Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 17: First death ending

"To deal with him?" Xuehui Amano swallowed, "What do you mean?"

"He wants to kill you, Axue." My wife Yuno approached, "If you don't kill him, you will die. I won't let Axue die."

Xuehui Amano felt cold in her heart, could killing a person be so easy to say?

Xie Chen stood on the sidelines and watched their performance, a trace of interest flashed in his eyes. He is more interested in my wife Yuno, who has already gone through various events and has become a god. Although he is the same person in his family, it is completely different.

No, Xie Chen squinted his eyes. It should be said that there are some characteristics that are the same. For example, it is a clever mind and a careful mind.

He looked at the two people hiding in the eaves of the roof. This method was clever.

Xie Chen touched his chin, but what would happen if Volcano Goff turned his back to look at the phone? Or what if the dart misses it? A smile came up at the corner of his mouth. But although I really want to give it a try, it will be useful. However, given that he is a supervisor, he can't directly participate in the struggle between them and can only watch from the side.

In fact, he should have reported to Deus about my wife Yuno's purpose last week, but now the game has only just begun, and it would be too boring to expose the matter now.

Also, although my wife Yuno can't use divine power in this world, she is a **** no matter what, he can't hurt her. Even Deus had nothing to do if she hid in her own world.

Xie Chen was not so free yet to find himself a darkened enemy for no reason. But in the later stage, it was possible to expose the truth of the matter at a rate.

It was as if Xie Chen knew it. While reading the diary of Volcano Goff, he was shot by a dart from the phone by Xuehui Amano.

The diary was destroyed, and the volcano Goff, connected to the diary, lost his life.

A black hole-like vortex appeared on his chest, his entire body began to twist, and finally disappeared as the vortex disappeared.

At the moment when the phone was destroyed, Xie Chen felt a strange wave. At that moment, he saw through the magic eye a trace of silver energy floating from the place where the phone was destroyed. It didn't disappear or leave immediately, but stayed where it was.

He can clearly feel that Volcano Goff's method of disappearing is also closely related to that trace of energy.

A purple light appeared on Xie Chen's fingertips, beating with a mysterious melody.

That trace of silver energy seemed to be attracted by the energy of his fingertips, and the energy that had originally shown signs of escaping began to flutter in this direction.

The silver energy drifted slowly and quickly, and it arrived in front of Xie Chen in the blink of an eye. Xie Chen wrapped that ray of energy with his own energy. Then quickly disappeared his breath completely. My wife Yuno stood on the roof and saw the disappearance of the volcano Goff. She curled her lips and said, "What, is that? I thought something would happen."

Then she frowned, her face sank and looked around warily. "Who? Come out!" she shouted.

When Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, did he find out so soon? Then the corner of his mouth completely left here.

"Is anyone here?" Amano Xuehui hesitated and asked. For my wife Yuno, he always felt a little afraid to face it, and always felt that it would be better to be farther from her. But today's things depend on her to survive, and now his mood facing her has become more complicated.

But anyway, seeing her being so indifferent to a person's death, or getting cold, will he be like this one day?

When he hesitated, he suddenly heard the voice of my wife Yuno, and she seemed to have discovered the person here. He immediately became nervous and temporarily put aside his thoughts.

"I felt it just now, it's a bit strange." Her eyes were gloomy, as if a dark storm was brewing inside, completely different from the look just now. "How can such energy appear here?"

She felt a trace of unusual energy just now, some strange but also very familiar. In any case, she was the **** of the last week's world, and she was very familiar with the divine power, but because the energy was too subtle, she quickly made her think it was her own illusion.

She searched all over the rooftops for a hundred years and found no one here.

Xuehui Amano hesitated and said, "Is it right? You read it wrong?"

My wife Yuno frowned and said, "It can't be wrong, there must be..." Strange energy appeared. But when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back. Axue would be surprised if she heard these words.

After thinking for a while, she turned her head: "Maybe I was wrong, let's get out of here first."

Before leaving, she looked back at the empty rooftop, only a gust of wind blew on it, and no one was still there.

Is it the energy generated when the 3rd disappeared just now? My wife Yuno carefully thought about what happened just now. When she felt the energy, it seemed to be after the 3rd disappeared. Is this the energy fluctuations that occur after the phone is destroyed?

It is also possible to say that, the future diary is given by God, and it is normal for it to have divine power. Is it because she has become a **** that this time she will feel what she has not felt before?

She found a reasonable explanation for this matter. Although there was still some hidden anxiety in her heart, she ignored it.

In fact, she can be regarded as beating upright. There is energy in the phone. But even if my wife Yuno is a **** in another world, there is no way to feel the original power of this world.

What she felt was actually Xie Chen’s power. Because she had just taken over Deus’s power, she was still a little unskilled. In addition, after his trace of silver energy came into contact with him, it seemed to have a strange reaction, which caused the energy to fluctuate. It was so big that my wife Yuno could feel it. ..


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