Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 4: First sight of Luffy

Xie Chen raised his eyes to look at the burning sun, and said casually: "Is it so difficult to go to your village?"

"My village is very far away. Before that, we have to prepare some supplies. The sea is wide and the weather is fickle, and I have a place in this city where I can live." Nami turned her head and vomited. Tongue, "Because of the cruelty of Bucky the Clown Pirate, there is no one in this city anymore."

"And I'm a female thief who specializes in stealing things from pirates, do you want to join hands?" The pirate clown Captain Bucky's great navigation chart, she must get it.

Xie Chen touched his chin. He was not a simple pirate in this world. How could Nami be so naive.

"Nami, you are here because you want to steal something."

Nami's eyes flashed slightly, and she was silent for a while, and then she explained firmly and seriously: "You found it, yes, I was for the great navigation chart of the waterway in Bucky's hand. I have this chart. Ways to make more money, and I must make 100 million Baileys, no matter what the price is."

They talked all the way, all the way to the place where Nami lived temporarily. Nami prepared sliced ​​bread and cheese. She smiled sweetly, "I'm going out to work on my work. If you are interested, you can participate together."

Xie Chen squinted his eyes and stared at Nami's cheek, "Well, I will walk with you."

This city has been hollowed out by fear as Nami said. There is no one on the road except the clown Bucky Pirates. Nami was very professional and found a pirate to talk to. In a few words, the other party was deceived and brought Na. Meihe Xie Chen arrived at the place where the nautical charts of the Great Waterway were stored.

Xie Chen yawned lazily, knocked the pirate leading the way into a faint, and jumped out of the window with Nami's waist, "I'm really weak, I can't even get the least interest, I don't even have the interest to kill."

Nami's eyes flashed, and she asked in a low voice, "So what is your fruit power? I thought it was just a legend."

"The name of the fruit is Flash Fruit, and that's probably it."

Xie Chen stretched out his hand and immediately condensed into a light rope in his hand. He raised his head and squinted his eyes, watching the big bird gliding in the sky and Luffy caught in the bird’s beak, and then throwing the light rope out. The world is the animation world, and there are always some very unreasonable things in his world.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Nami didn't see Luffy hanging by the bird, but she saw the shells bombarding the bird. "You want to block the shells, are you kidding? It's so impractical. idea……"

The speed of the light rope is very fast in the air, almost like a real light beam. It quietly appeared in the middle between Luffy and the cannonball. The next moment, the cannonball with the firelight was torn apart by the light rope. The bird was also frightened, and when the sharp howling sound came out, he let out his mouth and let Luffy fall.

"I'm so hungry." Lu Fei turned over and sat upright on the ground, pressed his straw hat, and raised his head after hearing the footsteps. His black and white eyes stared at Xie Chen and Nami curiously, "You are Who?"

"Tourist, navigator."

Xie Chen smiled. "Navigator." Luffy stood up, grinning brightly, "Are you navigators? I just need a navigator to join my pirate group , Are you interested in being together? Join, join, I am a man who wants to conquer the great channel, and I will definitely not treat you badly."

"What? How come this kid is so familiar." Nami covered her short orange hair, and her face became cold when she heard the three words of Pirate Group, "I won't join you, I am the most I hate pirates!"

"I'm not a navigator." Xie Chen shrugged.

As they spoke, the Bucky Pirates quickly surrounded this place. The leader was a guy with a red nose that looked like a clown. He was very funny. It should be Bucky the clown with the ability to split fruits. Up.

Bucky laughed loudly, "Who are you? What are you doing here on my site? Have you heard of my Captain Bucky’s reputation and came to take refuge? Just forget the other two, the beautiful girl in the middle is pretty good. Can stay."

"Ha, Captain, wait a minute, we, we..." Nami coped in a panic.

"We passed by." Luffy answered without hesitation.

Xie Chen remembered that there were a lot of passion and salvation in the plot of One Piece. It seemed too troublesome to walk for a long time, but Nami, who cared about him more, gradually became clear in those things.

"Passing by?" Bucky seemed to repeat it without understanding. After a while, he stared and said gloomily: "Since it's not here to take refuge, it's the enemy, boys, don't lock these guys up yet. , I want to clean up myself!"

"Why are we shutting down?" Luffy scratched the back of his head.

Xie Chen looked at Luffy. This cannon fodder figure can't help the protagonist grow up. He tilted his head and looked at the scared Nami calmly, "Since I don’t like pirates so much, do you want me to take action? Get rid of them, don’t worry, just some clowns."

"Are you going to kill them?" Nami looked at Xie Chen in a daze. The calmness and strength that the other party revealed inadvertently was still unimaginable for her who had been oppressed since childhood.

"Under normal circumstances, I don't like killing people very much." Xie Chen smiled slightly, "But, they are not good people, are they? This city looks so warm and beautiful from the outside, but now it has become like this, Na Beauty, you should feel that there is no need for such a person, right?"

"En, if this is the case, of course there is no need to exist." Lu Fei nodded naturally beside him.

Nami clenched her fists and said in confusion, "But why are you helping me? You can leave if you want to."

"Because I really like you."

Nami looked at him in amazement, but she also knew that she had always looked good, which caused her a lot of trouble and brought a lot of benefits.

Xie Chen nodded and smiled slightly, "Yes, that's it."..


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