Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Fast progress

Xuehui Amano received a double blow and made up his mind unconsciously that he would become a **** and then resurrect his parents.

Just thinking about becoming a god, he seems to have forgotten what Xie Chen said when he died on the 4th. "Even if you become a body, you can't recover the dead."

The 7th did not give up the plan against Yuki Amano and my wife Yuno, but it ended up in the hands of his own people. After their plan failed again, Xiaoda detonated the bomb installed in Sakurami Tower, and the whole building was turned into rubble.

Yuki Amano and my wife Yuno escaped, but Battlefield Mark and Meijin Ai died there.

Next, the mayor, the 11th John Bacchus, banned the mother's house on the grounds that he was suspected of hiding and destroying the main criminal Sakura.

The mother’s house belongs to the 8th. In order to protect the mother’s house and prevent the orphans living here from being displaced again, she eventually formed an alliance with Yukuki Amano.

This was just what happened within a week, and even Xie Chen felt a little stunned. The development of this matter was a bit too fast. It makes him feel a little abnormal fast.

In the purple space, Xie Chen met Deus again.

"Deus, don't you think the development of this thing is a bit too fast?" Xie Chen thought with his arm on his chin and lowered his head.

"The speed of the wheel of cause and effect has indeed increased a lot." Deus glanced at the law of cause and effect and said.

"Yes, it's like someone is pushing, it's abnormal fast." Murumlu said depressedly, lying on the ground.

"What the **** is going on?" Xie Chen squinted. Although it would be good for him to say that the matter is over soon, the feeling of not being in control is really unpleasant.

Just like the last time he died on the 7th, if he hadn't reacted quickly, those two ray of energy would have been wasted in vain.

"But that's okay, after all, your body has begun to collapse now. If it is serious, it will be directly reflected in the real world." Murumlu said to Deus.

Xie Chen pursed his lips and agreed with her statement.

Deus's body collapsed more and more severely. If the new **** was not burned before it was completely collapsed, the world would collapse with it.

"You have half of my energy, and the next thing is left to you." The bone around Deus's eye sockets also began to fall, looking a little scary.

Xie Chen squinted: "I have chosen 1st, Amano Xuehui?"

Deus nodded: "It's him, your task now is to help him become the next time-space god."

Xie Chen opened his mouth and finally nodded: "Since this is your expectation, I will help you realize it in the face of energy."

On one side, Murumlu looked a little strange: "It seems that a new world is coming. I don't know what the new **** wants to build the world into?"

Xie Chen keenly noticed that Murumlu used the word "new god" instead of directly talking about Yukhui Amano. accepted Deus’s mission, and Xie Chen had a new goal next. There was only half a month left, so he would make Amano Xuehui a **** in this half month, and then he should leave with energy.

But now he has the energy of Deus, what should he be able to do as a reason, and what should he do? Xie Chen was lost in thought.

It just didn't wait until he wanted to figure out what to do, then things came.

John Bacchus' ambition was exposed. He wanted to obtain the 8th server, and then through various means, the citizens of Sakurami City became the holders of the sub-diary, and he established a kingdom composed of people with predictive ability.

Of course, after his conspiracy was exposed, he was hunted down by Amano Yukuki and Yuryu Miyone.

Eventually he hid in the underground double door of my wife's bank. This person has a very high level of insurance, and only my wife and my wife, Yuno, and his own retina can open this door.

Although there is still a my wife, Yuno, after various investigations before him, it is found that the current Yuno and the original one do not seem to be the same person. He found blood belonging to "My Wife Yuno" on the wall of that house. After DNA identification, it was completely consistent with the genetic comparison of the umbilical cord left by my wife Yuno when she was a child.

Although the body of the other wife Yuno was not found in the end, he almost confirmed this fact.

So he hid here in the end. Of course, just in case, he also did a lot of heavy protection.

At this time, Akise might also tell Yukuki Amano about the doubts about the identity of my wife Yuno, asking him to be careful.

But Yuki Amano didn't believe it, it was just a guess, how could Yuno not be Yuno?

He smiled as if he heard a joke, and then looked at Akise or asked suspiciously: "Akize, what's the matter with you? Suddenly saying such strange things."

Eleventh, who was certain that no one else would open the door, died under his own conviction. He was killed by my wife Yuno. Before he died, he was still shocked. Isn't this a fake? How can you open the door!

In this event, 9th Yuliu Miyin also sacrificed here. This time, without half of the energy Deus gave her, after she died, Fei Yanmei would completely erase the counterattack that had existed in time.

However, without Deus and Xie Chen.

Originally Yuliu Miyin should have survived with Deus's energy, but also got rid of the identity of the diary holder, and finally lived with Nishishima Masumi for the next week.

But now due to Xie Chen's intervention, her fate will be greatly changed. If Xie Chen didn't do something, he would owe a lot of cause and effect.

Therefore, in order to smooth out this cause and effect, Xie Chen finally made a move to preserve the life of Yuliu Miyin.

The energy he gave her was obviously not as much as Deus could give her, so she had just saved her life and she was still asleep now.

If she is awakened now, the final ending will probably not escape the final ruined ending with her character. Therefore, Xie Chen decided to send her to the world of three weeks after the destruction of the world, which can be regarded as smoothing out this cause and effect.

Now the remaining diary holders are 1st Amano Yuki, 2nd my wife Yuno, 8th Shangxia Window. And Yuliu Miyin who has fallen into a coma and has left the diary holder.

At the same time, Akose met Deus. ..


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