Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 32: Five 12t

When the familiar voice rang, she trembled. Seeing the key in his hand, she pursed her lips. Why did this person appear here? It doesn't look like he came in from the outside. Could it be that he was here before?

Yuliu Miyin remembered that before, Hirazaka Huangquan seemed to hear an abnormal sound, is it possible...

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and then she raised her head to meet Canruo Xingchen's eyes behind the mask: "It's you, but I am not thanks to you for my appearance." This person makes trouble, her plan should have been perfectly completed, and she doesn't have to fall into this field.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows inconspicuously, saying that if it weren't for me, you would become a cyclops now. But he didn't mean what he said to Yuliu Miyin. He just stood up and then stretched out his hand with a light stroke, and the thing that imprisoned Yuliu Miyin's hands broke.

Yuliu Miyin was stunned, is this person here to save her? Frowning, she is very suspicious of this supervisor's intentions. What is he here for?

Xie Chen took out a piece of clothing and threw it in, saying, "Here you are."

Yuliu Miyin was really taken aback now. At this time, there was almost nothing left in her body, and she felt very ashamed and angry when she was like this at first, but she tried her best to ignore this feeling.

Grasping the clothes thrown above her head, she trembled all over, and then said dullly, "Thanks."

Xie Chen hooked his lips: "No thanks."

Yuliu Miyin had put on her clothes, and the prison door had been destroyed by Xie Chen. She opened the door and walked out. Looking at Xie Chen's background, he couldn't help asking: "Are you here to save me?"

Xie Chen turned around and looked at her. He was quite tall, but Yuliu Miyin was not short as a woman. Xie Chen's clothes fit on her thighs, which looks quite attractive.

Yuliu Miyin seemed to notice it too, and pulled her clothes uncomfortably.

Xie Chen smiled and said, "It's just an accident to be here today. I have a good impression of you, so I will help you if you are pleasing to the eye."

"...?" Yuliu Miyin frowned, is this the reason?

In fact, this is really the reason. Xie Chen’s impression of Yuliu Miyin is actually very good, so the last time she avoided losing her left eye.

"Don't worry about what I think, Han will leave here soon. Is it possible that you are still here for feelings?" Xie Chen raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Cut, who would have feelings for this kind of place?" Yuliu Miyin walked out behind Xie Chen and said.

At this time, Yukuki Amano and my wife Yuno had escaped, and Kasuga wild tsubaki was dotted behind them.

My wife Yuno was followed by two people but the speed was very fast. When she was about to reach the gate, Yuno said with a little ease: "We will be at the gate soon, Axue. I will be saved soon."

Xuehui Amano's heart was also a little more relaxed, but she felt a pause when she ran. Looking back, I saw Kasugano Tsubaki holding his hand, and said with a serious face: "Amano Yukie-kun, let's fight here."

My wife Yuno's condition is a little different.

Yukuki Amano looked panicked: "It's not good, Yuno has switched states."

My wife Yuno and Tsubaki Kasuga are facing each other, and Yukuki Amano is on the other side at a loss.

While they were facing each other, a strange person suddenly ran out from the other side.


"12blue!" "12yellow!"



Five strange people appeared from the roof on the opposite side, each of them appeared accompanied by shouts and strange movements.

Xie Chen and Yuliu Miyin had already come out of the basement. They stood underneath and they just saw this scene.

"This person, there really is a problem with his brain." Yuliu Miyin couldn't help but vomit.

"Probably so." Xie Chen touched his chin and smiled helplessly. Hirazaka Huangquan, this man is the strangest person he has ever seen. He insists on his own theory of justice, but in the end he is willing to die for the implementation of his so-called justice. He didn't know what to say.

Five people stood on the roof, and the end of the appearance was accompanied by five-colored fireworks, and then there was an explosion. Feeling the vibration of the surrounding buildings due to the explosion, Yukuki Amano panicked even more.

Xie Chen's mouth twitched: "This equipment is really complete."

"That's what I said." Yuliu Miyin stood there and answered. Now she has put on a pair of jeans that I don't know where it came from, and a pair of shoes.

Xie Chen didn't struggle with this question, but said: "Where are you going now?"

"Where to go?" Yuliu Miyin hugged her chest with her left hand, and thought for a while with her right hand on her chin. "Let's take a look first. Anyway, this position seems to be suitable for watching a theater." She glanced at Xie Chen, "Yes. Did you find it specially?"

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "Probably so."

Their current position is in the blind spot of Xuehui Amano's position, but it does not affect their sight, and it is an excellent place to watch the show.

12th has already jumped off the roof. The five people are wearing exactly the same clothes, except for the color of the circle outside the eyes on the headgear. There is no difference.

The real 12th is among these five people, and the other four are hypnotized by him.

"first meet--"

"Underneath it is—"

"The person named 12th."

The three asked for a whole sentence one by one.

"It feels like I would lose if I complained about it." Yukuki Amano couldn't help but talked about his desire to complain, although the current situation is not so suitable.

"Listen well 1st, you were fooled by 6th."

"This evil cult has an evil ritual when it enters the church."

When I heard Hirasaka Huangquan start to say this, the look of 6th Kasuga Tsubaki was a bit unpleasant.

Huangquan Hirasaka continued: "To test their loyalty to the Order."

"Share a secret to prevent betrayal. Is this kind of church trustworthy?"..


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