Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 34: go away

Xie Chen nodded: "Yes, it would be a shame not to go if you won the prize. Moreover, it is suitable to travel this season, and it will pass if it continues."

Quan Xinyi frowned. Although he couldn't care about Xie Chen's affairs, he felt that something was amiss when he looked at it. He opened his mouth and said, "But it's dangerous outside now..." As soon as he said the words, he remembered that the person in front of him was not an ordinary human, and he swallowed the words behind. After thinking for a while and continuing, "Although I don't know why I feel something is wrong, but Tamiya Ryoko has left school and nothing should happen. Then I wish you a good time." Quan Xinyi smiled and said to Xie Chen.

But this was not the purpose of Xie Chen's coming to him. He smiled and said his intentions this time: "Actually, what you think is not wrong. This trip is not so simple."

Izumi Shinichi's eyes widened slightly: "That's..."

"Because of some reasons, I need to leave for a while, so that some people can do what they want to do during this time." Xie Chen smiled slightly and said.

Quan Xin thought for a few seconds, and then understood the meaning of his words. This is to lead the snake out of the cave. So Xie Chen must have a special reason for coming to him. He directly asked, "What do I need to do?"

Xie Chen smiled, he was not a fool, and it was easy to communicate. He said: "It's not a difficult thing. You just need to notify me when something happens."

Quan Xin nodded: "If that's the case, just leave it to me." Although Xie Chen didn't say what it was, but did they know the shorts? You don't have to say it.

Xie Chen nodded, and then said, "Give me the phone."

Quan Xin froze for a moment, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Xie Chen. Xie Chen took it, and then entered a string of numbers on it and gave it back to Quan Xinyi, saying: "If you have something to do, just call this number."

Quan Xinyi took his mobile phone, saved the number on it, then nodded and said, "Okay, I understand." His expression became more serious.

Xie Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so nervous, I just have to be prepared. Now they may not do anything."

Quan Xinyi pursed his mouth. Although Xie Chen said so, he was still a little nervous. The heart that had been put down because of Tamiya Ryoko's departure hung again. He remembered his previous anxiety and decided in his heart that he must pay attention to the school's movement.

Seeing him so nervous, Xie Chen was a little funny in his heart, but he didn't say anything. That's fine.

"Then I will leave, and the rest will be left to you." Xie Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, leave it to me, I will notify you in time if there is anything." Quan Xinyi responded. "Okay."

However, Xie Chen didn't leave immediately, but slowly and slowly made some preparations before leaving. He bought some things for travel, and he left after some preparations.

Although those who watched him have left, it does not mean that they will completely abandon his news. Moreover, this matter was originally planned by them.

So after Xie Chen arrived at Yingzaki, Guangchuan received the news. With the incident before, he was full of doubts about Xie Chen's sudden departure, but whether Xie Chen really didn't realize what was wrong or wanted to do something with his plan, it was all for him. a chance.

Taking advantage of Xie Chen's departure, some of the things that had previously been thrown against rats can start immediately. It doesn't matter if Xie Chen has any plans, but as long as others are not here, it gives them space to act.

So after Xie Chen left, many things started to move, and many people or parasitic beasts also started frequent activities. At the same time, they also changed the "canteen" prepared for the parasitic beasts to another place, which is more secretive. Compared with the original "canteen" far away from the city center, this new "canteen" was placed in an underground garage in the city.

Ryoko Tamiya watched their actions, but he did not carry out a lot of activities. She sat on the sofa, put her hands on her abdomen, looked down a few times, and then moved her hands away. He took a sip of water, then looked at the delicate cake on the table, then reached out and cut a small piece of it and put it in his mouth.

She chewed this slowly, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking from her expression. A small piece of cake was eaten, and it didn't take long before only a plate was left.

Tamiya Ryoko put down the fork in his hand and took a drink. Looking at the people coming and going outside the window, his eyes were calm. "How should we go on our way?"

After thinking for a while, she checked out and left the coffee shop.

Walking on the street, she suddenly felt the movement in her abdomen and frowned slightly. After a pause in the street, he started moving again. Putting her hand on her abdomen, she remembered the woman she had killed not long ago, the mother of the original Ryoko Tamiya.

"Mother, strange identity." There is clearly no flaw in her disguise, but the woman can immediately recognize that she is not the original person. Why?

At this time, Xie Chen had already arrived at Sakurazaki and checked into the Sakurazaki Hotel. As it was written on the lottery ticket, his expenses were fully covered.

He is not very concerned about this little money, he is more concerned about the environment here. I don’t know if it’s because it’s on the beach, the aura here is a little more abundant, so Xie Chen spent most of the two days staying at the beach. If you cultivate here, you can’t progress much faster, but it’s easier to absorb energy Some, after all, there are fewer impurities that need to be filtered.

This day is Tuesday, and it is also the third day Xie Chen came here.

Xie Chen, who was cultivating by the sea, met someone who was a fat man. Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and watched the man sitting on the beach watching the sunrise. ..


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