"So you came here because of me, what's your purpose?" Xie Chen touched his chin and asked.

"The purpose?" Tamiya Ryoko thought for a moment, "I am very interested in someone as special as you, so I want to observe. Another reason is to know if we have the possibility of cooperation."

"Cooperation? With a human?" Xie Chen thought this topic was a bit funny.

"Human?" Tamiya Ryoko asked back, "Are you a human? In my opinion, you are out of the category of humans."

"That's right." Xie Chen raised an eyebrow, then smiled, "Although I am already a demon, I can't deny the fact that I am a human being."

"Devil?" Tamiya Ryoko didn't quite understand what Xie Chen said.

"Yes, haven't you heard such a sentence?" Xie Chen smiled, "The closest thing to the definition of a devil is a human being."

"Is there such a statement?" Tamiya Ryoko's expression changed slightly, and he continued, "But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed true." Then she looked at Xie Chen: "So, as a devil, Xie Chenjun, Are you interested in cooperating with us?"

"I don't know what you mean by cooperation, but I want to come according to your nature, it should not be a very peaceful cooperation." Xie Chen asked back.

"This question can be discussed separately until the next meeting. The timing doesn't seem right now." Tamiya Ryoko glanced out the window and said.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "That's what I said, then see you later."

"Then I will leave first." Tamiya Ryoko nodded to Xie Chen, then turned and left.

When her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, Xie Chen glanced at the corpse on the ground, the corners of her mouth curled up, a little spark appeared on the tip of her finger, and it fell on the corpse, burning it out in an instant, leaving only one. Beach blood.

Killed A, but Xie Chen still did not see the sign that the mission was completed, frowned slightly, and then said: "Is the mission not completed yet?" He thought about it carefully. The school's crisis seems to be not just this time, so there is no mission. Is it done for this reason? Then, if the mission is completed, isn't it necessary to wait until the parasitic beast is wiped out?

He shook his head, then turned and left the scene. In view of today's events, he still shouldn't show up for the time being. Although he is not a person who is afraid of things, it is very troublesome to think about the various things he will encounter next. So he should disappear one day first, and it won't be too late tomorrow. ..


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