Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 49: Go ahead, go ahead!

"That is, the mast?" Sauron looked up.

Xie Chen said calmly, "The main pole of the Golden Meri."

"Yes, it's on our ship!" Sanji, who hasn't reacted yet, and the deceitful cloth of half a beat, "Master."

Lao Gao jumped when the liar Booth, and shouted at Luffy: "Idiot, why should we destroy our ship!"

The injured Rab was also in pain, and he screamed subconsciously. The violent sound waves made Xie Chen and the others who approached him twitched their eyes and shouted angrily, "Luffy, what are you doing!!!"

The next step is the intimate fight between Luffy and Rab.

Xie Chen looked at Luffy helplessly, and listened to Nami and others’ accusations of declining popularity, but perhaps the old man also understood why Luffy did this. Just like Rab, Luffy also had the same thing. Look.

"No distinction!" Luffy was hit by the lighthouse, stood up and put on the hat that fell during the sparring, grinned and smiled happily, "How about it, I'm great."

He looked at Rab with bright eyes.

"You really want to beat me, we have not yet decided the winner, so we have to fight, although your partner is dead, but I will always be your opponent, we must fight again, separate Victory!"

Luffy's words caused the members of the Straw Hat Pirates to have a meal, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but turn up.

"When we circle the Great Channel for a week, we will definitely come to you again!" Luffy agreed seriously: "Rabu, let's fight again when that time comes!"

Whale Rab faced Luffy with tears in his huge eyes, and soon it was the roar he promised.

On the Golden Meri, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates group couldn’t bear to look directly at the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates group drawn by Luffy on Rab’s head. Their captain’s talent in this regard was really inferior. Excessively, a skull is drawn crookedly.

Luffy has always praised his work, "Well, very good! This is the agreement between me and you in a decisive battle! Don't hit your head and erase this mark before we come back."

Raab nodded in response.

Liar Bu was busy repairing the main pole of the Golden Meri. Xie Chen helped him fix the main pole in its original position, but in his heart he thought about how to retain the ship’s spirit when the Golden Meri was about to be scrapped. The existence of such a group of elves who don't care about ships is really a headache.

"By the way, what about those two people?" Lily cloth asked afterwards, holding the materials and tools.

He asked Weiwei and the man with the crown.

Of course Xie Chen had known that the two had slipped away while they were not paying attention, but they couldn't go without recording the pointer anyway, so they didn't care. After finishing the main shot, he looked up at a giant bird in the sky. .

"It's really troublesome." He tugged at the corner of his mouth and raised his right hand. "Laser."

Let's help solve the dynamite bag that bullied the girl.

"What's the matter?" Nami was taken aback and walked to Xie Chen's side, "Hey, what are you holding?"

"I found it on the deck." Xie Chen smiled slightly at her, "Record the pointer, but the compass is useless in the great channel, but the magnetic field here is different, and the ocean current and wind are not fixed. As a navigator, this record pointer will be given to you."

Nami suddenly realized, "Ah, that's it, then what is the function of this record pointer?"

"It's a special compass that can record magnetism." Xie Chen explained: "You put it away, you can't sail on the great waterway without this!"

"Wait, you just said you found it on the deck!" Nami's expression changed, and she stared at Xie Chen fiercely, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Haha." Xie Chen laughed dryly, "I forgot, and I don't know much about the aura, let Colax tell you about it."

"Huh!" Nami curled her lips. She picked up the record pointer and observed, "This is the record pointer. There is nothing on the dial."

"Coming to this sea area, if you are not familiar with it, it is very fatal." The old man has been paying attention to them, and then he explained: "The islands scattered across the great waterway are known to be scattered according to certain laws. The magnetism is connected in series, so as long as you use the record pointer to record the magnetism between the island and the island, you can find the way to the next island. You must not lose the record pointer."

"It's so important." Luffy took a piece of meat, leaning over to listen to the lecture while chewing.

The old man said, "First of all, you have to start from the upside-down mountain, and choose one of the seven extended magnetic belts. No matter which island you start from, you will be on a fixed route, and the last one will arrive. The island is the end of the great waterway, and only One Piece has ever reached that island in history."

"Then ONEPIECE is there, isn't it!" Liarbo answered excitedly.

"I don't know, I didn't say that, only One Piece has been there, and no one else has been." The old man shrugged.

Luffy snapped his bones and said happily, "I'll know when I go and have a look. We're full, let's go!"

And Weiwei and MR.9 were finally washed ashore by the current. Sanji's eyes lit up and immediately kicked off Luffy who was in the way and rushed up, pretending to say to Weiwei: "Let me help you up, sweetheart, today The weather is great."

"Thank you." Weiwei also pretended to remain calm.

"Wait." MR.9 made up his mind to eliminate this group of pirates who gave them so many obstacles and humiliation, "Let's make a deal."

"Whiskey Peak, what is that?"

Just like a slave offering a tribute, Xie Chen, who traveled through various worlds, didn't feel strange at this time, and watched Weiwei and MR.9 kneeling in front of them with everyone.

"That's where we live." MR.9 responded: "Our boat broke."

"This abacus can be very smart." Nami stared at Weiwei, "We seem to have no reason to help you, and you just wanted to hunt whales."

"I am the king!" MR.9 said loudly, and then was collectively despised by the members of the Golden Meri. ..


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