Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 78: Puzzle

Xie Chen watched seven ducks with their own characteristics rushing to them, standing and saluting neatly, a little bit dumbfounded. He was a little bit dumbfounded about the fact that the fastest animal in this country is a duck. I don't understand it very well, but there is no time for him to think about it now.

Looking at the size of a few ducks, Xie Chen chose a medium one, but it was a pity that there was not a camel, the biggest one was him and Nami.

Before setting off, Xie Chen walked to Nami, hugged her and sat on her. By the way, he left a little magic on her to help her avoid the heat and dust. In the eyes of others, he just helped Nami tidy up. A touch of hair and cloak.

There is still one hour before the time that Sand Crocodile said. Can the rebellion be stopped as smoothly as Weiwei thought?

In short, he is not optimistic about Weiwei's plan.

Everyone wants to be saved, and doesn't want any casualties. If possible, it doesn't matter to exchange their lives.

Once such an idea appeared in Weiwei's heart, it was actually a defeat.

She thought about the battle too simply. The kind of battle that could be ended in her heart could be easily choked to death in the cradle, how could it evolve into what it is now.

Although he didn't think much of that sand crocodile, he still had to say that it was a pretty good planner, but he was too confident, so confident that it far exceeded that limit, became arrogant, and repeatedly , Again and again let go of the straw hat group (but the protagonist halo can't be explained), making his original plan in vain.

Even if he did win, he would not get what he wanted in the end-Pluto-the legendary ancient weapon with the power to destroy the world.

Nicole Robin, who is known by everyone as the son of the devil, is the last line of defense at this time.


But there is another ridiculous thing, that is, what exactly does Nicole Robin think? Why not say it? Being treated like that in this world since I was a child, it can be said that I have seen all the evils in the world. Haven't you thought of messing up this world?

Interesting woman, he is somewhat interested in her.

"Hey, Xie Chen, have you listened?"

"Do you want to confuse the enemy's plan? I'm listening." Xie Chen waved his hand. Although he was thinking about other things just now, he still listened to it. He was in a group with Sauron and Nami. Accidentally, he already knew the person who was about to meet.

He still has some interest in the guy who cut the fruit, so let's play first, and then train Sauron.

"Xie Chen." Nami drove the duck she was sitting on, leaning towards him, and after hesitating, she said, "You know it later, right?"

"Of course, if my queen hopes so." Xie Chen stared at the other party's determined and charming face, answered with a gentle smile, and immediately covered Nami's face with a blush, very beautiful, even if it was In such a desert, she also looked like a flower bud covered with dew. That's right, such a moving appearance is just a delicate flower bud. But this also made him look forward to her fully blooming appearance.

All she needs is an opportunity to open up, and the weather stick is one of them.

What Nami said when she just let others scratch her head: I hope she can use this opportunity to learn how to use her new weapon. What he has to do is not to do anything about it.

She said she didn't want to always be conservative, but when it came to a critical juncture, she found that she couldn't do anything.

You can't always be left behind.

Now, Xie Chen felt that he could already hear the voice faintly-subtle and firm, and also brought out a fragrance that was enough to grab everyone's attention, making him want to kiss her.

Of course, when she first got it from the deceitful cloth, he had already practiced with him. Those tricks that made people laugh and laugh and could only be used for entertainment, he was not going to let a second person watch it. Lovely Nami, he treasured it alone in his heart.

A lot of time passed, and the place of the decisive battle was approaching. They stopped behind the boulder, did a final rest, and roughly calculated the time. There was a little more smile on Weiwei’s face, "We can Arrived before the rebel army!"

This is good news for them.

"But Weiwei, you really want to stop the rebel army alone..." Nami and Weiwei have the best relationship. Whenever she thinks that her friend will stand alone in front of the army, she will Unable to stop the swelling of inner anxiety, "No...what silly things I said, you can do it, Weiwei!"

"Well! I'll beg you in a while!"

"Don't worry." Everyone put on the same cloaks, concealing their physical characteristics, and said in unison. It was a mutual encouragement, and the plan began.

Xie Chen smiled secretly, looking forward to something interesting this time. As for the sand crocodile, let's play a game at a chance. He was also curious about which one is stronger between light and sand.

Xie Chen brought the power to his eyes, and easily saw the situation hundreds of meters away, and gave the enemy's general information to everyone at this last time.

"How on earth did you know!" Lirenbu couldn't help complaining, "if you know, tell me earlier!"

"I just saw it. You also know that I am a capable person." Xie Chen said lightly, and in theory, Shining Fruit could indeed do this. "Okay, are you all ready? Let them guess who we are the "Princess"."

There are less than fifty meters left.

Xie Chen drove his quick duck to rush up, raised his hand to shoot a laser, and put the bomber hit by the batsman in the air. After preventing it from posing a threat to them, he wanted to protect them, protecting Sauron and Nami. On the side, the others also started to split up according to the initial grouping, everything was as they expected-they were fooled.

Rushing into Aruba, on a cold street, the three of them proudly took off the cloak that covered their faces to the enemy, "It's a pity, guess wrong!" ..


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