Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 22: dialogue

Quan Xin nodded and said: "What happened in the school before, me, you...I just wanted to ask, are you okay afterwards, I think you did not show up, so I am a little worried."

Xie Chen replied: "It's okay, I just thought it would be too troublesome to go down then, so I just left."

"It turned out to be like this." Xie Chen said that Quan Xinyi also understood. Although I don't know how he got in, there are so many people in front of the teaching building, so I should avoid them and suddenly come in. It's really not good if it appears inside the building. This is why he didn't see Xie Chen come out after he went back.

"Well, is there anything else?" Xie Chen asked.

"There is one more thing about Mr. Tamiya. She came to school, as if it was because of you. She didn't do anything to you, right?" Remember the day when Tamiya Ryoko came out of the school building after him. , He was a little worried. After such a long delay, wouldn't it be Xie Chen?

Xie Chen shook his head: "No, just told me something."

"She also said something to me before, and it looks like it is very difficult to deal with. No matter what her purpose is, I always feel very uneasy to stay in school like this. I know who the murderers are. But you can't say it. You should understand this feeling, Xie Chenjun?" Quan Xinyi was a little slow, and his speech speed became faster.

"Probably..." Actually, Xie Chen didn't feel as strong as Quan Xinyi.

"Right, so, have you ever thought about letting these murderers get what they deserve?" Quan Xinyi looked up at Xie Chen with some hope in his eyes.

"If you are talking about hunting parasitic beasts, I'm already doing it." Xie Chen said with a smile.

"What?" Quan Xinyi was a little surprised.

"Yes, otherwise, why do you think this city is so stable and no murders have occurred?" Xie Chen said simply. ,

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this." Quan Xinyi was a little ashamed. It turned out that when he was still hesitating and panicking, this boy who was younger than him was already doing this.

In fact, Izumi Shinichi, the young man you mentioned is actually much older than you.

"But I didn't do it for justice. If I wanted to say the reason, it was because of the mission." Xie Chen couldn't help saying that with the expression of seeing a justice hero.

Quan Xinyi looked at Xie Chen with some surprise: "Task?" Then he thought for a while and continued to ask, "Then, if you see a scene where a parasitic beast is hurting humans, will you take action?"

"Xie Chen nodded:" Well, naturally it will. " Quan Xin smiled: "This is enough. It is simply unrealistic for the sake of justice. It is enough to protect the people around you from harm."

Xie Chen was a little surprised, but he could understand. He thought for a while in his heart, and then he continued, "By the way, there are still some things I want to tell you. Parasitic beasts can actually transfer. When they mature, they have the ability to control this organ. , But at the same time you lose the ability to control other organs. For example, Xiaoyou can only be transferred from your right hand to the right hand of other people. In the same way, parasitic beasts that parasitize the brain can also be transferred to other people. The human brain is parasitic again."

"What do you mean by this?" Quan Xinyi was a little confused, not understanding why Xie Chen suddenly said this to himself.

"That is to say, don't think that without the spores, no one will be parasitized. There is one more thing," Xie Chen thought for a while, but decided to remind him, "Although parasitic beasts usually live in densely populated cities, But don’t feel that there is no going down. It’s better to be cautious when you should be cautious. Don’t go out casually if there is nothing recently. Especially in your special circumstances."

Xie Chen said so much, Quan Xinyi already understood, especially since he had not been facing A for long, he still remembered what the parasitic beast said.

"Thank you for reminding me so much, I will pay attention." Although Quan Xinyi was still a little confused, but he was temporarily suppressed, he was going to go back and discuss it with Xiaoyou.

Now that he had said everything he wanted to say, Xie Chen decided to leave. He checked the time and said, "Is there anything else? The class is about to start."

"It's okay, you go back quickly." Quan Xinyi smiled and waved to Xie Chen and said.

Xie Chen turned and left, Quan Xinyi bowed his head and sighed: "I'm really far away."

"You're right." Xiaoyou popped out beside Quan Xinyi's ear and said.

"Ah, Xiaoyou. You're awake." Quan Xin didn't respond to what it said.

"I woke up just now, I heard all of your conversations." Xiao You blinked and said.

"Then do you know why he said those things to me? Regarding things that can be moved, and don't go out at will." Quan Xinyi scratched his hair and asked while walking.

But Xiao You did not answer his question, but said: "It really is him."

"What?" Quan Xinyi didn't understand what Xiaoyou was referring to.

"It's the reason why this city is so peaceful. It really is because of him." Xiaoyou's eyes rolled. "There are murders in other cities. It's only here that something happened at the very beginning, but then there was no news. Now. And before this, I hardly felt the breath of the same kind, which is different from the situation at the beginning. In other words, all my kind in this city should have been wiped out by him."

"Really, so strong." Although Quan Xinyi knew about this, he was still surprised. At the same time, he was even more confused about Xie Chen's identity. Who could sit down for such a thing? It is certain that he is not a human being, and it is also certain that he is not a parasitic beast, so who is he? ..


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