Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 11 Chapter 77:

Xie Chen smiled, his smile full of malice, he looked at Goto and said, "Now, let's start."

A purple-red flame emerged from his hand, and the hot temperature made the surrounding air seem to be ignited. Through the twisted air, Goto saw that Xie Chen's eyes seemed to flash with blood red.

But in the next second, the flame in Xie Chen's hand disappeared. He looked at Xie Chen strangely, not knowing what he meant by this action. I saw Xie Chen move his wrist and said, "I don't need it, otherwise, it will end too soon and it won't be interesting at all."

Goto sank, listening to what he meant, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to himself at all. Although he was very angry with Xie Chen's attitude, it is undeniable that Xie Chen's strength is far above his own imagination. .

The four people who stayed outside watched nervously the movement inside. There seemed to be voices inside, but they couldn't hear it because they were far away. They looked at the door and finally got rid of the cracks. Look inside the mind.

They listened to the "ping-pong-pong" sound inside, and looked at each other anxiously. They were not sure what caused the sound. It was clear that the sound made after the body was smashed out was the sound that was smashed. The parasite's words are fine, but in case it is the boy named Xie Chen who is at the disadvantage...

The police officer who knew something about Xie Chen nervously looked at the thin slit of the door. In the end, he was still a little worried about the idol. Although he had confidence in Xie Chen's strength, the strength of this parasite It was too strong, he was not sure whether Xie Chen's strength could suppress it later.

"What are you doing?" Seeing him moving towards the door, a police officer next to him said nervously.

He looked back and made a gesture of not being nervous, and then said: "I'll take a look." After speaking, he walked to the crack of the door step by step, turned his back to the door, and listened carefully. The movement inside, after a while, I found that your voice was not close to the door, and then turned my head and looked carefully through the door.

A thin door slit can only see a limited field of vision even if the eyes are attached, but this is enough. He was a little surprised watching Xie Chen only suppressed Goto.

He turned his head and quickly returned to his original position. The surprise in his heart had not been suppressed, and a smile appeared unconsciously on his face. It was his idol.

"What's the matter? What did you see?" the person next to him asked, and the two people opposite looked at him, obviously also very interested.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, the situation is very good." He remembered the glimpse just now, and seemed to see that the parasite's arm had been missing?

After letting go, they waited quietly at the door, and the sound of fighting in the room continued to reach their ears. Even if they didn't see it, they could imagine the fierce fighting inside.

In the room, Xie Chen looked at Goto who was already scarred with a smile.

Gotō felt the pain in his body and looked at Xie Chen seriously. Because he had no time to fully repair, the bones in his body were still in a broken state, and Xie Chen, who temporarily stopped attacking, gave him a chance to breathe.

"You are really strong." Although Gotō was scarred, he still stood upright. The wounds on his body were almost healed, but the blood on his body almost stained him red.

"I already knew about this." Xie Chen said lightly.

Goto's image at this time is said to be hideous, his arms turned into tentacles, and there is only one left. The legs have also been deformed, becoming more suitable for exerting force, and the head has become a sharp edge with a few eyes distributed on it.

In the place Xie Chen could not see, that is, the side behind Goto, one eye was observing the environment behind him, looking for a way to escape. He couldn't beat Xie Chen, and there was no need to prove anything about this matter, so he had to leave for the present.

Although he observed very concealedly, he still couldn't hide Xie Chen's eyes.

"Now, it's over." Xie Chen whispered. Before the words fell, his toes suddenly exerted force. The whole person rushed forward like a cannonball, and the purple-red flame in his hand touched with the hot temperature. Goto's body.

When he felt the temperature, Goto seemed to avoid him, but his speed was not as fast as Xie Chen, and he could only watch his body torn apart under that fist, almost inhuman.

Goto's heart was shattered, and under the direct attack of the flames of the flame fist, it almost disappeared.

Xie Chen looked at Goto's body, which was classified into large and small pieces on the ground, and retracted his fist. Under the attack of Yan Fist, the high temperature at that moment almost destroyed the vitality of his entire body.

Seeing the corpse on the ground slowly withering and losing its color, Xie Chen touched his chin and considered: "Keep it or burn it?" After thinking for a while, "Forget it, keep it."

After all, there are still people out there, and it would be too suspicious to leave nothing after the battle.

Xie Chen left the building after speaking a few words with the people guarding outside. When I saw Heima, I simply said a few words in front of him: "The strength of the parasitic beast is about twice that of the ordinary parasitic beast, that is, the defense is extremely strong." Not to mention Goto. The real situation is also to prevent them from treating him as a monster, which saves troubles afterwards.

However, after talking about Xie Chen, I remembered that even if there were only the wreckage left, would they detect unusual parts of Goto's body? ..


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