Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 26: Map battle

Xie Chen returned home and closed the curtains after watching Kanai left. He lay on the bed, covered his forehead and said, "What a boring day..."

That said, he now goes to school and class every day, and then goes out to hunt parasitic beasts at night. This kind of life has been going on for a long time, no wonder he was bored. Fortunately, there is an upgraded virtual space for him to study, otherwise it will be more boring.

Xie Chen sat up, looked at the two tasks he was currently on with his chin, squinted his eyes and started thinking: "One is to protect the school, which should refer to the killing of students by Hideo Shimada. The other is to hunt parasitic beasts. However, there is no stipulation on the specific number and no rewards at the end. However, according to the consistent performance of the system, this is certainly not useless.

But he was puzzled again, the current situation was far from the original plot. With him in Tamiya Ryoko, he shouldn't let Shimada Hideo go to the school to observe Izumi Shinichi. But this kind of thing may also be true. For parasitic beasts who only have reason but no emotions, who knows what they will do?

"But it won't work anymore, I feel like I'm going to be trapped here." Xie Chen said, touching his chin. He wants to ensure that the tragedy that happened in the school in the original plot does not appear again and stays here forever, but maybe there are other ways?

For example, he first solved Shimada Hideo, but the feasibility of this method is not high. The first is that even if he solves him, there will be others. The second is that the parasitic beast can change his appearance and name at any time. Maybe Hideo Shimada who appears in the plot is completely another person now. It.

Shaking his head, Xie Chen rejected what he had just thought. Therefore, as long as the second task is completed, the first task is completed. Do you want to do something now?

Xie Chen's eyes narrowed, and finally gave up the decision. After all, he is not bored with this world yet, although you are a little boring now. And the most important point is that he always feels that there are still tasks that have not been issued in this world, so leaving too early is not necessarily a good thing.

"Let’s take a break tonight and go to the virtual space." Xie Chen stretched out, then lay down and closed his eyes.

After entering the virtual space, after a few choices, the surrounding environment gradually changed. All are high-rise buildings, and the streets are full of vehicles. It's just that these vehicles are stopped. With the current capabilities of the virtual space, it is temporarily impossible to simulate an overly realistic sports environment.

Xie Chen lowered his head and looked at the street under his feet. After careful observation, he loosened his muscles and bones, and then he jumped down from the roof of the ten-story building. There are ten opponents in the environment he simulated, and all he has to do is to defeat them.

This is a new feature discovered by Xie Chen after the upgrade of the virtual space, but with his current mental power, being able to simulate ten opponents after simulating such a large environment is already the limit. If the opponent's level ability is too high, this number will go down.

He shuttled lightly among the high-rise buildings, and when he entered the door behind him, two swift figures appeared chasing him. The corner of Xie Chen's mouth hooked, and it didn't look like he was being chased, but as if he was chasing and killing someone.

"I will have fun with you now." Xie Chen chuckled lightly, then said a word. The figure speeded up suddenly and disappeared among the tall buildings.

In the early morning, the sun shined into the room through the gap of the curtain, and a thin light was reflected on Xie Chen's face. After a while, his eyelashes moved and then slowly opened. There was still fighting excitement and a touch of blood in his eyes.

After a few seconds, the blood in his eyes faded like running water, and all that was left was a look of excitement. He stayed in the virtual space for one night. If you use the time ratio after the upgrade of the virtual space to calculate, the time he spent in it is really not short. After battle after battle, Xie Chen's mood is still slightly The ups and downs gradually subsided after a while.

"The morning sun is really warm. The warmth makes people want to sleep." Xie Chen got lazy and got up to wash. Although these things can be solved by only one method, he is still used to doing it himself.

After changing into his school uniform, Xie Chen carried his bag and went out. He habitually drove the map along the way, hiding it from one side of his vision, but as usual, he did not encounter any special circumstances along the way.

After approaching the school, two red dots appeared on the map. Obviously, one was Izumi Shinichi and the other was Tamiya Ryoko.

Xie Chen walked into the classroom lazily, sat down in his seat, stretched out and closed his eyes. The wicked person next to him unconsciously lowered his voice, and there was no loud noise in the class. Although Xie Chen usually didn't talk much in the class, the classmates would always subconsciously hold Xie Chen in awe. .

However, today Xie Chen is not closing his eyes and meditating in cultivating or in a virtual space today. He is really resting today. Simply put, he was too excited to fight yesterday, so now he needs to sleep and adjust.

When the teacher came in, he saw that the students in the whole class were quiet. In the last row by the window, a boy was sleeping on his stomach, and the sun made a dazzling halo on his black hair. The teacher twitched the corner of his eyes, then turned a blind eye to it, and started the class.

At the same time, in the conference room of a hotel in the city center, there were only a few people sitting on a long round table that could seat dozens of people.

Sitting in the middle was a young man. He looked at the people sitting on either side of him, his eyes indifferent and angry, and the child's hair was thinking something. None of the people present spoke, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit strange.

After a while, the door to the conference room was slowly opened, and the first thing that stepped in was a foot wrapped in high heels. The sound of the heel hitting the ground was absorbed by the sound-absorbing carpet, and there was no sound. ..


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