Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 29: What will happen in the future

"Yes, otherwise, I'm actually not sure of defeating Tamiya Ryoko. No, it should be said that I can't defeat it. Sure enough, there are two changes, and the combat effectiveness is much more than me." Xiaoyou began to analyze the situation just now.

"But why did he appear there?" Quan Xinyi turned to look at the now empty corridor and said.

"I know, maybe it's a coincidence." Xiao You thought for a while, then said.

"Probably." Quan Xinyi sat there for a while, then got up and prepared to leave. He said suddenly as he walked, "Now, Xiaoyou. Do you think I'm too useless."

"What do you mean?"

"About the parasitic beast, I still dare not tell others, and I am afraid of fighting with them, but Xie Chen has done so many things when he was younger than me. Compared with him, I am really nothing. Used it." Quan Xinyi was a little bit depressed.

"Speaking like this, it seems like this is the truth." Xiaoyou blinked and looked at him.

"Hey..." Izumi was weak, "So direct."

"But Shinichi, you and him are not the same species, so there is no comparison between you." Xiaoyou retracted his gaze, retracting Quan Shinichi's hand and said.

Xie Chen went downstairs and saw a familiar figure at the top of the stairs. He stepped forward, stopped two meters away, and said, "Tamiya-teacher, are you waiting for me?"

Tamiya Ryoko turned around, saw Xie Chen, and replied: "Yes, I am waiting for you."

"What is it for me?" Xie Chen's posture looked casual, and Tamiya Ryoko's eyes were full of flaws.

She frowned slightly and said, "Are you protecting that boy?"

"Ah, Izumi Shinichi, maybe." Xie Chen said, touching his chin, "In fact, no matter who is standing there today, I will do that."

"That boy is Izumi Shinichi. What do you think?" Tamiya Ryoko unexpectedly asked Xie Chen a question.

Xie Chen did not appear surprised, but simply said two words: "It's okay."

"Actually, I'm very interested in his situation. I don't know how long they can live together under such circumstances? What will happen in the future?" Tamiya Ryoko's expression remained unchanged, but from her words, it was faint. I heard a trace of mood swings, and the researcher doing some kind of research said that the subject he was working on was the same mood.

"Everything in the world has no definite number, everything can happen, so I am also very interested in what their future is." Xie Chen said with a smile, in fact, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with that situation. , Except sometimes there is no privacy accident, is it convenient to do everything else, and it is equivalent to having a close friend. Although maybe Xiaoyou doesn't understand the specific feelings of friendship or family relationships.

"Really." Tamiya Ryoko said.

"Since it's okay, then I'll leave first." Xie Chen tilted his head, then smiled and walked forward. When passing by Tamiya Ryoko, he heard her say: "You should know that I Is there a life in his belly now?"

After hearing this, Xie Chen paused silently, then put aside the sense of sight in his mind that he was irresponsible and was approached by someone who came to the door, and calmly said: "Yes, I know. Although. This was conceived by you and another of your kind, but it was a real human being, right?"

"Although I don't know if you are here, but what you said so far is correct." Tamiya Ryoko replied, then turned to look at Xie Chen and continued. "I told the boy just now about this. He seems to care about the life in my stomach. Are you humans like this? He has a great affection for his own kind, especially the juvenile body. Are you extremely concerned about similar lives?"

Xie Chen turned his head to look at her and said, "Although most people are like this, there are always some exceptions. But for children, they should be very soft-hearted. There is one more thing you said. Human beings are always very concerned about their lives, feelings, and this is what makes them different from yours."

Xie Chen said so much to her, but in the end he just hooked his lips and raised his foot and left. When he left, he left a sentence: "And you said that you would use your baby in your stomach for experiments. I believe it. You wouldn’t do that at that time."

A clear expression finally appeared on Tamiya Ryoko's face. She frowned and said, "So sure, what does he know?" She also keenly noticed that when she was speaking, Xie Chen used it to point. The word for the generation of human beings is "they" instead of "us", so this shows the fact that he is indeed non-human?

Xie Chen left school and returned home. He hasn't noticed any parasitic beast hunting for a while. Even with his ability, the distance that he can go back and forth in one night is not too far, so as long as it is a parasitic beast Leaving the range of Xie Chen's ability, he couldn't find it.

In fact, one of the reasons why Xie Chen has not encountered parasitic beasts in the past few days is that under the constraints of Ryoko Tamiya and Guangchuan, the hunters are far away from Xie Chen's ability and are not going out frequently. Another reason is that Guangchuan makes people look at Xie Chen. After finding him, parasitic beasts within a few kilometers will be informed to leave the area.

Although the parasitic beasts were unwilling to such orders, these orders were for their own safety, and the other was that they are now obeyed by Ryoko Tamiya, so these orders were not difficult to accept and were executed. .

The last point is also an important point. In order to create momentum for the mayoral election in the near future, there can be no major criminal cases in the city. Under the control of the Guangchuan Group, some cases that no one has discovered will be It was so covered up. At the same time, they also prepared a "canteen" for the parasitic beasts in a secret place, which is all human. If you compare them one by one, you can find that many of them are people who are looking for missing cases. ..


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