Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 69: It's human

Who is this! Quan Xinyi shouted a word in his heart. He swallowed, not daring to look back at anyone who had left. The expression in his eyes made him feel a little scared even though Izumi Shinichi, who had been in contact with many parasitic beasts. That kind of look is simply not something humans can have, it is full of animality, without the slightest humanity in it.

The activity in his heart was very intense, so naturally he didn't notice the tacit glances of the two police officers passing by.

"How about? Is it a human?" Heima looked at the opposite Urakami and asked.

Urakami's eyes rolled, thinking playfully about the person he had just met. It seemed that he was not an ordinary human being, it was interesting. He pulled out a somewhat flattering smile, and then said: "It's a human being, Sir, how could it be that way if it were a parasitic beast."

"Human." Heima said thoughtfully, and then waved his hand to bring Urakami away. "But even though he is a human, he still can't just let him go. He always appears on scenes related to parasitic beasts. How can someone just be an ordinary person?"

"The police department, since it is a human being, what shall we do?" a police officer asked, standing behind him.

"Since it is a human being, it would be best to help us do things." Heima's eyes drooped slightly, then said.

The police officer said thoughtfully: "What do you mean?"

"Just follow the original plan. By the way, pay attention to his parents. It's better not to have any accidents. After all, the situation is urgent now, do you understand?" Heima ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The police officer saluted, and then left.

Quan Xinyi was taken into a room, sat on a table, nervous, looking at the camera in the upper right corner of the room, he lowered his head. He still doesn't understand the current situation. Mom and Dad don't know what he is being brought here, nor do they know what they want them to do? In case the identity is discovered...,

Izumi frowned, what should I do? Because of the camera, he didn't dare to let Xiaoyou show up, and now he has no one to discuss. After gritting his teeth, he took a deep breath, and now his heart can only act by chance to see what they want.

He opened the door and saw Izumi Shinichi sitting inside. Seeing him walk in, Quan Xinyi immediately stood up and asked, "What did you want to do to bring me here?"

"Quan Xinyi-kun, don't be nervous, I just have something I want to ask you about." Pingma walked in unhurriedly, and then went on opposite Quan Xinyi.

"What's the matter?" Quan Xinyi frowned. He probably knew what Heijian wanted to ask, but he still asked.

Heima smiled: "It's very simple. We are still very curious about the relationship between you and the parasitic beast. You know the woman Ryoko Tamiya, right?"

Quan Xinyi frowned: "Yes, is there any problem with this?"

"You know her identity, so I am a little curious about how you and her met." Heima continued to ask.

"There is nothing special, that is, she appeared in my school and was my teacher. If you have investigated this, you should have known it a long time ago." Quan Xinyi replied deliberately.

"You know what I mean." Heima's smile faded. "Do you really want to say it?"

"Nothing to say." Quan Xin said with a frown.

Heima sighed: "It doesn't matter what I really don't want to say, after all, Ryoko Tamiya is dead now. But other parasitic beasts are still active by our side, do you know this?"

Quan Xinyi looked at Heima and wanted to see what he meant. After a while, he nodded, "Well, I know."

"So now I just want to ask you to do me a favor and help us deal with those parasitic beasts." Heima said his intentions.

"What?" Quan Xinyi didn't expect Heijian's request would be like this, he paused, and then asked, "Why me?"

Heima smiled and said: "You know this in your heart, don't you? Although you don't know the reason, you are not the same as ordinary people. It must be you who know this best."

Quan Xinyi frowned, "Well, but I still don't understand, why did you find me?"

Hirama replied: "The reason is indeed a bit complicated, but you just have to answer my question? Can you help us?"

"What if I say no?" Quan Xin said with a pursed mouth.

"This is voluntary. If you don't want it, we won't embarrass you." Heima smiled and said, "I asked you to come here before, because some things interfered and confirmed. Now that it has been resolved, Izumi Shinichi, you You can leave."

"What, can you leave?" Quan Xinyi blinked in surprise, and asked with some hesitation.

Heijian nodded: "Yes, you can leave now."

"If that's the case, I'll leave." Quan Xin stood with him, took a cautious look at Pingma, and then walked like a doorway, the policeman standing at the door did not stop him. But as soon as he opened the door, he heard the voice from behind him: "Ah Quan Shinichi, please wait."

Quan Xinyi stopped, his hand holding the doorknob tightened, and then slowly turned his head and said, "Anything else?"

Heijian handed him a bag, and said: "This is your belongings. I forgot to give it to you just now."

Quan Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and the corners of his mouth barely curled up: "Thank you, then I will leave." After speaking, he nodded to Heijian and left the door.

Seeing Quan Shinichi's departure, the police officer standing behind Heijian stepped forward and asked a little hesitantly, "Police Department, just let him leave like this? After all, Urakami's words can't be trusted..."

"It's nothing. Since we didn't find his problem, we can only let him go." Heima raised his hand and said, "But Kay pays more attention to his movements."

"Good police department." The officer nodded, then turned and left. ..


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