Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 27: Change of fate

Inside my wife's house, Yukuki Amano stood at the door and watched the scene in cold sweat. The corpse on the ground was clearly shriveled and stretched out a hand toward the door, seeming to want to escape this hell-like room.

The splashing blood can be seen on the wall, which has now turned black because of time. The scene in the entire room was like a place, making Amano Xuehui only feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

"This, what is this?" Amano Xuehui stood there stiffly.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared behind her, and my wife Yuno said: "Why? Axue. Why do you want to open it? Tomorrow's diary is not written." There seems to be water and light flashing in her eyes. It is very strange.

Amano Xuehui also seemed to run back to her home, locked the door and sat on the ground panting.

However, when he just relaxed, he heard a familiar voice: "Axue, good night."

Yuki Amano turned his head and saw that the opening under the door where the letter came in was opened. From there, I could see the eyes of my wife Yuno, full of rain and faint light.

"Ah...!" Amano Xuehui was startled, and scurried away from the door.

That night he was sitting on the bed wrapped in quilt and trembling. Thinking of the experience tonight, I feel a little creepy.

The situation in that ghost-like room lingered in front of him, making him sleepless all night.

Especially now that I think about it, in addition to that room, there are many places that are also strange.

The dark courtyard, the house without water and electricity, how did Yuno live there when there was nothing?

He remembered what Yuno said to him during the day today, what he said was that he was so concerned about him because he wanted to be his bride, but is this really true?

Ordinary people would not do such a thing even if they would think so? What a stalker! And what happened tonight, she actually came here under the rain, just to say good night, this is abnormal!

Amano Xuehui trembled all over and wrapped the quilt tighter, and fell on the bed so weakly, but his glasses were still wide open, and he couldn't sleep.

Keigo Raisu sat in the police station and watched his cell phone frowning. The change just now was very intense. Why did this change happen? Is it only he himself or is it the same for others?

These problems bothered him deeply, but in the end he didn't see any clues, so he could only let it go.

It was also on this rainy night, Yuliu Miyin fell to the ground in pain, although she was not pierced by Amano's darts, she was injured because of this pursuit. She opened her eyes in agony and listened to the movement outside the window, the sirens rang, and there were police everywhere. Roadblocks have also been set up at various intersections, and passing vehicles will be stopped for interrogation.

She looked at the notice on the phone, looking for a way to escape smoothly. But the wound on the leg was seriously injured, and the exposed wound had been stained with dirt.

The heavy rain is still underground, and she has now started to have a high fever because of the wound infection. His head was dizzy and weak, and everything looked blurred, let alone escaped from the approaching policeman.

When she was about to faint, she saw a vague figure. He was wearing black clothes and couldn't see his face clearly.

"Who are you?" Yuliu Miyin tried hard to see the appearance of the incoming person, but found nothing. His face was hidden in the darkness, and only a thin chin could be seen vaguely.

The visitor was Yukuki Amano, my wife, Yuno. He looked at Yuliu Miyin who was slumped in the rain, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said: "I'm here to take you away. Don't worry, I won't hurt your."

"Why..." Yuliu Miyin's voice was already very weak, she wanted to say something, but she finally couldn't hold it back and fainted.

Yukie Amano, my wife Yuno put Miyue Yuryu's arm on her shoulder and took the person away.

When the police arrived, all I saw was mud. The pursuit of Yuliu Miyin is still going on, but no matter how they find her, they can't find her, and in the end they can only take back the various roadblocks that they have set up.

There were so many things that happened that night, and people were a little caught off guard. Xie Chen stood at the window and looked at the night sky. What would the future of the people under this sky look like?

Xie Chen chuckled, "Yuno, I feel like I can sleep well today."

Yuno stood beside him and nodded: "Yes, this kind of weather is best for sleeping." She smiled, with her eyes bent, her hands on the railings and watching the curtain of rain water flowing down from the eaves in front of her, she stretched out her hand to pick it up. Water, "I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow?"

"It should be a good weather." Xie Chen stretched out a lazy eye and said with a smile, then he patted Yuno on the head, "Okay, it's not too early now, go to bed."

"Okay, then I'll go to bed. Brother Xie Chen good night." Yuno and Xie Chen waved and left. But when she walked to the living room, she turned and looked at Xie Chen's back. The light outside the window reflected her seriousness, sparkling. A bolt of lightning burst in the night sky, and deep and shallow shadows appeared on his face.

Yuno's face was half hidden in the shadows, and a slight smile appeared on Xie Chen's face. Since it's already by my side, please keep going like this if you haven't taken it.

Although Xie Chen didn't notice Yuno's movement, she also knew that she left after standing here for a while.

He looked at the marks on the map. Just now, the light purple dot stopped not far from him, and only started to move again after a while.

A crack has appeared above the sky, and this world is going to the ultimate. I just don’t know, is the last person who will build the new world the one chosen by the **** of the world? ..


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