Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 46: Close

Because he couldn't dodge, the sharp blade severely scratched his arm. The blood ran along his arm to the place, and because of the blood vessels cut, the heavy bleeding made him dizzy and his body shook.

But he quickly woke up and wanted to continue fighting. But now Hideo Shimada's first goal is not him, but revenge. So compared to him who is still fighting, his first choice is those students who have no resistance.

The students hurriedly turned and fled, but how could they be as fast as Hideo Shimada.

"No!" Quan Xinyi shouted, he wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Seeing that a boy was about to be attacked by a sharp blade, whether it was the person in the school building, the person running away in front of him, or Izumi Shinichi, all felt that time seemed to freeze.

However, at this critical moment, the blade of the attack was blocked!

The sound of Jinming sounded, and the intersection of the sharp blade and the blade sparked a spark. Quan Xinyi saw the figure blocking the attack clearly, it was Xie Chen! "Great, you are here." A smile appeared on Quan Xinyi's face.

And the boy who was almost attacked stared at Xie Chen, who was holding a red long sword in front of him and blocking the monster, but he hadn't reacted yet. With the help of his classmates, he pulled him away.

"It's you." Shimada Hideo knew Xie Chen, and his eyes were full of jealousy. However, because of the physical pain and confusion now, he did not choose to shrink, but became more and more crazy. He knew Xie Chen's attack methods, those sharp tentacles, and how many similar lives were harvested. But he already knew human society quite well and didn't think that Xie Chen would attack him by such means under the current circumstances. Look, now he just took a sword soon.

Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He came really in time. If it were such a short time at night, things would be hard to tell.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, responding to his attack with ease. The lightheartedness is seen in the eyes of others, adding a mystery to his image.

"Who is he? So amazing..."

"This person can actually fight that monster, and he is much better than the one just now. Who is it?"

"Great, that monster can't hurt people anymore. I hope he won't get hurt..."

"what is happening?"

"Xie Chenjun actually..."

These remarks have not been passed to Xie Chen's eyes for the time being. He held a blood blade and fought with Hideo Shimada. Specifically, he was unilaterally attacking Hideo Shimada.

Izumi Shinichi on one side had caused those people to leave far away. At this time, the police had also arrived. Under their treatment, Quan Xinyi's wound was quickly healed, and the people in the school were evacuated from the other side. Surrounded the area around Xie Chen.

For Xie Chen, who was fighting Shimada Hideo inside, they called for him to leave and let them deal with it.

But Xie Chen did not listen, because he was communicating with Hideo Shimada: "Ryoko Tamiya sent you here? Isn't the warning I gave you last enough?" "Damn it! Now you can't use that kind of attack, you can't beat me!" He did not answer Xie Chen's words, but shouted.

These words fell into the ears of the policeman next to him, and the policeman in the lead frowned slightly, remembering this sentence in his heart.

Seeing Xie Chen still fighting the monster, the shouting policeman was a little anxious, and said to his officer: "What to do? He won't come back." His officer replied, "Keep on shouting."

However, the headed policeman raised his hand to stop him, and said, "Don't use it, watch it."

The police officer hesitated occasionally, but still responded, "Yes, sir."

Seeing that the police had surrounded himself here, Xie Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that he couldn't drag it down, and Shimada's forehead was unable to communicate, so his hand movements accelerated.

The serious Xie Chen was not something that Shimada Hideo on the opposite side could resist. Under Xie Chen's attack, he quickly fell into a disadvantage. Xie Chen held the blood blade in his hand. He didn't cut off the blade of Hideo Shimada just now because he didn't use much strength at all. Now, under a different blow, the invincible blade was cut off. .

However, Xie Chen’s afterlight noticed the eyes of the people around him. Some people stared at the blood blade in his hand with bright eyes. The corners of their mouths were picked, not relying on the sharp attack of the blood blade itself, but instead. An attack target.

It didn't take long before Hideo Shimada's head was chopped off by him.

The head that fell on the ground was still talking with difficulty: "Why are you so...strong..."

Xie Chen smiled and did not speak.

When the battle was over, the evacuation had not even ended, and the people around hadn't reacted yet, because it was so fast.

Xie Chen stood in the center of the field, watching the mass of flesh become yellow and shrinking, then raised his head and looked around.

Only then did the people react, and the police headed towards Xie Chen, and the people following immediately collected the body and head of the parasitic beast that had fallen on the ground and transported it away.

The police headed by looked at Xie Chen, and said after a while, "Your Excellency, it seems unusual."

"Maybe I practice swordsmanship more." Xie Chen said with a smile.

The police kept his face unchanged and continued, "Do you know what it is?"

Xie Chen looked at him and shook his head: "I don't know, this kind of monster really scared me when I saw it. How can this kind of monster appear in the school? Police officer, you have to investigate it carefully."

Seeing Xie Chen's eyes open and telling nonsense, Jing Jing twitched his mouth. It would be strange if he didn't know what it was. He stared at Xie Chen, trying to see something on his face, but Xie Chen's expression did not fluctuate at all. Seeing him looking at himself and even touching his face, he asked: "Mr. Police, I Is there something on his face?"

The police officer was silent for a while, and then said: "No." Looking at Xie Chen's relaxed look, he continued, "Please go back with us to investigate the matter today."


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