Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 37: Male god

Xie Chen went back to the living room and sat there. After drinking all the tea in the cup, he breathed out slowly, and then helplessly shook his head and laughed, "It's time to pay attention."

I don't know if it's because the previous experience was too smooth, or because of his; the power in these worlds is due to the oppressive position, so it is more relaxed.

Just like today's situation, it will never happen before. Today it was because he had no vigilance since he returned here, so he thought she was not at home when he didn't hear the voice and didn't see anyone in the place where Yuno should appear.

It may also be because Yuno has lived with him for so long, and Xie Chen is also used to her breath. After getting used to it, he will subconsciously ignore it, and it will happen like today.

However, Xie Chen had seen more girls. The situation just now was really nothing to him. It was just too sudden and he hadn't cared about it for a long time, so he didn't react for a while.

Thinking of Yuno's reaction just now, Xie Chen laughed lowly, she was just a junior high school student.

Although Xie Chen’s reaction was relaxed, Yuno was different. After Xie Chen left, she squatted there for a long time without moving. She slowly stood up until she felt cold, but the whole person It is red, just like cooked shrimp.

After wrapping herself in a bath towel, she was hesitating for a long time, because she didn't know if Xie Chen was still outside.

She didn't know that Xie Chen would be back at this time, so she didn't bring any clothes when she took a bath, instead she planned to wear them again after returning to the room. But I didn't expect...

Sitting on the sofa, Xie Chen heard the door ring inside. Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes, making him sound asleep.

Seeing from the door that Xie Chen seemed to be asleep, Yuno breathed out gently, then slowly opened the door and walked out gently, but he still put his hand on the door, seeing that posture was like thanking If Chen makes a move, she can immediately retract.

Although Xie Chen wanted to tease her, he dismissed the idea after seeing her incredibly shy look.

Yuno watched that Xie Chen might not be able to wake up in half a while, and immediately speeded up his movements, disappearing behind her bedroom door like a slight wind.

Xie Chen opened his eyes, full of smiles inside. This little girl probably didn't know that although he closed his eyes, he didn't see everything. After all, there is something called mental power.

When eating in the evening, Yuno blushed and kept silent, not even looking at Xie Chen.

Xie Chen sat there without saying a word, with a smile on his mouth. Xie Chen finished eating quickly, and when he finally put the bowl away and left, it was obvious that Yuno let out a long breath.

After Xie Chen left, Yuno put his chopsticks down, then lay down on the table, patted her face with both hands, pouting her mouth and said, "Ahhhhh, what should I do?" The atmosphere just now was so embarrassing. She felt it too. Although it may only be a one-sided embarrassment by himself, will he continue to do this in the future? This will not work.

But when Yuno saw Xie Chen now, she felt unable to speak, and the blush on her face spread involuntarily.

But her worries disappeared within a long time.

The next morning Xie Chen saw her naturally and greeted her. Yuno looked at him as if nothing happened and couldn't help but relax. But I don't know why there was a slight loss in my heart. who thought of this, Yuno immediately patted her head and said, "Really, what are you thinking."

You will be lost, is it possible that you are expecting something?

"So don't worry, just relax, don't think too much." Xie Chen smiled and said to the person across from him.

The girl nodded: "Well, I will. Thank you teacher."

Watching the girl leave, Xie Chen stretched out in a chair. Suddenly more people came to him recently.

The reason? It seems that a photo of him spread among the students.

That time, Xie Chen just took off his glasses and stood by the window when a gust of wind blew over him, and the whole person seemed to become transparent under the light.

Coupled with his beautiful face despite the changes, the effect of this photo is really amazing.

This photo was accidentally taken by a student of a photography agency while shooting casually on campus, and then quickly spread among the students, and then it caused a sensation, especially girls.

After investigation, they quickly confirmed the identity of Xie Chen, and then the above situation occurred.

Who made Xie Chen the psychology teacher of the school now?

Xie Chen didn't plan to take care of this situation either. After all, his face is not as good-looking as in the photo, it's just normal.

But the development of things was beyond his expectations. Because the girls' interest in him has not diminished, but has continued.

This has to be said about the psychology of girls, they prefer the overall temperament rather than simply being good-looking.

Xie Chen's current height can be said to be outstanding, with a soft and clear temperament, a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, plus a delicate face, his gentle attitude and profound knowledge when talking with the girls, in a school It is understandable to be able to be like a male god.

So now this situation seems to give her a headache. With such a high degree of attention, it’s not easy to do something from an early age.

Although Xie Chen frowned and sighed, the expression in his eyes was not as worried as he said.

Just after drinking, the office door was knocked again.

Xie Chen thought it was a girl who came to watch again, but he didn't expect it to be a teenager this time.

Qiuze might walk in and watched Mr. Xie Chen, who is quite popular in the school recently, sitting inside. ..


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