Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 47: Weiwei's first appearance

In the deep sea, a huge whale mounted on the red earth continent, adding a few scars to its mottled head.

"Speaking of it, there are many scars on the whale's head, and it is also yelling towards the sky. It is very painful." Nami quickly entered the analysis state, "Is this the purpose of the old man? Stay here, probably he wants to kill it from the body."

"This is too despicable!" Lirenbu couldn't help but say.

"...Thinking too much." Xie Chen rubbed Nami's hair amusedly. "Whales have strong vitality, and if it is to watch a whale of this size lurking for so long, I would not be so casual. Tell others about it."

Nami frowned and thought, "Although it is correct to say that, if he is too arrogant, he thinks he can solve us." She said in a very low voice.

"I will protect you." Xie Chen flicked Nami's forehead.

"It has nothing to do with us." Sauron turned his head and looked at everyone. "The Golden Meri will be melted if we stay longer. We should leave quickly. No matter what we do, we haven't rescued the whale. obligation."

In order to get close to the iron gate and because there was no wind, everyone had to use paddles to slide over, but because Rab was hitting the red earth continent, the waves inside were too big, so it was difficult for the Golden Meri to move stand up.

Suddenly there was a sound of falling into the water.

Nami turned her head and glanced, and said in a loud voice, "That old man jumped down!"

"Huh?" Sauron was surprised, "this is stomach acid, it will be melted away."

Xie Chen said lightly: "It's not that simple."

He could find thousands of corpses and weapons in the gastric juice, as well as the old man's rapid dive. The old man quickly reached the iron gate and climbed up the handle.

"What is he doing?" Liar asked strangely.

"Don't worry about him." Sauron just finished saying this, watching Luffy and the two people fly out from the iron gate in amazement.

"Okay, is everyone okay?" Luffy pressed his straw hat and turned to look at his partner on the Golden Meri. "Anyway, save me first, Xie Chen!"

"Ah." Xie Chen agreed lazily, and threw a light rope with his right hand to pull Lu Fei and the girl onto the Golden Meri. That girl with beautiful blue hair should be Weiwei.

"Thanks." Lu Fei smiled.

Weiwei was still dizzy and didn't react.

But seeing such a beautiful girl appearing on the boat, and Xie Chen only saved this girl and ignored the other weird person, Nami squinted and glared at Xie Chen, "Luffy, who is she? what?"

"En? I don't know!" Luffy looked at her innocently.

Another strange person also showed a sea of ​​gastric juice, and Chao Shanji and Sauron asked for help.

"That old man, it seems to be gone!" The deceitful cloth who was watching the old man immediately discovered this, "What did he do?"

Xie Chen turned to look at the small door, "That iron door also leads to a certain part of Rabu's body."

However, the rolling of the waves also stopped.

"Who are you?"

Weiwei and another MR.9 were on the deck to relax. When Sanji saw Weiwei, he squatted lovingly next to her, but the feeling of being surrounded by a group of pirates really didn’t OK, Weiwei resisted. "MR.9, they are pirates!"

"I know, MR. Wednesday, but it's okay to explain to them, should it be."

During this period of time, the old man who was going to come back soon stood on the platform of the small iron gate, condescendingly looking at the two weird men on the deck of the Golden Meri, "Didn’t I say it, rascal! Don’t let me repeat it, just I still have a sigh of relief, I will definitely not let you hurt Rab!"

"Who is that old man?" Luffy asked curiously.

"Guest here." Xie Chenyan replied concisely.

And the strong Weiwei grabbed her weapon and stood up, smiling like a real villain, "Even if you say that, it's impossible."

Another MR.9 agreed to stand up and said: "Whaling is our mission. Today, you can't stop us from whaling. Watch me make a big hole in its stomach."

"Come on, baby!"


The two of them raised the barrel and aimed it at Rab's stomach wall.

Xie Chen quietly watched the two cannonballs being shot and being blocked by the old man. Everyone had something to protect, and it was not suitable to intervene at this time.

"The old man blocked the cannonball with his body!"

"Could it be... he is protecting this whale?"

Sanji and Lirenbu, who had previously suspected the old man in his heart, were shocked.

"Oh, hahaha!"

Xie Chen twitched his mouth and looked at the blue-haired girl, "It's hard to laugh so much."

Vivi suddenly froze, and she didn't say what she originally wanted to yell at the old man, but Nami, who was paying attention to this point intentionally or unintentionally, relaxed a lot.

"No matter what, this whale is going to be the food of our town!" Another weirdo added Weiwei's laugh.

Sitting on the side of the ship, Luffy also paid attention to these things quietly, until they finished speaking, then stood up and raised his arms.

"At least don't hit girls." Xie Chen still blocked Luffy's punch against Weiwei. As for another MR.9, it is naturally impossible to receive such treatment.

Nami's forehead burst into blue veins, "Fighting Luffy well, such a despicable person has no meaning!"

They stunned MR.9, and Weiwei was not their opponent at all. After confiscating two barrels, they were invited to the small land by the old man as a helper to solve the intruder.

Luffy looked around in amazement, and kept climbing up the coconut tree. He tried to stop Luffy, hoping that he would not be too rude.

"Thank you for helping me, but why?" The old man still sat back in his recliner.

"No, I'll teach you if you don't like it!" Luffy answered straightforwardly.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the belly of this whale?" Nami stood next to Weiwei and MR.9 with her hands on her hips, turning her head to ask these questions.

"They are the rogues in the nearby town. The target is the meat of this whale. That's because if Rab is caught, they will have food for two or three years." ..


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